[[PageOutline]] = Kerrighed News = * 2008-12-01: [http://www.kerlabs.com/spip.php?page=breve&id_rubrique=2#news6 Kerrighed Live-CD available !] - 越來越封閉的 Kerrighed 團隊 :( {{{ An up-to-date Kerrighed Live-CD is available. It is based on Kerrighed 2.3.0 and will allow you to quickly test this system. Just insert and play ! Don’t hesitate to contact us for more informations: contact_AT_kerlabs_DOT_com The Kerlabs team. }}} * 2008-09-08: [FYI] [http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/scott/papers/2000_WSDSM_keynote.pdf Is S-DSM Dead?] * S-DSM = Software Distributed Shared Memory * [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/10335/32898/01540482.pdf Process Migration based on Gobelins Distributed Shared Memory] * 2008-08-25: [FYI] [http://insidehpc.com/2008/08/22/lincoln-labs-largest-single-program-ever-run/ Lincoln Labs: largest single program ever run] * 0.5 Petabyte calculation on the HPC Challenge Stream benchmark (www.hpcchallenge.org) * [http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/isr/pmatlab/pmatlab.html pMatlab: Parallel Matlab Toolbox] * 2008-05-05: [wiki:Krg_2.3.0 Kerrighed 2.3.0] * 2008-05-05: [wiki:openmp_programming OpenMP Usage Notes] * 2008-04-18: [http://www.kerrighed.org/wiki/index.php/KernelDevelKdFS Kerrighed Distributed File System] * 2008-04-07: [wiki:krg_progamming Programming for Kerrighed] * 2008-03-26: [FYI] [http://gforge.inria.fr/docman/view.php/69/668/rreemos.pdf XtreemOS Tutorial: Deploying Kerrighed], 2006-10-19 (PDF) * [http://www.xtreemos.eu/ XtreemOS] * 2008-03-25: [FYI] [http://www.linuxinsight.com/the_difference_between_kvm_and_xen.html The difference between kvm, Xen] and [http://www.linuxinsight.com/the_difference_between_xen_and_vmware.html VMWare] * 2008-03-24: [wiki:krg_performance MPI-Povray Performance Report] * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id;1829360654;fp;;fpid;;pf;1 Kernel space: How to use a terabyte of RAM] * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [https://events-at-sun.com/hpcreno/presentations/SUN%20HPC%20Fuerlinger.pdf Multicore Performance Analysis Tools from Academia] (PDF) * Karl Fuerlinger, Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, EECS Department, USA * This is one of the presentation from [https://events-at-sun.com/hpcreno/presentations.html Sun HPC Consortium / SC'07, Reno, Nevada] * [http://www.cs.utk.edu/~karl/ompp.html ompP : OpenMP Profiler] * [http://icl.cs.utk.edu/papi/index.html PAPI] * [http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/home.php TAU] * [http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/zentrale_einrichtungen/zih/forschung/software_werkzeuge_zur_unterstuetzung_von_programmierung_und_optimierung/vampir?set_language=en&cl=en Vampir] * [http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/kojak/ KOJAK] * [http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/scalasca/ SCALASCA] * 2008-03-22: [wiki:krg_krg64 krg2.2.1 on Debian4.0 Etch amd64 patch memo] * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_tuning NFS Performance Tuning Parameter] * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_linpack Run Linpack in Kerrighed with DRBL Environment] * 2008-03-18: [wiki:krg_tmpfs Use RAM in Kerrighed (tmpfs)] * 2008-03-05: [wiki:krg_problem Current Known Problem] * 2008-02-21: [wiki:krg_DRBL How to deploy kerrighed nodes massively using DRBL] * 2008-01-31: [wiki:Kernel_x86_64_Support How to make Linux Kernel and the Operating System Support 64-bit CPU]