OpenNEbula Mode
= 【0.簡介】 =
|| OpenNEbula 作為 VM 的管理者,而 Haizea 則可以作為 OpenNEbula 的進階排程機制。Haizea 會透過 OpenNEbula 的 XML-RPC API 來溝通訊息,預設使用的port是 2633||
= 【1.安裝】 =
* 必須安裝 OpenNEbula 1.4 板,可以[wiki:GTD_Cloud_One 參考此頁]
= 【2.Haizea 設定】 =
* 可以參考此設定檔 /usr/share/haizea/sample_opennebula.conf 和 sample_opennebula_barebones.conf,後者是沒有註解的精簡板,比較重要的兩個參數如下
mode: opennebula
# Typically, OpenNebula and Haizea will be installed
# on the same host, so the following option should be
# set to 'localhost'. If they're on different hosts,
# make sure you modify this option accordingly.
host: localhost
= 【3.操作】 =