
Version 1 (modified by jazz, 15 years ago) (diff)



GPU Parallel Programming

GMail realted

  • [ Google GMail Loader (GML)] - Import your existing email into GMail!
    • 發現他是用 SMTP 再把歷史檔案寄出去,與其如此還是用 Thunderbird IMAP 的做法比較好。
  • Google Email Uploader - 這支還沒看出實作的方式,但限定使用 Google App 的環境,應該是會用到 Google API 吧!!
  • Gmail Todo - another todo application that usesthe python libgmail to store all todo's in a todo label on gmail.
  • libgmail — Python binding for Google's Gmail service
  • libgmailer (class GMailer) - a PHP library that allow you to write PHP program to access Google’s free webmail service Gmail.
  • Mail::Webmail::Gmail - Perl 模組 - An interface to Google's webmail service