[[PageOutline]] = 船舶機械模擬程式加速 = == 0.Our Solution == ||'''方法''' ||'''問題和可行性''' ||備註 || ||使用Kerrighed作為Middleware來自動Thread Mogration ||2.0.0之後版本無法支援Thread Migrate,只能process migration,也無法support openmp[[BR]]可行性:難,需patch Kerrighed to support OpenMP|| || ||使用Mosix來作為Middleware來自動Process Mogration ||無法Thread Migration[[BR]]可行性:中,澳洲有人測試OpenMP成功於MOSIX上,可以參考他們的作法|| || ||使用S-DSM來 run OpenMP Code ||可行性:易,許多成功的範例 OepnMP run in S-DSM [[BR]]例如:Intel Cluster OpenMP、ParADE...等|| || [[BR]] == 1.Roadmap == 1. Perpare testbed 2. Config & tune Testbed 3. Choose OpenMP compiler 4. Test Stability of OpenMP 5. Runing Osaka Code [[BR]] == 2.Schedule == || '''Task''' ||'''Complete'''||'''Ouput & Evaluation'''|| ||1.Perpare Testbed ||2008-08-06|| 安裝說明文件和測試平台 || ||2.Config & tun Testbed || || || ||3.Choose OpenMP Compiler || || || ||4.Test Stability of OpenMP || || || ||5.Runing Osaka Code || || || [[BR]] == 3.Testbed information == * Software ||'''Name''' ||'''Version''' || ||debian ||etch !r3 || ||Kerrighed [[BR]] Mosix ||2.3.0[[BR]]|| ||DRBL || || * Compiler ||'''Compiler'''|| '''PATH''' || '''Comments''' || ||Intel gcc ||/opt/intel/cc/10.1.015||http://0rz.tw/8e4AE|| ||Intel Fortran ||/opt/intel/fc/10.1.015||http://0rz.tw/654xd|| * Features of the Intel OpenMP implementation * OpenMP 2.5 conforming * Nested parallelism * Workqueuing extension to OpenMP * Interoperability with POSIX and Windows threads * OMP_DYNAMIC support * Performance analysis via Intel Thread Profiler * Error Checking with the Intel Thread Checker (see below) [[BR]] == [wiki:Osaka_Krg 4.Osaka & Kerrighed] == [[BR]] == [wiki:Osaka_Mosix 5.Osaka & Mosix] == [[BR]] == Reference == * [http://openmp.org/wp/openmp-compilers/ OpenMP] * [http://www.compunity.org/resources/compilers/intel/index.php Intel Compiler] * INRIA: [ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/publication/publi-pdf/RR/RR-4947.pdf Kerrighed: A SSI Cluster OS Running OpenMP]