Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of jazz/10-03-31

Apr 1, 2010, 2:08:28 AM (14 years ago)



  • jazz/10-03-31

    v13 v14  
    9090 * [參考] [ LISA'09 的 Tutorial 列了不少 performance tuning]
     92    *  Performance tuning strategies
     93          o Practical goals
     94          o Monitoring intervals
     95          o Useful statistics
     96          o Tools, tools, tools
     97    * Server tuning
     98          o Filesystem and disk tuning
     99          o Memory consumption and swap space
     100          o System resource monitoring
     101    * NFS performance tuning
     102          o NFS server constraints
     103          o NFS client improvements
     104          o NFS over WANs
     105          o Automounter and other tricks
     106    * Network performance, design, and capacity planning
     107          o Locating bottlenecks
     108          o Demand management
     109          o Media choices and protocols
     110          o Network topologies: bridges, switches, and routers
     111          o Throughput and latency considerations
     112          o Modeling resource usage
     113    * Application tuning
     114          o System resource usage
     115          o Memory allocation
     116          o Code profiling
     117          o Job scheduling and queuing
     118          o Real-time issues
     119          o Managing response time
     121# High-performance I/O
     122    * Advanced file systems and the LVM
     123    * Disk striping
     124    * Optimizing I/O performance
     125# Advanced compute-server environments
     126    * HPC with Beowulf
     127    * Clustering and high availability
     128    * Parallelization environments/facilities
     129    * CPU performance optimization
     130# Enterprise-wide security features, including centralized authentication
     131# Automation techniques and facilities
     132# Linux performance tuning
     134# NFS performance tuning
     136    * NFS server constraints
     137    * NFS client improvements
     138    * NFS over WANs
     139    * Automounter and other tricks
     141# Application tuning
     143    * System resource usage
     144    * Memory allocation
     145    * Code profiling
     146    * Job scheduling and queuing
     147    * Real-time issues
     148    * Managing response time