= 2010-03-04 = * [cloud:wiki:NCHCCloudCourse100225 雲端運算基礎課程(一) @ 台中] - Day 2 == Virtualization : I/O Virtualization == * [http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=virtio Debian 核心模組 - virtio modules] - Virtual I/O * [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-virtio/index.html Virtio: An I/O virtualization framework for Linux] * [http://lwn.net/Articles/239238/ An API for virtual I/O: virtio] * [http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Virtio KVM 支援的 virtio] * [http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Virtio libvirt 的 virtio] * [http://www.pigo.idv.tw/archives/554 KVM 下安裝 Windows virtio driver] - [http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGuestDrivers/Download_Drivers Code signing drivers for the Windows 64bit platforms] == NoSQL == * [http://www.yafla.com/dforbes/Getting_Real_about_NoSQL_and_the_SQL_Isnt_Scalable_Lie/ Getting Real about NoSQL and the SQL-Isn't-Scalable Lie] * [https://www.cloudkick.com/blog/2010/mar/02/4_months_with_cassandra/ 4 Months with Cassandra, a love story] - 用 Cassandra 的經驗分享 == Systemtap / DTrace / ftrace == * [http://lwn.net/Articles/291091/ Tracing: no shortage of options] - Linux 追查 User Space / Kernel Space 的 trace 工具一覽 * !SystemTap * 官方網站 - http://sourceware.org/systemtap/ * [http://packages.debian.org/systemtap Debian 套件 - systemtap] * IBM Redbook - [http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/redp4469.html SystemTap: Instrumenting the Linux Kernel for Analyzing Performance and Functional Problems] - 先前有看過一小段,目前暫時還沒有需要用到這種工具的時機。 * [http://gnu.wildebeest.org/diary/2009/12/07/fudcon-success-systemtap-meets-python/ FudCon Success – Systemtap meets Python] * [http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki/AddingUserSpaceProbingToApps Adding User Space Probing to an Application (heapsort example)] * [http://people.redhat.com/roland/utrace/ utrace] - a new kernel-side API for kernel modules * [http://lwn.net/Articles/224772/ Introducing utrace] * 看起來是 !SystemTap 用在追蹤 User Space 的工具,但核心必須支援。 * DTrace * 3/3 聽完 Sun 的 Open Solaris 簡介,對於 DTrace 興起一些好奇,看了一些討論發現 DTrace 是比較友善,但要學 D 語言,而 !SystemTap 比較合適追 Kernel Space 的錯誤,User Space 必須靠 utrace 的支援。當然現階段最麻煩的還是授權,跟 ZFS, Lustre 一樣,DTrace 之所以沒有移植到 Linux 都是因為授權是 CDDL 而非 GPL。唉...自由軟體的授權真是一件複雜的事情啊!! * [http://blog.xuite.net/evereasy/solarpower/19400612 免費的私家偵探-跟著 DTrace 探索 Process] * [http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/DTrace_Topics_Intro DTrace Topics Intro] * [ftp://crisp.dynalias.com/pub/release/website/dtrace/ 不太合乎授權的 DTrace Porting for Linux] * 2008-06 - [http://blogs.sun.com/bmc/entry/dtrace_on_linux DTrace on Linux] * 2007-07 - [http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/dtrace_ajax.html End-to-End Tracing of Ajax/Java Applications Using DTrace] * 2007-03 - [http://blogs.sun.com/jmr/entry/adding_dtrace_probes_to_mozilla Adding Dtrace Probes to Mozilla] * 2006-09 - [http://blogs.sun.com/brendan/entry/dtrace_meets_javascript DTrace meets JavaScript] * [http://lttng.org/ LTTng] * allow tracing of the kernel, of userspace, trace viewing and analysis and trace streaming. * [http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki/SystemtapDtraceComparison SystemTap / DTrace / LTTng 比較一覽表] * Ftrace * [http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v2.6/29/Documentation/ftrace.txt Documentation/ftrace.txt] @ Kernel 2.6.29 * [http://lwn.net/Articles/322666/ A look at ftrace] * strace - 還算常用的 DEBUG 工具 * [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-tsl/ 這篇提到還有 ltrace, truss 兩種工具] * strace (1): lists all system calls used - [http://packages.debian.org/strace Debian 套件 - strace] * ltrace (1): lists all shared library calls - [http://packages.debian.org/ltrace Debian 套件 - ltrace] * truss (1): trace system calls and signals - * 【註】出於安全方面的考慮,在 FreeBSD 5 之後系統預設已經不再自動掛載 proc 檔案系統,因此,要想使用 truss 或 strace 跟蹤程序,你必須手工掛載 proc 檔案系統:mount -t procfs proc /proc;ltrace 不需要使用 procfs。 * 較少聽過的: * [http://people.redhat.com/jolsa/latrace/index.shtml latrace] - LD_AUDIT 2.4+ libc frontend * ptrace() - process trace * 2008-03 : jserv - [http://blog.linux.org.tw/~jserv/archives/002027.html 以 ptrace 系統呼叫來追蹤/修改行程] * 2002-11 : [http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6100 Playing with ptrace, Part I] * 2002-12 : [http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6210 Playing with ptrace, Part II] == mtrace / valgrid == * 檢查記憶體溢出(memory leakage)問題 * mtrace() 函數 * [http://itzone.hk/article/article.php?aid=200406221149442361 Linux C編程偵測記憶體溢出工具(一):mtrace ] * [http://valgrind.org/ valgrind] 工具 - [http://packages.debian.org/valgrind Debian 套件 - valgrind] * [http://daydreamer.idv.tw/rewrite.php/read-18.html 檢查程式記憶體的小工具-valgrind] * [http://www.jeffhung.net/blog/articles/jeffhung/1007/ Detecting C/C++ memory leaks with valgrind] == System Profiler == * sysprof - [http://packages.debian.org/sysprof Debian 套件 sysprof] * 2005-09 [http://blog.linux.org.tw/~jserv/archives/001302.html sysprof - System-wide Linux Profiler] - jserv 推薦 * == YMU Biocluster == * http://linux.vbird.org/linux_basic/0420quota.php#quota_flow_1 == Embedded == * [http://fred-zone.blogspot.com/2010/03/debianubuntu.html Debian/Ubuntu 交叉編譯 - 函式庫相依性速解法] - 先前看到的 apt-cross 用法說明