= 2009-01-20 = * 14:00 [驗收] 田間伺服器 @ 中群 == Webservice: JavaScript == * [http://www.c3dl.org/ C3DL] - Canvas 3D JS Library * [http://elementiks.com/web_resources.php Web Resource] of Javascript, jQuery Essential Widgets, etc == Programming : Performance Inspection == * [http://ldn.linuxfoundation.org/article/finding-cpu-and-ram-performance-bottlenecks-linux Finding Performance Bottlenecks in Linux] * [http://daydreamer.idv.tw/rewrite.php/read-43.html pidstat] - 全域型 memory leak 偵測工具 == Programming : VIM Indent, Less Hightlight, diff viewer == * [http://plog.longwin.com.tw/my_note-app-setting/2009/01/10/vim-indent-for-php-html-2009 給 PHP 和 HTML 專用的 VIM 縮排(Indent)] * [http://linuxtoy.org/archives/less-highlight.html 借我一雙寫輪眼 ─ Less 語法高亮] * [http://fourdollars.blogspot.com/2009/01/meld-git-diff.html 以 meld 當外部程式來使用 git diff] == Cloud Computing == * [http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7227/ Massive Clouds] * [http://news.cnet.com/8301-19413_3-10122295-240.html A maturity model for cloud computing] == Hadoop == * [http://symbian.sys-con.com/node/768830/print Four Paths to Java Parallelism]