
Version 3 (modified by rider, 16 years ago) (diff)


Shared Visualization - VirtualGL

TurboJPEG Installation

rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ wget

Linux Prerequisites
-- GCC v2.96 or later

-- GNU Make v3.7 or later

-- Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives v4.1 or later
   * See

   ( Can be insteaded by libjpeg )

-- RPM v4 or later (required to build a redistributable TurboJPEG package)

-- binutils 2.12.90 or later.  This shouldn't be an issue unless you are
   (still) running RedHat 7.x or Enterprise 2.1, in which case you can
   download an updated bintools RPM from

rock@gpfs-server:~$ sudo apt-get install xorg-dev xserver-xorg-dev libglu1-xorg-dev
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo alien turbojpeg-1.10.3.i386.rpm -d --to-deb
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo dpkg -i turbojpeg_1.10.3-20080404_i386.deb

VirtualGL Installation

rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ wget

Linux Prerequisites
-- OpenSSL headers and link libraries

   VirtualGL can be built using the shared OpenSSL libraries provided with
   your Linux distribution, but this produces a version of VirtualGL that is
   not compatible across multiple Linux platforms.  In order to build a fully
   compatible version of VirtualGL, download and install an openssl-static
   package from the "Download" area of:

   The direct link for openssl-static downloads is:

   There are three versions: one for GLIBC 2.2 systems (such as RedHat 7.x and
   Enterprise Linux 2.1), and both 32-bit and 32/64-bit packages for GLIBC 2.3
   (and later) systems.  Tarballs are also provided for users of non-RPM-based
   Linux distributions.  You can use alien
   ( to convert these into DEB packages,
   if you prefer.

-- GCC and G++

-- X11 dev. kit

   On most Linux variants, this can be found in the "XFree86-devel" or 
   "xorg-x11-devel" package.

-- GNU Make v3.7 or later

-- binutils 2.12.90 or later.  This shouldn't be an issue unless you are
   (still) running RedHat 7.x or Enterprise 2.1, in which case you can
   download an updated bintools RPM from
-- TurboJPEG SDK

   Download (and install) a TurboJPEG RPM from the "Download" area of

   The direct link for TurboJPEG downloads is:

   Use the i386 RPM for 32-bit systems and the x86_64 RPM for 64-bit systems
   (the x86_64 RPM contains both 64-bit and 32-bit libraries.)

   Tarballs are also provided for users of non-RPM-based Linux distributions.
   You can use alien ( to convert these
   into DEB packages, if you prefer.

rock@gpfs-server:~$ sudo apt-get install alien openssl libssl-dev libjpeg* libcrypt-openssl*
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo alien openssl-static-0.9.7m-1.src.rpm -d --to-deb
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo dpkg -i install openssl-static_0.9.7m-2_i386.deb
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo alien VirtualGL-2.1.i386.rpm -d --to-deb
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo dpkg -i virtualgl_2.1-20080306_i386.deb

TurboVNC Installation

rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ wget
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo alien turbovnc-0.4.i386.rpm -d --to-deb
rock@gpfs-server:~/VirtualGL$ sudo dpkg -i turbovnc_0.4-20080229_i386.deb