* Testing the sample R program from www * Original R Program (without Rmpi) * Parallel R Program (with Rmpi) * Here are the running times(secs) with different times of loops of origianl R: {{{ 10 loops : 1.087226 20 loops : 3.395167 30 loops : 7.027248 40 loops : 11.95344 50 loops : 17.02942 60 loops : 23.54457 70 loops : 32.23314 80 loops : 42.41104 90 loops : 53.88992 100 loops : 64.43279 }}} * And Here are the running times(secs) with diffrent times of loops of PARALLEL R (Rmpi): {{{ 10 loops : 1.759266 20 loops : 2.582305 30 loops : 4.262631 40 loops : 6.176133 50 loops : 8.695369 60 loops : 12.00457 70 loops : 16.19619 80 loops : 20.33303 90 loops : 25.45973 100 loops : 30.71952 }}} * The Curve is like this:[[BR]] [[Image(Rmpi_example_test_result.jpg)]]