= 2010-04-24 = == ODSC.TW 2010 == * 09:00–09:50 nosql cassandra - Gasol (Pixnet) * http://cassandra.apache.org/ * 具備副本機制,優先存在記憶體中,後續寫入 commit log 中。採取完全平等的分散式架構,沒有 Hadoop NameNode 單點失效問題(Single Point of Failure) * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem CAP theorem] - Consistency(一致性), Availibility(可用性),Partition Tolerance(容錯性)三個勢必要犧牲其中一個!! * [[Image(hbase_cassandra_hypertable.png,width=600)]] * 10:10–11:00 The Future of JavaScript. I mean ECMAScript - Douglas Crockford (Yahoo!) * * 11:10–12:00 Upcoming improvements for HBase - Andrew Purtell (Trend Micro) * 01:30–02:20 Less is more - gugod * The introduction of Cloud Operating Platform Technology - 吳政學(trend)