= Conferences/Journal related to Open Source / Grid / Cloud / Green / Distributed / Parallel / Volunteer Computing = * http://www.wikicfp.com/ * http://www.usenix.org/events/ * http://www.acm.org/conferences * http://www.ieee.org/web/conferences/callforpapers * http://www.cs.umd.edu/local-cgi-bin/als/conflist.pl == Conferences sorted by Submission Deadline == || '''Conference/Journal''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || '''Status''' || || [http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/conferences/m3sn10/ M3SN][[BR]]International Workshop on Modeling, Managing and Mining of Evolving Social Networks || Long Beach, California, USA || 2010-03-06 || [http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/conferences/m3sn10/CfP.pdf Paper] (PDF) || 2009-11-15 || || || '''[http://pcgrid.imag.fr/ PCGrid 2010]'''[[BR]]- Cloud computing over unreliable enterprise or Internet resources[[BR]]- modeling, simulation, and emulation of large-scale, volatile environments || Melbourne, Australia || 2010-05-17~20 || [http://pcgrid.imag.fr/cfp.html Paper] || __'''2009-11-30'''__ || ◎ || || '''[http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2010/ ISGC 2010]'''[[BR]]- Grid Computing & Cloud Computing || Taipei, Taiwan || 2010-03-07~12 || [http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2010/cfp.html Paper] || __'''2009-12-04'''__ || ◎ || || [http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~abenoit/hcw2010/ HCW 2010][[BR]]- Cloud computing || Atlanta, USA || 2010-04-19 || [http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~abenoit/hcw2010/cfp.html Paper] || 2009-12-14 || || || '''[http://www.gridbus.org/cloud2010/ Cloud 2010]''' || Melbourne, Australia || 2010-05-17~20 || [http://www.gridbus.org/cloud2010/Call_For_Papers.html Paper] || __'''2009-12-22'''__ || || || '''[http://www.manjrasoft.com/ccgrid2010/ CCGrid 2010]''' || Melbourne, Australia || 2010-05-17~20 || [http://www.manjrasoft.com/ccgrid2010/callforposters.html Poster] || __'''2010-01-04'''__ || || || '''[http://www.supercomp.de/isc10/ ISC'10]''' || Hamburg, Germany || 2010-05-31~06-03 || [http://www.supercomp.de/isc10/Participate/Call-for-Papers Paper] || __'''2010-01-11'''__ || || || '''[http://www.autonomic-conference.org/ ICAC 2010]'''[[BR]]The 7th International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications[[BR]]- Management topics[[BR]]- agent-based techniques and virtualization[[BR]]- Experience with existing systems || Washington, USA || 2010-06-07~11 || [http://www.cis.fiu.edu/conferences/icac2010/files/icac-cfp.pdf Paper](PDF) || __'''2010-01-11'''__ || || || '''[http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix10/ USENIX ATC '10]'''[[BR]]- Cloud computing[[BR]]- Virtualization[[BR]]- Deployment experience || Boston, MA, USA || 2010-06-23~25 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix10/cfp/ Paper / Poster] || __'''2010-01-11'''__ || || || [http://www.usenix.org/events/webapps10/ WebApps '10][[BR]]USENIX Conference on Web Application Development || Boston, MA || 2010-06-20~25 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/webapps10/cfp/ Paper] || 2010-01-11 || || || [http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/ GECCO 2010] [[BR]] 基因演算法的會議 || Portland, Oregon, USA || 2010-07-07~11 || [http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/papers.html Paper] || 2010-01-13 || || || '''[http://ees.elsevier.com/jpdc/ Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing]''' [[BR]] Special Issue of JPDC on "Data Intensive Computing" || Journal || || [http://ees.elsevier.com/jpdc/img/Data_Intensive_Computing.pdf Paper] || __'''2010-01-15'''__ || ◎ || || [http://hpdc2010.eecs.northwestern.edu/ HPDC 2010][[BR]] - Virtualization[[BR]]- Models and use cases for utility, grid, and cloud computing || Chicago, Illinois || 2010-06-21~25 || [http://hpdc2010.eecs.northwestern.edu/hpdc2010-cfp.htm Paper] || __'''2010-01-15'''__ || || || [http://hpdc2010.eecs.northwestern.edu/ HPDC 2010][[BR]] - Virtualization || Chicago, Illinois || 2010-06-21~25 || [http://hpdc2010.eecs.northwestern.edu/hpdc2010-cfp.htm Paper] || 2010-01-15 [[BR]] 2010-01-22 || || || [http://www.usenix.org/events/hotpar10/ HotPar '10] [[BR]] 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism || Berkeley, CA || 2010-06-14~15 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/hotpar10/cfp/ Paper] || 2010-01-24 || || || [http://www.usenix.org/events/webapps10 WebApps '10][[BR]]USENIX Conference on Web Application Development || Boston, MA || 2010-06-23 ~ 25 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/webapps10/cfp Paper] || 2010-02-04 || || || [http://www.podc.org/podc2010/ PODC 2010][[BR]]- high-performance, cluster, and grid computing || Zurich, Switzerland || 2010-07-25~28 || [http://www.podc.org/podc2010/call_for_papers.shtml Paper] || 2010-02-10 || || || [http://www.nossdav.org/2010/ NOSSDAV 2010] || Amsterdam, Netherlands || 2010-06-02~04 || [http://www.nossdav.org/2010/cfp.html Paper] || 2010-02-17 || || || [http://www.usenix.org/events/leet10/ LEET '10] [[BR]] 3rd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats || San Jose, CA || 2010-04-27 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/leet10/cfp/ Paper] || 2010-02-25 || || || '''[http://www.cluster2010.org/ Cluster 2010]'''[[BR]]- Virtualization and cloud support || Heraklion, Greece || 2010-09-20~24 || [http://www.cluster2010.org/call_papers.html Paper] || __'''2010-03-08'''__ || || || [http://pactconf.org/ PACT 2010][[BR]]- Scalability and system architecture for parallel systems || Vienna, Austria || 2010-09-11~15 || [http://pactconf.org/ Paper] || 2010-03-20 || || == Keep Tracking == || '''Conference''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || == History Evens == [wiki:Submission_Deadline_History History Evens]