= 2011-01-27 = * [http://lca2011.linux.conf.au linux.conf.au] LCA 2011 - Day 4 * '''大會錄影紀錄''' - http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/ * Keynote : Eric Allman * 介紹 sendmail * <*> Advanced C Coding For Fun! - Rusty Russell * http://ccan.ozlabs.org/ * <1> Kernel development: how it goes wrong and why you should be a part of it anyway - Jonathan Corbet * Lesson 1 : get merged into main tree - 讓程式被納入主要核心開發 * 開發是孤獨的,team * <2> Orchestrating the Intelligent Web with Apache Mahout - Aneesha Bakharia {{{ /opt/mahout$ bin/mahout /opt/mahout$ bin/mahout kmeans -help }}} {{{ /opt/mahout$ bin/mahout seqdirectory -i -o /opt/mahout$ bin/mahout seq2sparse -i -o }}} * parallel FPGrowth algorism * Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) 可以幫忙做話題分類 || || Word 1 || Word 2 || Word n || || Topic 1 || 0.5 || 0 || 1 || || Topic 2 || 0 || 0.5 || 0 | || || Word 1 || Word 2 || Word n || || Doc 1 || 1 || 0 || 0 || || Doc 2 || 0 || 1 || 0 || || Doc n || 1 || 0 || 1 || {{{ /opt/mahout$ bin/mahout lda -input }}} == Autonomic Computing == * [http://www.isgtw.org/feature/what-autonomic-computing What is autonomic computing?] {{{ As a scientific discipline, autonomic computing encompasses the study of systems that are capable of autonomously achieving desired behaviors. The systems are often called self-* systems, where * is a placeholder for the type of behavior. For example, self-tuned systems are capable of tuning their performance as needed by their intended mission; self-protected systems automatically deal with intrusion attacks. Self-managed systems do not require manual configuration and updating, and self-healing systems are capable of repairing themselves. Self-managed systems can also be more broadly construed as being capable of managing all behaviors mentioned above. }}}