= 2009-01-20 = * 14:00 [驗收] 田間伺服器 @ 中群 * [測試] debian etch debootstrap + matchbox + tightvnc * 在 Linux 虛擬機器裡面開 tightvnc 連線到 Windows 桌面,並使用全螢幕模式,真像是 VDI 啊。 * [[Image(jazz/09-01-20:matchbox-tightvncviewer-fullscreen.png,width=800)]] * 此時的負載狀態: * [[Image(jazz/09-01-20:matchbox-tightvncviewer-system-load.png,width=800)]] * 在 Linux 虛擬機器裡面開 tightvnc 連線到 Windows 桌面,並使用有 Windows Manager 的模式,就比較知道是在 tightvnc 裡了。 * [[Image(jazz/09-01-20:matchbox-tightvncviewer-window-manager.png,width=800)]] == Shell 快速鍵 == * [參考] [http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6639/1/ Linux Shell Editing Shortcuts] {{{ CTRL + A = 把游標移到行首 CTRL + E = 把游標移到行尾 CTRL + K = 從游標位置往後刪除到行尾 CTRL + U = 把指令全部清掉 CTRL + W = 往前刪除一個參數(到空白處) }}} * [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-10sysadtips/ Lazy Linux: 10 essential tricks for admins] (很多小技巧,不過大部分都已經會了,補紀錄還不會的四個指令) {{{ $ seq -w 20 ### 會列出 01~20 的數列 (哇!!會補零耶!!) $ fuser /home/jazz ### 會列出目前正在使用這個目錄的 process $ reset ### 把畫面清空(Ex. 不小心 cat 到二進位檔而佈滿亂碼的時候) $ sudo ethtool -i eth0 ### 會列出網路卡的韌體資訊(cool!) driver: tg3 version: 3.65 firmware-version: 5705-v3.18 bus-info: 0000:01:0d.0 ================================== 另外,還蠻常用,卻老會忘記的 shell script 技巧: expr P = 1 P = $(expr $P + 1) ### 如果用 P=$P+1 是不行的啦~沒用空白也不行~Ex. P=$(expr $P+1) ================================== ~$ P = 1 ~$ echo $P 1 ~$ P = $(expr $P + 1) ~$ echo $P 2 ~$ P=$P+1 ~$ echo $P 2+1 ================================== }}} == Virtualization : Trend == * 神奇...M$ 的 Hyper-V 居然部署得比 VMWare 的 ESX 還多,比例上 Xen 居然差那麼懸殊,真是出乎我意料之外。[[BR]][[Image(http://www.virtualization.info/images/vir.infosVirtualizationIndustrySurvey200_14D51/Q6.png)]] == Network Virtualization == * 多台 Xen Dorm0 組成的 Virtual Cluster,第一個面臨的問題將是到底要怎麼處理網路拓墣。Xen 所提供的網路橋接機制,是否能否實現 Layer 2 Virtual Network Topology 呢?? * [http://www.novell.com/communities/print/node/4094 Xen Network Bridges Explained with Troubleshooting Notes] * [https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/containers/2006-November/002756.html Network virtualization/isolation] (Xen mail list 上的討論, 還蠻仔細的) * [http://www.ciscopress.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=603918 Network Virtualization: A Basic Virtualized Enterprise] (Cisco 的文章) * [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4534214&isnumber=4534182 Xen-Based HPC: A Parallel I/O Perspective] * [http://openvswitch.org/ Open vSwicth] - multilayer virtual switch (2010-05-05 補充) * Xen Cloud Platform 預設的網路集線器(switch) * [http://virtualization.info/en/news/2010/05/open-vswitch-reaches-1-0.html Open vSwitch reaches 1.0] - [wiki:jazz/10-05-19#NetworkVirtualization 2010-05-19]) == Cloud Computing == * [http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7227/ Massive Clouds] * [http://news.cnet.com/8301-19413_3-10122295-240.html A maturity model for cloud computing] * [http://www.cloudbreakers.net/killer-apps Killer Apps for Cloud Computing??] * [http://www.cw.com.tw/article/print.jsp?id=36647 IT產業大裁員,卻不衰退的真相?] == Hadoop == * [http://symbian.sys-con.com/node/768830/print Four Paths to Java Parallelism] == Webservice: JavaScript == * [http://www.c3dl.org/ C3DL] - Canvas 3D JS Library * [http://elementiks.com/web_resources.php Web Resource] of Javascript, jQuery Essential Widgets, etc == Programming : Performance Inspection == * [http://ldn.linuxfoundation.org/article/finding-cpu-and-ram-performance-bottlenecks-linux Finding Performance Bottlenecks in Linux] * [http://daydreamer.idv.tw/rewrite.php/read-43.html pidstat] - 全域型 memory leak 偵測工具 == Programming : VIM Indent, Less Hightlight, diff viewer == * [http://plog.longwin.com.tw/my_note-app-setting/2009/01/10/vim-indent-for-php-html-2009 給 PHP 和 HTML 專用的 VIM 縮排(Indent)] * [http://linuxtoy.org/archives/less-highlight.html 借我一雙寫輪眼 ─ Less 語法高亮] * [http://fourdollars.blogspot.com/2009/01/meld-git-diff.html 以 meld 當外部程式來使用 git diff]