Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of jazz/09-08-04
- Timestamp:
- Aug 4, 2009, 10:23:20 PM (15 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v1 v2 5 5 create-drbl-live -l en -d lenny -p xfce -k "mlterm mlterm-im-scim xnetcardconfig arj curlftpfs discover1 gpart mdetect boinc-client dnsutils bind9-host syslogd myrescue pmount vim acpi laptop-detect acpi-support hotkey-setup ttf-arphic-newsung ttf-kochi-gothic x-ttcidfont-conf leafpad conky gpicview isomaster hardinfo pcmanfm xarchiver xfburn iceweasel-l10n-es-es iceweasel-l10n-fr iceweasel-l10n-it iceweasel-l10n-ja iceweasel-l10n-zh-cn iceweasel-l10n-zh-tw scim-chewing scim-tables-ja scim-tables-zh im-switch xresprobe grandr wpagui swfdec-mozilla gparted ntfsprogs hfsutils hfsprogs jfsutils xfsprogs xfsdump reiserfsprogs reiser4progs parted ntfs-3g dosfstools mtools lvm2 mbr vim-common hal dmsetup dmraid kpartx" -b unstable -g -m -s -e experimental -n 2.6.30-backports.1 -i 1.0.0-9 6 6 }}} 7 8 * [備忘] DRBL-Live 帳號與密碼: 9 * user password: live 10 * root 並沒有密碼,如果要轉換成root,請登入user帳號後,執行"sudo su -" 11 12 * [,4521,11050203+112009080300112,00.html 四國家實驗室 績效「末段班」 劉揆點名太空中心 退場或換人] 13 14 * [ Debian: Install Java 6 - JDK JRE]