= 2009-02-27 = * 2月份辦公室安全檢查 * 休假 == git == * [http://ldn.linuxfoundation.org/blog-entry/reflections-a-complaint-a-frustrated-git-user Reflections on a Complaint from a Frustrated Git User] - Git 使用方法釋疑 == fast boot == * [http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/629 Concurrent boot sequence] - 一些快速開機的參考資料 == HPC / Cluster == * [http://top500asia.small-servers.com/ Asia Top500] - 全球 Top 500 已經慢慢分化成地區性的 Top 500. == Cloud Computing == * [http://www.wretch.cc/blog/taiwanydn/20944815 YDN Lightning Talks: Hadoop - Part 1] * Mark和Jay詳細解說在 Yahoo! 電子信箱上如何用 Hadoop 來在幾分鐘內分解超過上億觸發垃圾郵件規則和行為的 email. 他們將用最常用的 Hadoop implementation 來舉例,包括 Streaming 和 Pig. * [http://gevaperry.typepad.com/main/2009/02/why-and-what-every-business-exec-needs-to-know-about-cloud-compting.html Why (and What) Every Business Exec Needs to Know About Cloud Computing] == Mobile Computing == * [http://www.h-online.com/open/A-Faster-Fox-Fennec-Alpha-2-arrives--/news/112308 A Faster Fox - Fennec Alpha 2 arrives] * 供手機使用的 Firefox Mobile 版本 Fennec 已經開放下載測試了,有智慧型手機的不妨把玩把玩。 * [http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2009/02/an-introduction-to-google-android-for-developers.ars A developer's introduction to Google Android] == 生活 / 職場競爭力 == * [http://www.infoq.com/news/2009/02/stop-micro-multi-tasking Keep Focus By Tuning Out Your Computer] * 學著專注的五個方法: 關掉電腦(與人討論時)、關掉即時通訊、關掉手機 * [http://www.cheers.com.tw/doc/print.jspx?id=40288aed1f89e6b3011fa7ed0c05293a 10 種增強記憶力食物] * [http://www.cw.com.tw/article/print.jsp?id=36907 令15位成功人物搖頭的壞習慣]