以 ClustalW 為主。 = 【安裝】 = {{{ wget tar zxvf clustalw-2.0.11-linux-i386-libcppstatic.tar.gz }}} = 【測試】 = 1. 指令: {{{ clustalw2 }}} 畫面: {{{ ************************************************************** ******** CLUSTAL 2.0.11 Multiple Sequence Alignments ******** ************************************************************** 1. Sequence Input From Disc 2. Multiple Alignments 3. Profile / Structure Alignments 4. Phylogenetic trees S. Execute a system command H. HELP X. EXIT (leave program) Your choice: }}} 1. 指令 {{{ 1 }}} 畫面 {{{ Sequences should all be in 1 file. 7 formats accepted: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt, Pearson (Fasta), GDE, Clustal, GCG/MSF, RSF. Enter the name of the sequence file : }}}