Version 2 (modified by jazz, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Cloud Computing
- 雲端運算改變資訊科技市場形勢 - 轉載自香港信報研究部
- SSH 免密碼登入
- 啟動 ssh-agent
~$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
- 將私密金鑰交給 ssh-agent 保管:ssh-add
~$ ssh-add
- 啟動 ssh-agent
- PuTTY 免密碼登入
- 先前有成功完成 PuTTYgen 的部分,有機會來試試看 Pageant 的做法。
Cluster Computing
- 從 Google Trends 的搜尋趨勢可以看到 SQLite > Google Gears > CouchDB 的趨勢,象徵著 distributed database 的影響力尚未普及。
- Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores - 列舉出一些分散式 key-value 資料庫,不過漏了
- 噗浪的lightcloud。
- redis - A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems
- CouchDB -
- Ubuntu couchdb 套件
- Debian couchdb 套件
- Modeling Entity Relationships in CouchDB
- couchdb-fuse - CouchDB FUSE File System
- dot.Cloud - an open-source cloud federation platform. - 從 Feature 看起來頗 Powerful
- Keep your servers under revision control
- Stop worrying about maintaining state: just create and kill instances
- Use tools you know: rsync, mercurial/git, ssh
- Push a small upgrade to your images without moving gigabytes around
- Replicate multi-server setups in just one command
- Cleanly separate data (DB, logs, content) and code (OS, libraries, binaries, configuration)
- Map data volumes to any available storage (NAS, EBS, S3)
- Save bandwidth by delivering your app closer to the consumer
- gears-dblib - A simple abstraction on top of the Database object in Gears
Programming Management : Continuous Integration (CI)
- 當紅炸子雞:Continuous Integration
- 類似的概念,其實這次 COSA 會員大會也有提到必須靠定期的測試才能避免軟體接近結案才進行大修改。
Web Service
- 關於 browscap 專案
- 從 再會了,CSS Hack 這篇文章看到的
browscap 是由 Microsoft 提出,藉由 Web Server 定期的自動更新一個叫 browscap.dll 的檔案, 讓程式可以從 Header 的 User Agent String 中對應出正確的 Browser 與 Operation System、以及其版本。
- 從 再會了,CSS Hack 這篇文章看到的
- MySQL to JSON - 能直接把 mysql_fetch_object 的結果變成 JSON
- [影片] Introduction to HTML 5 - Google 工程師簡介什麼是 HTML5
Attachments (4)
- sqlite_gears.jpg (65.0 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
(72.0 KB) -
added by jazz 15 years ago.
[論文] Building a Cloud for Yahoo!
- (70.2 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
(54.2 KB) -
added by jazz 15 years ago. 用 irc 的機器人(bot) 把 svn 的修改歷程送到 IRC 上,What a Good Idea!
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