[[PageOutline]] = 2008-11-17 = * SC'08 * 19:00-21:00 sign up CUDA Expert Day time slot at the NVIDIA booth(!#833) during the Exhibits Opening Gala * 22:00 JavaChopper theme bike in the Sun booth (!#1021) * Cray booth (!#532): Cray has hired a golf pro on hand for autographs and you can apparently play against him in a Wii golf tournament in their booth. Event will be emcee’d by the actor who does the play-by-play on Friday Night Lights. * QLogic booth (!#333): QLogic is unveiling some kind of uber networking box and giving away a Ducati motorcycle. == Debian == * [http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/11/msg00002.html Debian Installer lenny release candidate 1] * [ Debian 5.0 RC1 光碟下載] * 原來 Lenny 是這隻雙筒望眼鏡呀?! [[BR]][[BR]][[Image(http://www.linuxdevices.com/files/misc/pixar_toy_story_lenny_cap.jpg)]] == 職場態度 == * [http://mr6.cc/?p=2471 我們要向Google學習做人道理?] {{{ 現在的上班族,應該要懂得「放下自我好處」(subordinate),要學會「忘記自己」。對待已知的合作伙伴,要非常的信任;對待未知的其他大眾,也要抱持著讓大家一起來做的開放精神。要懂得與他人合作,人終究是群居的動物,一個健全的心理,一定要認定我們是住在一個需要相互倚靠的社會,就像體內的器官,都要相互倚賴才達到某種平衡,大家快樂各司其工作,一起做得很好。 }}}