close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (Unsupported version control system "svn": /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libsvn/ failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Version 4 (modified by jazz, 13 years ago) (diff)



SysAdmin Miniconf

  • <1> Implementing devops in the real world - Devdas Bhagat
  • 講者主要想談的是如何讓開發者改變,開創新的公司文化?首先,讓開發者去面對客戶,其次是提供客服(Customer Service)、監控服務(Monitor System)、打包軟體(Packaging)、設定管理(Configuration Management)、分析日誌(Log Analysis)、版本控制等。
  • <2> Brief history of time sync - Julien Goodwin
  • 介紹不同的振盪器,時鐘,到最後的 NTP(Network Time Protocol), PTP(Precision Time Protocol)
  • 時間同步的重要性:Log Analysis 日誌分析如果時間不對,也沒啥用了!!
  • <3> Samba4 update, new features and real users - Andrew Bartlett
  • <4> Setting up a HA cluster in 20 minutes + avoiding common errors - by Sander van Vugt
    • 講者是"A Practical Guide to XEN High Availability"的作者
    • Corosync Cluster Engine - 用 Multicast 方式,讓叢集的每一台電腦自動加入。
    • 講者用 SuSE 的 yast 工具,執行 cluster 的工具,然後產生 /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
    • 在 SuSE 底下用 openais 提供 Standards Based Cluster Framework
    • 用 crm_mon 指令來查目前叢集的狀態(命令列),或者用 crm_gui 圖形介面。
    • OCF 比 heartbeat 新,所以講者建議用 OCF 或 LSB

Research and Student Innovation

  • <*> Releasing Research as FOSS: Experiences from the K-Tree Project - by Chris De Vries
  • - The algorithm is a hybrid of the B+-tree and k-means algorithms.

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