* 2008-03-14 * Chris - [attachment:Parallel_Computing_Overview.odp?format=raw Paralle Computing] * Zsjheng - [attachment:Introduction%20to%20FUSE.ppt?format=raw FUSE] * 2008-03-21 * Waue - hadoop * Sunny - Hypertable * 2008-03-28 * Chwhs - Hypertable * Rock - [wiki:Reading_rock_VG Virtualization in Grid] * 2008-04-11 * Rider - [wiki:krg_performance MPI-Povray] * Wade - MPI Programming In C. * 2008-04-18 * Chris - [attachment:Introduce_to_R.odp?format=raw Introduction to R] * Zsjheng - Google File System * 2008-05-02 * Chwhs - [attachment:NCHCCA_introduction.odp?format=raw Introduction to NCHC CA] (本週原本Sunny要報,但是我因為下禮拜要去北群參加訓練課程,因此改由我先報) * Waue - [attachment:nutch_present_20080425.odp?format=raw NUTCH] * 2008-05-23 * Rock - [wiki:Reading_rock_OSGCC OSGCC 2008] * Rider - [wiki:openmp_programming OpenMP] * 2008-05-30 * Sunny - HBase * Wade - * 2008-06-06 * Rock - [http://trac.nchc.org.tw/grid/attachment/wiki/Reading/OpenNEbula_Intro.odp?format=raw OpenNEbula] * 2008-06-13 * Zsjheng - GFS * Chris - [attachment:introduction_to_lustre.odp?format=raw Lustre File System] * 2008-06-20 * Chwhs - HBase 與 Hypertable 的比較(先就一般的功能敘述比較而非效能數據層面) [attachment:Hypertable-and-Hbase-comparison.odp?format=raw 投影片下載] * Waue - Google Develop Days 2008 分享- Gears.. (原Map/Reduce Programming 延後) * 2008-06-27 * Rock - [wiki:Reading_rock_LDD Linux Device Driver ch1~ch3 & case study] * Rider - [wiki:VirtualGL_UsageNote VirtualGL] * 2008-07-04 * 2008-07-11