= Conferences / Journal related to Open Source / Grid / Cloud / Green / Distributed / Parallel / Volunteer Computing = * http://www.wikicfp.com/ * http://www.usenix.org/events/ * http://www.acm.org/conferences * http://www.ourglocal.com/index.php?c=14&hl=en * http://www.ieee.org/web/conferences/callforpapers * http://www.cs.umd.edu/local-cgi-bin/als/conflist.pl * http://www.iaria.org/conferences.html * http://www.hpcwire.com/events/ * Green Computing - http://sites.google.com/site/greencomputingproject/cfp * GreenIT Conferences - http://www.greenit-conferences.org/ * The Data Science Journal - http://www.codata.org/dsj/index.html == Conferences sorted by Submission Deadline == || '''Conference / Journal''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || '''Status''' || || [http://events.networks.imdea.org/e-energy2012 e-energy2012][[BR]] Energy-Efficient related || Madrid, Spain || 2012-05-09~11 || [http://events.networks.imdea.org/content/e-energy-2012/call-papers-1 Paper] || 2012-01-10 || || || '''[http://www.hpdc.org/2012/ HPDC 2012]'''[[BR]]ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing || '''Delft, Netherlands''' || 2012-06-18~22 || [http://www.hpdc.org/2012/papers/call-for-papers/ Paper] || '''2012-01-16''' [[BR]] 2012-01-23 || || == Journal == * [http://www.isinet.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=K Science Citation Index JOURNAL LIST] - '''SCI Journal''' * [http://www.isinet.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=D Science Citation Index EXPANDED JOURNAL LIST] - ''' SCIE Journal''' * [http://www.ei.org/userfiles/SourceLists/CPX%20JOURNAL%20LIST_%202011_0523.pdf Engineering Index COMPENDEX JOURNALS SOURCE LIST 2011] - '''[http://www.ei.org/compendex EI] Journal''' * [http://www.ei.org/userfiles/SourceLists/CPX%20MONO%20SOURCE%20LIST_%202011_0523.pdf Engineering Index COMPENDEX MONOGRAPHS, SERIES, & PROCEEDINGS SOURCE LIST 2011] - '''[http://www.ei.org/compendex EI] Conference Proceeding''' || [http://www.jsise.org/e_journal/ejournal.html The Journal of Information and Systems in Education] || || [http://airccse.org/journal/ijdps/ijdps.html International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems (IJDPS) ] || == Keep Tracking == || '''Conference''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || == History Evens == [wiki:Submission_Deadline_History History Evens]