= 2009-01-21 = * [http://cheerhpc.blogspot.com/2009/01/japans-next-generation-supercomputer-r.html Japan's Next Generation Supercomputer R&D Budget in FY2009] * 日本 2009 年次世代超級電腦預算一百九十億日圓( 19,000 Million Yen),2006~2012 年總預算高達一千一百五十四億日圓( 115,447 Million Yen) * 2009 年 NGSC 計畫方向 - Pilot manufacturing and testing of system : 10,992 Million Yen - Grand Challenge Software R&D: 1,877 Million Yen - Facility Construction: 6,131 Million Yen == Cloud Computing == * [http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1466448 Eventually Consistent] - 談雲端運算如何提供傳統 LAMP 的服務 == Flex / !ActionScript == * [http://blog.riaproject.com/flex/868.html 撰寫 Flex 3 的好用工具分享 PART I] == 職場技能 == * [http://www.cheers.com.tw/doc/print.jspx?id=40288ac81e81972b011e85ee528c50a8 同事臉皮薄,有錯罵不得?]