= 2011-01-25 = * [http://lca2011.linux.org.au/ linux.conf.au] LCA2011 Day 2 * Keynote: Vinton G. Cerf * '''!SysAdmin Miniconf''' * <1> Implementing devops in the real world - Devdas Bhagat * [[Image(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Devops.png)]] * 講者主要想談的是如何讓開發者改變,開創新的公司文化?首先,讓開發者去面對客戶,其次是提供客服(Customer Service)、監控服務(Monitor System)、打包軟體(Packaging)、設定管理(Configuration Management)、分析日誌(Log Analysis)、版本控制等。 * <2> Brief history of time sync - Julien Goodwin * 介紹不同的振盪器,時鐘,到最後的 NTP(Network Time Protocol), PTP(Precision Time Protocol) * 時間同步的重要性:Log Analysis 日誌分析如果時間不對,也沒啥用了!! * <3> Samba4 update, new features and real users - Andrew Bartlett * '''Research and Student Innovation''' * <*> Releasing Research as FOSS: Experiences from the K-Tree Project - by Chris De Vries * http://ktree.sourceforge.net/ - The algorithm is a hybrid of the B+-tree and k-means algorithms.