= 2009-03-08 = * [陽明] [bioinfo:wiki:BioInfo_Project/2009-03-08 DRBL Server 安裝 Matlab, 修改 Motif Finder 網頁] == Booting == * [http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/630 Encrypted Debian Live USB key] == Virtualization == * [http://www.howtoforge.com/xen-cluster-management-with-ganeti-on-debian-lenny Xen Cluster Management With Ganeti On Debian Lenny] - 使用 [http://code.google.com/p/ganeti Ganeti],[http://www.drbd.org DRBD],[http://sourceware.org/lvm2 LVM] 打造虛擬叢集管理機制 * [http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-run-fully-virtualized-guests-hvm-with-xen-3.2-on-debian-lenny-x86_64 How To Run Fully-Virtualized Guests (HVM) With Xen 3.2 On Debian Lenny (x86_64)] == Cloud Computing : Map Reduce == * [http://www.igvita.com/2009/03/03/collaborative-map-reduce-in-the-browser/ Collaborative Map-Reduce in the Browser] 提出用 Javascript 寫 Map Reduce 的做法,並認為這麼作可以發揮更大的協同效益。當然網站上也列舉了 Hadoop (Java), [http://discoproject.org/ Disco] (Erlang+Python), 跟 [http://skynet.rubyforge.org/ Skynet] (Ruby) 三種 Map Reduce 的實作。 == Network == * [http://www.howtoforge.com/nic-bonding-on-debian-lenny NIC Bonding On Debian Lenny] == GlusterFS == * [http://www.howtoforge.com/high-availability-storage-cluster-with-glusterfs-on-ubuntu High-Availability Storage Cluster With GlusterFS On Ubuntu] == Mobile == * [http://labs.moto.com/android-meets-e-ink/ Android Beyond the Phone] - Android 進軍 E-Link 電子紙/電子書環境,[http://www.eink.com/kits/amepd.html E-Ink development kit]採用 Android 當預設平臺。無獨有偶,Amazon 的 電子書也採用 Linux 當平臺。 == Web Service : jQuery == * [http://blog.jqueryui.com/2009/03/jquery-ui-17/ jQuery UI 1.7 發行了],支援 jQuery 1.3,且加進諸多新功能 == Web Service : JavaScript & RIA == * [http://code.google.com/p/zeroclipboard/ Zero Clipboard] library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface.