[[PageOutline]] = Welcome to NCHC Grid Architecture Research Group = == 【Project News】 == * 2008-04-30: [FYI] [http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2008/apr08/04-28PowerAwarePR.mspx Microsoft Research Supports Exploration Into Energy-Efficient Computing] * [http://www.news.com/8301-11128_3-9930225-54.html List of Universities sponsored by Microsoft for Green Computing] * 2008-04-28: [FYI] [http://direct2dell.com/cloudcomputing/archive/2008/04/10/cloud-computing-model.aspx Cloud Computing Model] * 2008-04-03: We will use '''Green Cloud''' as Project Code Name!! * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_computing Green Computing] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing Cloud Computing] = 'Green Cloud' :) * 2008-04-03: [FYI] How ''Green'' is Your Server? [http://www.engadget.com/2007/10/12/ibm-rolls-out-mainframe-gas-gauge-for-servers/ IBM rolls out "Mainframe Gas Gauge" for servers] ([http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=202401472 InformationWeek News], [http://chinese.engadget.com/2007/10/15/ibm-rolls-out-mainframe-gas-gauge-for-servers/ Chinese News], [http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22433.wss IBM Press], [http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/presskit/21440.wss IBM Project Big Green]) * 2008-04-03: [FYI] IBM '''Blue Cloud''' - [http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22613.wss IBM Introduces Ready-to-Use Cloud Computing: Collaboration Services Get Clients Started with Cloud Computing] * 2008-04-01: [FYI] [http://www.networkworld.com/news/2008/032608-ibm-virtual-cloud-computing.html IBM research aims to automate virtual, cloud computing] * 2008-03-18: [FYI] [http://events.gigaom.com/structure/08/ Structure 08], San Francisco, CA, USA. * [http://www.computingatscale.com/?p=12 infrastructure-as-a-service](IaaS) / cloud computing conference. * 2008-03-12: [FYI] [http://workspace.globus.org/clouds/ Science Cloud Available at the University of Chicago] * 2008-03-08: [FYI] [http://www.news.com/8301-10787_3-9883909-60.html Microsoft's Google killer strategy: Finally on the way?] (From Director Yeh) * 2008-02-18: [FYI] [http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/Article.aspx?liArticleID=229098&PrinterFriendly=true Carmen study unites computer science with neuroscience] (From Director Yeh) * Can NCHC create a system like Caremen in Taiwan?[[BR]] What technologies are needed by this kind of project? * 2008-02-01: [FYI] [wiki:firefox_accesskey How to configure accesskey of firefox] ---- == 【1: Virtualization, Linux Booting and Distributed Computing】 == === 1.1: Kerrighed === * 2008-05-05: [wiki:Krg_2.3.0 Kerrighed 2.3.0] * 2008-05-05: [wiki:openmp_programming OpenMP Usage Notes] * 2008-04-18: [http://www.kerrighed.org/wiki/index.php/KernelDevelKdFS Kerrighed Distributed File System] * 2008-04-07: [wiki:krg_progamming Programming for Kerrighed] * 2008-03-26: [FYI] [http://gforge.inria.fr/docman/view.php/69/668/xtreemos.pdf XtreemOS Tutorial: Deploying Kerrighed], 2006-10-19 (PDF) * 2008-03-25: [FYI] [http://www.linuxinsight.com/the_difference_between_kvm_and_xen.html The difference between kvm, Xen] and [http://www.linuxinsight.com/the_difference_between_xen_and_vmware.html VMWare] * 2008-03-24: [wiki:krg_performance MPI-Povray Performance Report] * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id;1829360654;fp;;fpid;;pf;1 Kernel space: How to use a terabyte of RAM] * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [https://events-at-sun.com/hpcreno/presentations/SUN%20HPC%20Fuerlinger.pdf Multicore Performance Analysis Tools from Academia] (PDF) * Karl Fuerlinger, Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, EECS Department, USA * This is one of the presentation from [https://events-at-sun.com/hpcreno/presentations.html Sun HPC Consortium / SC'07, Reno, Nevada] * [http://www.cs.utk.edu/~karl/ompp.html ompP : OpenMP Profiler] * [http://icl.cs.utk.edu/papi/index.html PAPI] * [http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/home.php TAU] * [http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/zentrale_einrichtungen/zih/forschung/software_werkzeuge_zur_unterstuetzung_von_programmierung_und_optimierung/vampir?set_language=en&cl=en Vampir] * [http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/kojak/ KOJAK] * [http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/scalasca/ SCALASCA] * 2008-03-22: [wiki:krg_krg64 krg2.2.1 on Debian4.0 Etch amd64 patch memo] * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_tuning NFS Performance Tuning Parameter] * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_linpack Run Linpack in Kerrighed with DRBL Environment] * 2008-03-18: [wiki:krg_tmpfs Use RAM in Kerrighed (tmpfs)] * 2008-03-05: [wiki:krg_problem Current Known Problem] * 2008-02-21: [wiki:krg_DRBL How to deploy kerrighed nodes massively using DRBL] * 2008-01-31: [wiki:Kernel_x86_64_Support How to make Linux Kernel and the Operating System Support 64-bit CPU] === 1.2: gPXE/Etherboot === * 2008-02-16: [attachment:wiki:gpxe-sis900:ols2k-9.pdf Understand the Linux booting procedure (PDF)] - [http://www.almesberger.net/cv/papers.html Orignal Link] * Almesberger, Werner,[[BR]]'''Booting Linux: The History and the Future''',[[BR]] Proceedings of Ottawa Linux Symposium 2000, July 2000 * 2008-02-01: [wiki:gpxe-sis900 How to add new NIC(Network interface Card) driver to Etherboot] === 1.3: BOINC === * 2008-05-27: [wiki:BOINC_Server How to Setup BOINC example project] * 2008-02-13: [wiki:BOINC_Server How to Build BONIC Server] === 1.4: KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) === * 2008-03-25: [wiki:KVM_Install KVM Installation] === 1.5: Xen === * 2008-07-10: [wiki:Xen_Live_Migration Live Migration] * 2008-06-26: [FYI] [http://www.xen.org/xensummit/xensummit_summer_2008.html Xen Summit LogoXen Summit Boston 2008 Slides and Papers] * 2008-06-23: [FYI] [http://edu.uuu.com.tw/data_article/article/080617tips.htm Brief Introduction to Xen Migration] (in Chinese) * 2008-06-18: [wiki:Xen_Lustre Integrate Xen and Lustre on Debian] * 2008-06-23: [wiki:Xen_Lustre_centos Integrate Xen and Lustre on CentOS 5.1] * 2008-06-24: [wiki:Xen_Lustre_centos_easy Integrate Xen and Lustre on CentOS 5.1 (another method)] * 2008-06-03: [wiki:jazz/DRBL_Xen Massive Deployment of Xen enabled Virtual Cluster using Diskless Remote Boot Linux] * 2008-04-14: [wiki:Xen_Installation Xen Installation] * 2008-04-11: [FYI] [http://www.virtualization.info/2008/04/opennebula-to-provide-xenvmware-powered.html OpenNEbula to provide Xen/VMware powered grid computing] * [http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php OpenNEbula] * Good website to search Xen maillist - http://xen.markmail.org/ * 2008-03-26: [wiki:Xen_problem Current Known Problem] === 1.6: OpenNEbula (ONE) === * 2008-06-06: [FYI] [http://www.enomalism.com/ Enomalism] is an open source web-based virtual infrastructure platform. * 2008-06-02: [wiki:ONE_Insatll OpenNEbula Installation] === 1.7: High Availability (HA) === * HeartBeat === 1.8: WebOS === * 2008-06-14: [FYI] 20+ WebOS reviewed [http://franticindustries.com/2006/12/21/big-webos-roundup-10-online-operating-systems-reviewed/ Part 1], [http://franticindustries.com/2007/06/16/another-10-web-operating-systems-reviewed/ Part 2] ---- == 【2: Data Grid and File System Related】 == === 2.1: GPFS === * 2008-06-06: [wiki:Parallel_FS_Comparism 從paper看Parallel File System 的數據比較] * 2008-05-29: [wiki:GPFS_3D_model GPFS 3D_Model Performance Testing] * 2008-03-13: [FYI] [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-snmp-gpfs/ SNMP-based monitoring for GPFS clusters] * 2008-03-08: [wiki:GPFS_ganglia ganglia monitor system (for monitoring our GPFS cluster )] * 2008-02-26: [wiki:GPFS_Performance GPFS Performance Report] * 2008-02-22: [wiki:GPFS_Tuning Tuning GPFS Performance] * 2008-02-21: [wiki:GPFS_DRBL How to deploy GPFS nodes massively using DRBL] * 2008-02-20: [wiki:GPFS_3D Building GPFS testbed to support 3D Fly Circit Image Database] * 2008-02-13: [wiki:Problem Current Known Problem] * 2008-02-04: [wiki:GPFS_Operation GPFS Operation Notes] * 2008-02-04: [wiki:GPFS_Install GPFS Installation Notes (Chinese)] === 2.2: FTPfs === === 2.3: SRBfs === === 2.4: SRM === * [wiki:SRM_Fundamental SRM Fundamenta] === 2.5: Lustre === * 2008-07-02: [FYI] [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8944468215947210170 Lustre File System Roadmap] * 2.5.1 Introduction of lustre * 2.5.2 Installation of lustre * 2008-06-02: [wiki:lustre_install Install Lustre step by step] * 2.5.3 Benchmarking of Lustre File System * 2008-06-06: [wiki:Parallel_FS_Comparism 從paper看Parallel File System 的數據比較] * 2008-06: [wiki:lustre_bonnie++ Performance Test using Bonnie++] * 2008-06: [wiki:lustre_IOzone Performance Test using IOzone] * 2.5.4 [wiki:lustre_gpfs Performance Comparsion between Lustre and GPFS] === 2.6: Global File System (gfs) === * [wiki:gfs_Intr gfs Introduction] === 2.7 PVFS === * 2008-06-06: [wiki:Parallel_FS_Comparism 從paper看Parallel File System 的數據比較] === 2.8 VirtualGL === * 2008-06-02: [wiki:VirtualGL VirtualGL Installation Guide] * 2008-06-03: [wiki:VirtualGL_UsageNote IvIsee + VirtualGL + TurboVNC with GPFS For Remote Access to 3D Applications] * 2008-06-23: [wiki:VirtualGL_Sun Sun Visualization System] === 2.9 Distributed File System === * 2008-06-13: [wiki:DFS_Cencept Conecpt of Distributed File System] === 2.10 GlusterFS === * 2008-06-13: [http://www.gluster.org/docs/index.php/GlusterFS_1.3.pre2-VERGACION_vs_Lustre- GlusterFS vs. Lustre] === 2.11 ZFS === * 2008-07-09: [FYI][http://scalability.org/?p=648 ZFS performance testing] * 2008-07-05: [FYI][http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2325724487196148104 Video: Examining ZFS On-Disk Format Using mdb and zdb] * 2008-07-04: [FYI][http://www.linux-mag.com/id/6371 ZFS on FUSE] * 2008-06-19: [http://www.linux.com/feature/138452?theme=print Using ZFS though FUSE] === 2.12 NFS === * 2008-06-22: [FYI] [http://www.linux.com/feature/138453?theme=print Benchmarking NFSv3 vs. NFSv4 file operation performance] === 2.X NAND Flash vs Hard Disk === * [http://www.embedded.com/columns/technicalinsights/208801753;jsessionid=3IKS1JQ5XMF5CQSNDLPCKHSCJUNN2JVN?printable=true Hard disk vs. Flash video storage: Hybrid technology merges best of each] === 2.Y Benchmark Toolkit === * 2008-07-02: [FYI][http://www.linux.com/feature/139744?theme=print IOzone for filesystem performance benchmarking] * 2008-07-02: [FYI][http://www.linux.com/feature/139742?theme=print Using Bonnie++ for filesystem performance benchmarking] * 2008-07-02: [FYI][http://www.linux.com/feature/139743?theme=print A new utility for quickly interpreting multiple Bonnie++ benchmarks] ---- == 【3: R-MPI】 == === 3.1 Install mpich2 on VMware === * 2008-03-06: [wiki:MPICH2_Install Install mpich2 step by step] === 3.2 Build R-MPI platform === * 2008-03-17: [wiki:R-MPI_Install How to Install R-MPI] === 3.3 Install R-MPI librarys for biology === * 2008-03-26: [wiki:Install_R/BioConductor Install BioConductor] === 3.4 Testing for R-MPI Servers === * 2008-03-17: [wiki:R-MPI_Tutorial R-MPI Tutorial] * 2008-04-25: [wiki:R-MPI Sample Test Result] === 3.5 Explain R-MPI === * 2008-07-08: [wiki:explain_rmpi Task Pull & Task Push] === 3.6 Kerrighed with R === * 2008-04-10: [wiki:R_krg_arch Kerrighed can support...] * 2008-04-01: [wiki:R-MPI_Problem Current Known Problem] ---- == 【4: Projects】 == === GTD Cloud Platform === * 2008-07-17: [wiki:GTD_Cloud GTD Cloud platform (refer to Amazon arch) ] === 3D Fly Platform === * 2008-07-03: [wiki:3D_Lustre Build Lustre Storage Cluster to support 3D fly] ---- == [wiki:Reading 【The Readings Schedule】] == [[WikiInclude(Reading)]] ---- == 【Related Conference Paper/Poster/Demo Submission】 == * 2008-03-10: [http://www.nchc.org.tw/event/2008/pragma/ PRAGMA 14], NMNS, Taichung, Taiwan * ~~Call for Demo/Poster - __'''2008-02-29 (Friday)'''__ '''(done)'''~~ * Demo: '''How-To deploy GPFS nodes massively using Diskless Remote Boot Linux''' * Demo Schedule: __'''2008-03-12 (Wednesday)'''__ * 2008-04-01: [http://www.multicore-expo.com/ Multicore Expo 2008] * 2008-04-07: [http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2008/ International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC) 2008], Taipei, Taiwan * 2008-04-14: [http://www.ipdps.org./ IPDPS 2008 Conference] * 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium * ~~[http://www.ipdps.org./ipdps2008/2008_cfp.html Call for Paper] (closed)~~ * 2008-05-12: [http://www.opensourcegridcluster.org/ 2008 Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference, Oakland, California, USA] * [http://www.opensourcegridcluster.org/CFP.html Call for Participation] * Submission Deadline - ~~2008-03-15 / 2008-03-21(Fri.) extended to __'''2008-03-26 (Wed.)'''__ - [http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=194549 Application Form] (updated 2008-03-21) ~~ '''(submitted)''' * Status Notification - __'''2008-04-15'''__ * Presentation Slides Due - __'''2008-04-30'''__ * [http://www.opensourcegridcluster.org/registration.html Registration] - __'''2008-03-14'''__ ~ __'''2008-05-11'''__ * Exhibit opportunity - contact mailto:info@opensourcegridcluster.org * Topic: '''Deploy Kerrighed nodes massively using Diskless Remote Boot Linux''' * Presentation Title : Status - '''ACCEPT!!''' * '''''Massive Deployment of Kerrighed Virtual SMP Cluster using Diskless Remote Boot Linux''''' * ~~2008-05-19: [http://ccgrid2008.ens-lyon.fr/ CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France]~~ * ~~Paper Submission: __'''2007-11-19'''__(expired)~~ * CCGrid 2009 will be held at China :( * 2008-06-02: [http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/ The 23rd Open Grid Forum - OGF23], Barcelona, Spain * [http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/cfp.php OGF23 Call for Participation] * Submission: __'''2008-04-11'''__ * 2008-06-09: [http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/tg08/ TeraGrid 2008], Las Vegas, Nevada * [http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/tg08/index.php?m_b_c=callForParticipation Papers and Challenges] * Paper abstract submissions: __'''2008-03-18'''__ * Full paper submissions: __'''2008-04-01'''__ * [http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/tg08/index.php?m_b_c=callForParticipation Demonstrations, Posters, and Visualizations] * Abstracts submission: ~~__'''2008-04-18'''__~~ __'''2008-05-02'''__ * Notifications for Demos, Posters, and Visualizations: ~~__'''2008-04-29'''__~~ __'''2008-05-12'''__ * ~~2008-06-17: [http://www.supercomp.de/isc08/content/ International Supercomputing Conference], Dresden, Germany~~ * The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) is '''Europe'''’s leading Conference and Exhibition on '''High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis'''. * ~~Call for Papers: ([http://www.supercomp.de/isc08/content/e53/e57/e1158/ISC08PM1e_CFP.pdf PDF])~~ * ~~Paper Submission: __'''2008-02-19'''__(expired)~~ * Call for Research Posters: [http://www.supercomp.de/isc08/content/e2/e1638/e1641/Call_forPosters_ISC08.pdf PDF] * Poster Submission: __'''2008-04-12'''__ * 2008-06-22: [http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix08/ USENIX'08], Boston, USA * [http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix08/cfp/ Call for Paper] * 2008-06-23: [http://www.sel.uniroma2.it/wetice08/ WETICE 2008], Rome, Italy * 17th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises * ~~Paper submission: __'''2008-03-17'''__~~ * 2008-06-23: [http://www.hpdc.org/ 17th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2008)], Boston, USA * [http://www.hpdc.org/cfp.html Call for Paper] * Abstract Submissions: __'''2008-01-14'''__ * Paper Submissions: __'''2008-01-21'''__ * Author notification: __'''2008-03-24'''__ * Final Manuscripts due: __'''2008-04-10'''__ * 2008-06-23: [http://www.xen.org/xensummit/xensummit_summer_2008.html Xen Summit LogoXen Summit 2008], Boston * 2008-06-23: [http://www.cs.okstate.edu/clade2008/ Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE)], In conjunction with HPDC 2008 * Call for Paper: [http://www.cs.okstate.edu/clade2008/CLADE2008-CFP.pdf PDF] * Submission Deadline: __'''2008-03-07'''__ * Notification of Acceptance: __'''2008-03-27'''__ * Final Manuscripts Due: __'''2008-04-10'''__ * 2008-06-25: [http://events.gigaom.com/structure/08/ Structure 08], San Francisco, California, USA. * No call for paper :( - [http://events.gigaom.com/structure/08/speakers/#speaker_nominations Speaker Nominations] Only * 2008-06-30: [http://www.hpcc.unical.it/hpc2008/ HPC 2008], Cetraro, Italy * 2008-07-23: [http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2008/ Linux Symposium 2008], Ottawa, Canada * [http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2008/cfp.php Call For Papers] * Proposal to Present : ~~'''2007-11-15 ~ 2008-02-15'''~~ * 2008-08-04: [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/ LinuxWorld 2008], San Fransisco, California, USA * ~~[http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/speakers/callforpapers/CC974830 The Call For Papers Submission Form] - __'''2008-02-24'''__~~ * Submitted: '''Clonezilla live, the bare metal backup and recovery tool (Steven)''' * [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/speakers//SN933506 The .org Pavilion Submission] [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/speakers//SN933506/CC92769 Form] - __'''2008-04-11'''__ * [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/speakers//SN389138 Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Meeting Submissions] [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/speakers//SN389138/CC993385 Form] - __'''2008-05-05'''__ * ~~2008-09-08: [http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~icpp2008/ ICPP-08, Portland, Oregon, USA]~~ * ~~Call for Papers: ([http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~icpp2008/icpp2008_cfp.pdf PDF])~~ * ~~Paper Submission: __'''2008-02-25'''__(expired)~~ * 2008-09-15: [http://www.ogf.org/OGF24/ The 24th Open Grid Forum - OGF24], Singapore, Singapore * 2008-09-17: [http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/ Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) 2009], Portland, Oregon, USA * LPC 2009 is a '''developer conference''' for the open source community. * [http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/cfp/ Call for Speaker Proposals] * 2008-09-29: [http://www.grid2008.org/ The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2008)], Tsukuba, Japan * [http://www.grid2008.org/cfp.html Call for Papers] * Technical Paper Submission: __'''2008-04-18'''__ * Poster submissions: __'''2008-07-22'''__ * Poster Acceptance Notifications: __'''2008-08-10'''__ * 2008-09-29: [http://www.cluster2008.org/ 2008 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2008)], Tsukuba, Japan * [http://www.cluster2008.org/cfp.html Call for Papers] * Poster submissions: __'''2008-07-22'''__ * Poster notification: __'''2008-08-10'''__ * 2008-10-07: [http://escience2008.iu.edu/ eScience 2008], * 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science * [http://www.escience2008.iu.edu/participation/index.shtml Call for Participation] * Workshops and Special Sessions: __'''2008-06-20'''__ * Papers and Tutorials: __'''2008-07-20'''__ * Exhibits, Demos, and Posters: __'''2008-09-14'''__ * 2008-10-09: [http://apscc2008.csie.chu.edu.tw/ 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008)], Yilan, Taiwan * [http://apscc2008.csie.chu.edu.tw/html/cfp.htm Call for Paper] * Paper submissions: __'''2008-06-15'''__ * Acceptance Notification: __'''2008-08-15'''__ * [http://grid.chu.edu.tw/apscc2008/index.php?authorsInstructions=1 Online paper submission] * 2008-10-10: IEEE HiPGCoMB-2008, Sidney, Australia * http://sara.unile.it/hipgcomb08/ * http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~ispa2008/ * Paper submission: __'''2008-06-25'''__ * Author Notification: __'''2008-08-15'''__ * 2008-10-21: [http://dfma08.cs.usm.my/ DFmA 2008] and [http://gridweek.usm.my/ PRAGMA 15], Penang, Malaysia * [http://www.pragma-grid.net/upcoming-events/call-for-papers-dfma-2008-and-pragma-15/ Call for Papers - DFmA 2008 and PRAGMA 15] * Deadline for Submission of Papers: __'''2008-05-30'''__ * Notification of Acceptance: __'''2008-07-31'''__ * Final Manuscript Due: __'''2008-09-01'''__ * 2008-10-22: [http://www.cca08.org/ CCA08: Cloud Computing and Its Applications], Chicago, USA * [https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/CCA2008 Call for contributed talk] Due: __'''2008-08-01'''__ * 2008-11-06: [ Multicore Expo 2008 JAPAN] * [http://www.multicore-expo.com/common/callforpapers.php?expo_seq=8 Call for Paper Abstracts] * Deadline to submit abstracts: __'''2008-08-01'''__ * Notification of acceptance: __'''2008-08-15'''__ * 2008-11-15: [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/ SC08] * SC08 is the international conference on '''high performance computing (HPC), networking, storage''' and analysis. * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/?pg=techprogram.html Technical Program] * [https://submissions.supercomputing.org/?args=rJUHtGzQArsf0IQ3TrA%3DxGzQArsf0IQ3THQP0A%3DxfGzU3ACIIfb0HQP0A%3DxfTz0Cx0zfsGcpcTzY%3D40QHHGNTtUbb0XfQbG9MMRTJUHtGyfHfbQIf0zQArsf0J%3DbATzY%3D40I%3Dx%3DGNTzU30IXrfGzIXrfN9NTA%3DxGzb0zU3 Technical Paper Sample] * [https://submissions.supercomputing.org/ SC08 submission site] * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/html/SC08CallForParticipation.pdf SC08 Call for Participation (PDF)] * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/html/SC08HorsePoster.pdf SC08 poster (PDF)] * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/images/SC08TXflyer.pdf SC08 Conference flyer (PDF)] * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/?pg=posters.html SC08 Poster] * Submission: __'''2008-07-31 (Thursday)'''__ * Notification: __'''2008-08-18 (Monday)'''__ * [http://sc08.supercomputing.org/?pg=bofs.html SC08 Birds-of-a-Feather(BoF) Sessions] * Submission: __'''2008-07-31 (Thursday)'''__ * Notification: __'''2008-08-18 (Monday)'''__ * 2008-11-17: [MTAGS Workshop 2008], Austin, Texas, USA * Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers * co-located with ACM/IEEE SC08 * [http://dsl.cs.uchicago.edu/MTAGS08/MTAGS08_CFP.pdf Call for Paper(PDF)] * Papers Due: __'''2008-08-15'''__ * Notification of Acceptance: __'''2008-10-01'''__ * 2008-11-18: [http://www.interlab.ait.ac.th/aintec08/ Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2008)], Bangkok, Thailand * Title and abstract registration: __'''2008-07-22'''__ * Full paper submission: __''2008-07-29'''__ * 2009-02-19: 27th APAN member Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan * 2009-03-02: [http://www.nchc.org.tw/event/2009/hpcasia/ HPC Asia 2009] * [http://www.nchc.org.tw/event/2009/hpcasia/call_for/ Call for Paper] * Paper Submission Due: __'''2008-08-01 ~ 2008-09-18'''__ * Post Submission Due: __'''2008-10-08'''__ * Author Notification: __'''2008-11-28'''__ * [http://ianfoster.typepad.com/blog/2008/07/many-tasks-comp.html What is Many Task Computing?] * 2009-03-16: 2009 Multicore Expo Conference, Santa Clara, California. * 2009-05-25: [http://www.ipdps.org/ IPDPS 2009 Conference], Rome, Italy * 23rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium * [http://www.ipdps.org./ipdps2009/2009_cfp.html Call for Paper] * Final Deadline for Symposium Manuscripts: __'''2008-10-03'''__ * Review Decisions Mailed: __'''2008-12-05'''__ * Camera Ready Papers Due: __'''2009-02-15'''__ == 【Possible Technical Whitepaper Submission】 == * Linux Magazine: [http://www.linux-mag.com/resource-submit?wp Submit a White Paper] * Linux.com: [http://www.linux.com/writeforus/ Write for us] * On Linux.com, we publish news, reviews, case studies, __'''HOWTOs'''__, feature articles, and fact-based commentary directly related to Linux, open source, or free software. We're especially interested in reviews and case studies of corporate and __'''enterprise-level products'''__. * !HowToForge: [http://howtoforge.com/add_howto Contribute] * If you write a tutorial that gets published on !HowtoForge, you will receive a one year free !HowtoForge subscription! == 【Technical Tutorials】 == * C/C++ Function Pointer: [http://www.newty.de/fpt/index.html Tutorial] * [http://www.embedded.com/columns/technicalinsights/208801217;jsessionid=2O4ZD5GZ1LSWYQSNDLPCKHSCJUNN2JVN?printable=true Dynamic allocation in C and C++]