= 2010-01-20 = * Sun Grid Engine 與 EDA 工具 * 2008 年參加 [http://www.opensourcegridcluster.org/ Open Source Grid and Cluster Conference] 時有注意到 Sun Grid Engine 跟 Synopsys 的整合經驗分享,算是少數我個人看到企業使用格網技術的案例。 * [http://www.opensourcegridcluster.org/documents/J.Fu-SunGridEngineSynopsys.pdf Synopsis Use of Sun Grid Engine in EDA] * 另一場 LSF vs Grid Engine 則沒有投影片可以下載 {{{ LSF vs Grid Engine Speaker Chris Dagdigian, Principal Consultant, BioTeam, Inc. As an independent consultant with years of Grid Engine and Platform LSF experience, Chris Dagdigian has often been asked to help clients with IT purchasing decisions. Often this includes assisting with evaluation and selection of a distributed resource management ("DRM") solution. Using past projects as examples, the background methodology for making "Grid Engine vs. Platform LSF" deployment decisions will be explained. }}} * [http://dl.pconline.com.cn/download/57455.html Synopsys公司將Sun Grid Engine軟件用於資源管理] - [raw-attachment:jazz/10-01-20:Synopsys-Sun_Grid_Engine.doc 繁體] * [http://www.sun.com/customers/software/synopsys.xml Sun 的客戶案例說明 - Synopsys]