= 2008-12-03 = * [http://www.nchc.org.tw/event/2008/southeast_asia/program.php 2008 東南亞國際合作高速計算應用與網路共同研究暨培訓研習會 Center of Excellence of Pacific Rim in Cyber Education and Research Collaboration (CEPERC)] * 09:00~09:40 Global Lake Environmental Observatory Network ─ Dr. , U. Wisconsin Madison.Tim Kratz * 09:40~10:10 Taiwan Long term Observation for Ocean Research – Dr. Forng-Chen Chiu, TORI * 14:00~14:20 APEC TEL Information Grid and tools development ─ Dr. Hock Beng Lim, Nangyang Technology University, Singapore * 14:45~15:00 High Definition Video Streaming in Kenting – Yu-Te Lin, NCHC @ Classroom A * 準備週四 DRBL 演講 {{{ 1. 放 PXE boot 的 clonezilla live 2. Clonezilla Live CD : 60 片 3. DRBL/Clonezilla 貼紙 4. T-shirt: 5 5. 帽子: 5 6. USB Key: 3 7. Dux: 100 }}} * Middleware 2008