= Conferences/Journal related to Open Source / Grid / Cloud / Green / Distributed / Parallel / Volunteer Computing = * http://www.wikicfp.com/ * http://www.usenix.org/events/ * http://www.acm.org/conferences * http://www.ourglocal.com/index.php?c=14&hl=en * http://www.ieee.org/web/conferences/callforpapers * http://www.cs.umd.edu/local-cgi-bin/als/conflist.pl * http://www.iaria.org/conferences.html * http://www.hpcwire.com/events/ * Green Computing - http://sites.google.com/site/greencomputingproject/cfp * GreenIT Conferences - http://www.greenit-conferences.org/ == Conferences sorted by Submission Deadline == || '''Conference/Journal''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || '''Status''' || || [http://sbac-pad-2010.lncc.br/ SBAC-PAD 2010][[BR]] - Power and energy-efficient systems || Petrópolis, Brazil || 2010-10-27~30 || [http://sbac-pad-2010.lncc.br/ Paper] || __'''2010-06-06'''__ || || || '''[http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa10/ LISA '10]'''[[BR]]24th Large Installation System Administration Conference[[BR]]- Benchmarking and performance evaluation[[BR]]- Designing policies for shared systems || San Jose, CA, USA || 2010-11-07~12 || [http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa10/cfp/ Paper] || __'''2010-05-17'''__ || ◎ || || [http://www.collaboratecom.org/index.php Collaborative Computing 2010][[BR]] - Energy management for collaborative networks || Chicago, Illinois, USA || 2010-10-09~12|| [http://www.collaboratecom.org/information/cfp.php Paper] || __'''2010-05-28'''__ || || || [http://www.rv2010.org/ RV2010][[BR]]1st International Conference on Runtime Verification[[BR]]- intrusion detection, security policies[[BR]]- log file analysis[[BR]]- dynamic concurrency analysis[[BR]]- program execution visualization || Malta || 2010-11-01~04 || [http://www.rv2010.org/cfp.txt Paper] || 2010-06-01 || || || [http://www.microarch.org/micro43/ MICRO-43][[BR]]- Power, performance, and implementation efficient designs || Atlanta, Georgia, USA || 2010-12-04~08 || [http://www.microarch.org/micro43/pages/files/micro43_cfp.pdf Paper] || 2010-06-04 [[BR]] 2010-06-11 || || || [http://grid.sjtu.edu.cn/icpads10/ ICPADS 2010]'''[[BR]]- Power-aware and Green Computing || Shanghai, China || 2010-12-08~10 || [http://grid.sjtu.edu.cn/icpads10/cfp.html Paper] || '''2010-06-15''' || ◎ || || [http://2010.cloudcom.org/ CloudCom 2010][[BR]]- MapReduce / Hadoop development[[BR]]- Power-aware Profiling, Modeling, and Optimizations ''' || Indiana, USA || 2010-11-30~12-03 || [http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/CloudCom2010/call_for_papers.html Paper] || __'''2010-07-01'''__ || ◎ || || '''[http://www.green-communications.net/globecom10/home.html GreenComm3!]'''[[BR]]- Measurement and profiling of energy consumption || Miami, Florida, USA || 2010-12-6~10 || [http://www.green-communications.net/globecom10/cfp.html Paper] || '''2010-07-02''' || ◎ || || [http://www.escience2010.org/ e-Science 2010] || || 2010-10-08~10 || [http://www.escience2010.org/submissions/index.jsp Paper] || 2010-07-16 || || || [http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu/index.html ASPLOS 2011][[BR]]- Power and energy management in current and future computer systems. || Newport Beach, USA || 2011-03-05~11 || [http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu/callforpapers.html Paper] || 2010-07-19 || || || [http://ppopp11.ac.uma.es/ PPoPP 2011] || San Antonio, USA || 2011-02-12~16 || [http://ppopp11.ac.uma.es/tiki-index.php?page=Papers Paper] || 2010-08-01 || || || '''[http://proton.inrialpes.fr/~depalma/GCM/ GCM'2010][[BR]]- Green architectures for Grids, Clouds and clusters [[BR]] - Real life experiments || Bangalore, India || 2010-11-29~2010-12-03 || [http://proton.inrialpes.fr/~depalma/GCM/# Paper] || 2010-08-01 || || || [http://hpca17.ac.upc.edu/ HPCA-17][[BR]]- Power-efficient architectures and techniques || San Antonio, USA || 2011-02-12~16 || [http://hpca17.ac.upc.edu/hpca17_cfp.html Paper] || 2010-08-20[[BR]]2010-08-27 || || == Keep Tracking == || '''Conference''' || '''Location''' || '''Date''' || '''Submission Type''' || '''Submission Deadline''' || == History Evens == [wiki:Submission_Deadline_History History Evens]