Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Kerrighed

Oct 9, 2008, 11:09:28 AM (16 years ago)



  • Kerrighed

    v1 v1  
     1 * 2008-09-08: [FYI] [ Is S-DSM Dead?]
     2   * S-DSM = Software Distributed Shared Memory
     3   * [ Process Migration based on Gobelins Distributed Shared Memory]
     4 * 2008-08-25: [FYI] [ Lincoln Labs: largest single program ever run]
     5   * 0.5 Petabyte calculation on the HPC Challenge Stream benchmark (
     6   * [ pMatlab: Parallel Matlab Toolbox]
     7 * 2008-05-05: [wiki:Krg_2.3.0 Kerrighed 2.3.0]
     8 * 2008-05-05: [wiki:openmp_programming OpenMP Usage Notes]
     9 * 2008-04-18: [ Kerrighed Distributed File System]
     10 * 2008-04-07: [wiki:krg_progamming Programming for Kerrighed]
     11 * 2008-03-26: [FYI] [ XtreemOS Tutorial: Deploying Kerrighed], 2006-10-19 (PDF)
     12 * 2008-03-25: [FYI] [ The difference between kvm, Xen] and [ VMWare]
     13 * 2008-03-24: [wiki:krg_performance MPI-Povray Performance Report]
     14 * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [;1829360654;fp;;fpid;;pf;1 Kernel space: How to use a terabyte of RAM]
     15 * 2008-03-22: [FYI] [ Multicore Performance Analysis Tools from Academia] (PDF)
     16   * Karl Fuerlinger, Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, EECS Department, USA
     17   * This is one of the presentation from [ Sun HPC Consortium / SC'07, Reno, Nevada]
     18   * [ ompP : OpenMP Profiler]
     19   * [ PAPI]
     20   * [ TAU]
     21   * [      Vampir]
     22   * [ KOJAK]
     23   * [ SCALASCA]
     24 * 2008-03-22: [wiki:krg_krg64 krg2.2.1 on Debian4.0 Etch amd64 patch memo]
     25 * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_tuning NFS Performance Tuning Parameter]
     26 * 2008-03-20: [wiki:krg_linpack Run Linpack in Kerrighed with DRBL Environment]
     27 * 2008-03-18: [wiki:krg_tmpfs Use RAM in Kerrighed (tmpfs)]
     28 * 2008-03-05: [wiki:krg_problem Current Known Problem]
     29 * 2008-02-21: [wiki:krg_DRBL How to deploy kerrighed nodes massively using DRBL]
     30 * 2008-01-31: [wiki:Kernel_x86_64_Support How to make Linux Kernel and the Operating System Support 64-bit CPU]