[[PageOutline]] = XEN VM placement engine - OpenNEbula = == 1. Requirement == * Our OS is Debian lenny * Xen Installation {{{ $ sudo aptitude install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-1-xen-amd64 xen-tools }}} * Package Installatiom {{{ $ sudo aptitude install ruby sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsqlite3-ruby libxmlrpc-c3 libxmlrpc-c3-dev scons g++ flex bison }}} * Package information * ruby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby * sqlite3: A command line interface for SQLite 3 * libxmlrpc-c3: A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP for C and C++ * scons: A replacement for Make * flex: A fast lexical analyzer generator * bison: A parser generator that is compatible with YACC == 1. Install OpenNEbula == * We use 1.2 beta version [http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=software OpenNEbula download] {{{ $ tar zxvf one-1.1.80.tar.gz $ cd one-1.1.80 $ scons $ ./install.sh /home/one }}} * Verifting the installation {{{ $ ls /home/one bin etc include lib libexec share var }}} == 2. Using OpenNEbula == * Setup Envoronment {{{ $ sudo vim /etc/profile export ONE_LOCATION=/home/one export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2 export PATH=$ONE_LOCATION/bin:$PATH }}} * Statup OpenNEbula {{{ $ sudo one start }}} * Add Cluster {{{ $ onehost create one im_xen vmm_xen tm_ssh $ onehost list HID NAME RVM TCPU FCPU ACPU TMEM FMEM STAT 0 one 0 400 400 400 6216704 130048 on }}} == 3. Massively Deployment of Cluster == * Refer to https://trac.nchc.org.tw/grid/wiki/jazz/DRBL_Xen == 4. Using OpenNEbula to submit VM == * Create Image (We using xen-tools) {{{ $ sudo vim /etc/xen-tools $ sudo xen-create-image --hostname test1 --ip 140.110.X.X --acounts }}} * Configuration {{{ $ vim /home/images/domains/test1/test1.cfg NAME = test1 CPU = 4 MEMORY = 128 OS = [ kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-xen-amd64", initrd = "/boot/initrd.img-2.26-1-xen-amd64", root = "sda1" ] DISK = [ source = "/home/images/domains/test1/disk.img", target = "sda1", readonly = "no" ] DISK = [ type = "swap", size = 1024, target = "sdb"] NIC = [ MAC = "00:11:22:33:44:55",bridge = "eth0" ] }}} * Submit {{{ $ sudo onevm submit test1.cfg $ sudo onevm list }}} == Problem == * Ubuntu 8.10 的kernel 2.6.27-9-server 目前只support DomU (no Dom0) 2008/12/10 == Reference == * [http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=start OpenNEbula]