= 2009-07-23 = * [陽明] f-motif 論文發表前網站潤飾 * [成大] 研一生討論未來研究方向 * [wiki:jazz/GreenComputing 整理過去撰寫的 Green Computing 相關連結,供 7/24 會議參考] == Cloud Computing == * [http://blog.rgrossman.com/2009/07/16/large-data-clouds-faq/ Large Data Clouds FAQ] * [http://blog.rgrossman.com/2009/06/23/sector-public-cloud/ Test Drive the Sector Public Cloud] == Open Source == * [http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7439/1.html Microsoft Patches Linux; Linus Responds] == Web Service : P2P == * [http://news.networkmagazine.com.tw/web/2009/07/22/14169/ HP:利用瀏覽器也能進入黑暗網路中] - 當瀏覽器變成一種共通平台,連 P2P 軟體都可以在上面跑,那這個世界會變怎樣呢?! {{{ 黑暗網路(Darknet)是指一個較隱匿、私密的運算網路環境, 因此使用者可以藉此匿名、安全地進行溝通,特別是檔案傳遞與分享。 }}} == Web Service : Comet : Orbited == * [http://thingsilearned.com/2009/06/09/starting-out-with-comet-orbited-part-1/ Starting Out With Comet (Orbited) Part 1] * [http://thingsilearned.com/2009/06/25/starting-out-with-comet-orbited-part-2-installation-and-stomp/ Starting Out With Comet (Orbited) Part 2 – Installation and STOMP]