Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of jazz/09-01-30

Jan 30, 2009, 7:13:16 PM (15 years ago)



  • jazz/09-01-30

    v5 v6  
    66   * [ 展示影片]
    8  * [ 5 Things Mark Shuttleworth Has Learned about Organizational Change]
     8 * [ 5 Things Mark Shuttleworth Has Learned about Organizational Change] - Ubuntu 創始人 Mark Shuttleworth 從組織變革中學習到的五件事
     9   * There are limits to the wisdom of crowds. <一: 群體的智慧是有限的> : 與"寫給生存不安的年輕人"一書闡述的成長策略,論調相同!!
     11In other words, if you do the same thing as everyone else,
     12you are going to get the same result as everyone else.
     13You won't stand out. Be conscious of the things you do differently.
     18   * It is necessary to harness both individualism and teams. <二: 充分駕馭個人與團隊是必要的>
     20Many of the best ideas, concepts, prototypes and innovations come from a single person's insight.
     24But to scale any operation takes the work of teams, and more often than not, teams of teams.
     25Leaders inspire that flash of genius and also make those individuals want to work together.
     26Great teamwork is a real skill.
     32Finding a way to nurture individual passion and pride while at the same time creating a spirit
     33of teamwork is a hallmark of the leaders I admire most. Pulling off both of those in the same
     34organization is magical but essential.
     39   * Tough times are good. <三: 逆境是種祝福>
     41Austerity creates pressure to innovate; necessity is truly the mother of invention.
     42During hard times, we try to get more out of what we have and we assess investments with a different eye.
     43Rather than simply doing "more of the same, faster," we ask whether we can do things differently,
     44and we create the opportunity for long-term improvements.
     45Plus, innovators can use their slack time to work on new ideas
     46(since some of them are laid off and living on their severance packages,
     47or simply with more idle time at the office).
     49The survivors today will thrive tomorrow.
     50They will have less competition, and they will have proven their agility and their efficiency.
     61    * Large changes are only possible when they have the potential to deliver radical improvements. <四: 當組織需要根本的改善時,巨大的變革是唯一之道>
     63    * The earth from space is the most beautiful thing most people never get to see. <五: 地球是太空中最美的事物,但多數人卻沒有機會親眼目睹>
     65It's also a small place, which we have to share,
     66so it's worth taking time to figure out how we can live together here more peacefully.
    1070== Parallel R ==