= 2010-09-09 = * [https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=ddqtts2d_396cf7pj4g8 Web Tools for Blended Learning: Experiences in a real-world teaching] - 分享如何用 Web 2.0 的工具來提昇教學品質 == Embedded Virtualization and Security == * [http://embeddedinnovator.com/securing-smart-grid-devices Securing Smart Grid Devices - Using Virtualization to Protect the Grid] * 智慧電網的資料風險包括: - Data at risk includes: * 診斷資訊 Diagnostic information * 維護資訊 Maintenance information * 身份識別 Identification (potentially including personal information) * 帳單資訊 Billing data * 系統狀態 System status * 降低風險方案一:建立實體隔離的網路 - build physically separate secure and non-secure devices and networks. - 缺點:佈署成本太高!! * 降低風險方案二:透過嵌入式虛擬化進行隔離 - leverage embedded virtualization to run both secure and non-secure software on the same device. * 優點一:降低佈署成本 * 優點二:縮短系統安全驗證時間與人力成本 - Validating system security is a tedious, costly, and time-consuming task, and the effort required grows considerably for complex systems. A secure hypervisor can simplify matters by separating security-critical functions into trusted partitions and less critical software into non-trusted partitions. * [[Image(http://cloud1.opensystemsmedia.com/wind-river-figure-1_thumb.png)]] * 虛擬化資安隔離需要內部通訊 - Communication between partitions is a key requirement for virtualized systems since there is always a need to transfer data and control from trusted partitions to non-trusted partitions. * 因此 hypervisor 必須提供 Secure Inter-Process Communication (Secure IPC or SIPC) * [[Image(http://cloud1.opensystemsmedia.com/wind-river-figure-2.png)]] * 外部通訊部份則需要 Multiple Single-Level (MSL) networking. 像是 802.1Q for virtual LANs 會使用類似 QoS 的 Tag 封包,讓不同機敏性的資料縱使在同一個實體網路傳輸,也是安全的。 * [[Image(http://cloud1.opensystemsmedia.com/wind-river-figure-3_thumb.png)]]