= 2009-08-10 = * [提案] 民生節能計畫:國科會線上作業重新上傳與確認 * [論文] E2GC2 論文實驗補強 * [成大實習生] * Google Chart API 簡報 * !ZigBee 簡報 * Hadoop JSP 機制追蹤 == Hadoop == * [http://www.cascading.org/ Cascading] - a feature rich API for defining and executing complex, scale-free, and fault tolerant data processing workflows on a Hadoop cluster. * [http://developer.yahoo.net/blogs/hadoop/2009/07/news_flash_hadoop_development.html News Flash: Hadoop Development Going Strong @ Yahoo!] - 雅虎與微軟的聯盟,難免讓 Hadoop 擁護者擔心小飛象的未來,所以 Hadoop 開發者出來信心喊話了 *^_^* * [http://www.cloudera.com/blog/2009/07/17/file-appends-in-hdfs/ File Appends in HDFS] - Tom White 寫的簡介,說明 HDFS 上的檔案擴增(Append) {{{ #!sh ## 早期的 HDFS 不支援 Append,檔案只有當 close 時才寫入。 Early versions of HDFS had no support for an append operation. Once a file was closed, it was immutable and could only be changed by writing a new copy with a different filename. A file didn’t exist until it had been successfully closed (by calling FSDataOutputStream’s close() method). ## 0.19.0 版有支援 HDFS Append File in July 2008, the append operation was committed in time for the 0.19.0 release of Hadoop Core. ## 0.19.1 版預設關閉 HDFS Append File, 0.20.0 將 dfs.support.append 預設為不支援 append support was disabled in the 0.19.1 release of Hadoop Core, and in the first release of the 0.20 branch 0.20.0. Configuration parameter dfs.support.append, which is false by default }}} == Cloud Computing == * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/s3mockup/ S3 Mockup] - an Amazon S3 emulator == File System == * [http://insidehpc.com/2009/08/10/activity-in-linux-file-systems-btrfs-and-ext4/ Activity in Linux file systems, BTRFS and ext4] - Oracle 要這麼多種檔案系統幹麻?! {{{ BTRFS was originally developed by Oracle Oracle is acquiring Sun and Lustre? }}} == HPC == * [http://packages.debian.org/hpcc hpcc]- HPC Challenge Benchmark == Web Service : OpenID == * [http://www.openfoundry.org/index2.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2128&pop=1&page=0&Itemid=346 OpenID:以使用者為中心(User-centric)的單一網路身分認證] == 商業策略 == * [http://www.merit-times.com.tw/NewsPage.aspx?Unid=134446 微軟、Google 生死決鬥] - 守己之長,也攻人所長 - 好深奧的戰略啊!! {{{ 過去是「創新勝過對方」,如今除了創新,還要「直搗對方腹地」,不但守己之長,也攻人所長。 微軟用以進攻Google網路天下的武器Bing,以及Google用來攻擊PC作業系統Chrome或Android }}} == 職場技能 == * [http://www.cheers.com.tw/doc/print.jspx?id=40288aed22c538f70122cac192d5224c 100,000元自己當頭家] - 六種我做過三種 :) *