Version 5 (modified by jazz, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Cloud Computing
- appscale - Open Cloud Platform for Google AppEngine Apps
- Google AppEngine (GAE) 的自由軟體版 - 好像有違反 Google 授權的爭議
- 由加州聖塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB)的 RACELab 維護,可以跑在 Amazon EC2 跟 Eucalyptus 上,支援 Xen 與 KVM 的虛擬化底層。
- 技術報告: AppScale: Scalable and Open AppEngine Application Development and Deployment
- 最近美國政府單位的網雲平台足見成形,唉~國科會卻只會補助"微軟 only"的計畫~失望中~
- NASA 的 Nenula 網雲平台
- [
- Google 為美國打造政府專用私有網雲
Google即將通過聯邦資訊安全管理法案(Federal Information Security Management Act, FISMA)的IT安全要求認證。 有了 FISMA 認證及 SAS 70 稽核標準,就不用各別政府機關都來和 Google 談不同的規定。
- 目前 Hadoop 兩本英文書:
- Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Tom White, O'Reilly Media
- Pro Hadoop, Jason Venner, Apress
- Cascading is a feature rich API for defining and executing complex, scale-free, and fault tolerant data processing workflows on a Hadoop cluster.
- Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring and analyzing large distributed systems.
- 最近把 Ganglia 架起來,再看到 Cloudera 的兩篇 Ganglia 和 Cacti 相關的文章,大概比較能理解 Chukwa 這個專案要處理的事情應該頗為類似。比較特殊的是它要處理的是 500 至 2000 台節點的 Log 分析。
- Chukwa Poster (PDF) - 設計得蠻乾淨的,可以當做 SC'09 Poster 的參考。
CDH : Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop
- Cloudera 的 Hadoop 套件相較於官方 tar ball 的差異
- An Introduction to Hadoop - Presented by: Christophe Bisciglia, Tom White
- 用來畫套件相依性的 debtree 終於進入 sid 套件庫了
Green Computing
- Yanpei Chen & Laura Keys: Energy Efficient Hadoop
- Yanpei Chen
- Laura Keys
- 指導教授:Randy H. Katz
- 演講投影片 - Towards Energy Efficient Hadoop
- 介紹中提到 datacenter 多數使用 Power Utilization Efficiency (PUE) 跟 Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) 兩個指標來看節能1
PUE = Total Facility Power / IT Equipment Power DCiE = IT Equipment Power / Total Facility Power * 100%
- [參考]The Green Grid Data Center Power Efficiency Metrics: PUE and DCiE
- IBM data center gets deep energy retrofit
Attachments (3)
- expert-mode-2.png (36.7 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- usb_device_as_image_repository.png (16.9 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- karma-presentationweb-090911041248-phpapp02.png (2.4 MB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.