
Version 22 (modified by rider, 16 years ago) (diff)


Build Lustre Storage Cluster for 3D Fly platform


Some domain-applications usually need to computing with huge data. It usually meet a bottleneck of performance, the main problem is I/O performance to drag total performance. Thereforce, we use Lustre high performance stroage to improve I/O performance.
Abiut Lustre, you can refer to Lustre web site

1.Machine information & Software

  • Hardware
Node 8 nodes (1 server , 7 client provide disks)
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (each node)
Memory 2GB DDR2 667 (each node)
Disk All nodes: 320G * 7 = 2.24T
NIC Intel Corporation 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection
Switch D-link 24 port GE switch
  • Software
OSOpenSuSE 10.2
AmiraTesting Version
  • Architecture

3D fly architecture

2.Config OpenSuSE Environment

  • Install packages for Lustre
  • Install packages for DRBL

3.Install Lustre

  • Build kernel
    $ sudo su
    $ cd /usr/src
    $ wget
    $ tar jxvf linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2
    $ cd 2.6.18
    $ cp /boot/config-xxx .config
    $ make oldconfig ; make menuconfig
    $ make -j 5
    $ make modules
    $ make modules_install
    $ make install
    $ mkinitrd
    $ vim /boot/grub/menu.list
  • recompiler NIC driver
    tar e1000-
    cd e1000-
    make install
  • Bonding NIC (bond0 -> eth1 & eth2)
    $ cd /etc/sysconfig/network
    $ vim ifcfg-eth1 
    $ vim ifeth-eth2
    $ vim ifcfg-bond0
    $ vim /etc/rc.d/after.local
    ifenslave bond0 eth1 eth2
    modprobe drm
    modprobe ldiskfs
    modprobe lnet networks=tcp
    $ vim /etc/module/modules.conf.local
    alias bond0 bonding
    alias eth0 e1000
    alias eth1 e1000
    alias eth2 e1000
    options bond0 mode=6 miimon=100
  • Build Lustre Modules
    $ configure --with-linux=/usr/src/2.6.18
    $ make install
    $ depmod -a
    $ vim /etc/rc.d/after.local

4.Build DRBL Environment

$ zypper install drbl
$ /opt/drbl/sbin/drblsrv -i 
$ /opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i
= Check nodes booting setup =

5.Build Lustre Storage Cluster

  • Setup autologin
    = fly =
    mkfs.lustre --fsname=flyfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sdb1
    mount -t lustre /dev/sdb1 /home/mdt
    = fly01 ~ fly07 =
    mkfs.lustre --fsname=flyfs --ost  --mgsnode=fly@tcp0 /dev/sdb
    mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /home/ost
    = fly =
    mkdir /home/flyfs
    mount -t lustre fly@tcp0:/flyfs /home/flyfs

6.Install TurboJPEG

rock@fly:~/turbojpeg> wget
rock@fly:~/turbojpeg> sudo rpm -i turbojpeg-1.10.3.x86_64.rpm
rock@fly:~/turbojpeg> sudo rpm -qs turbojpeg

normal        /usr/bin/switchtjpeg
normal        /usr/include/turbojpeg.h
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbojpeg-1.10.3
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbojpeg-1.10.3/LGPL.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbojpeg-1.10.3/LICENSE.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbojpeg-1.10.3/README.txt

rock@fly:~/VirtualGL> switchtjpeg --help

USAGE: /usr/bin/switchtjpeg < ipp | libjpeg >

ipp = Use the accelerated version of TurboJPEG, which embeds functions from
      the Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
libjpeg = Use the unaccelerated version of TurboJPEG, which is

7.Install VirtualGL

rock@fly:~/VirtualGL> wget
rock@fly:~/VirtualGL> sudo rpm -i VirtualGL-2.1.x86_64.rpm
rock@fly:~/VirtualGL> sudo rpm -qs VirtualGL

normal        /opt/VirtualGL
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/cpustat
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/glxinfo
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/glxspheres
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/glxspheres64
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/nettest
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/tcbench
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglclient
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglconfig
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglconfig64
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglconnect
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglgenkey
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vgllogin
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglrun
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglserver_config
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/doc
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/fakelib
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/fakelib/64
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/fakelib/64/
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/fakelib/
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/lib
normal        /opt/VirtualGL/lib64
normal        /usr/bin/vglclient
normal        /usr/bin/vglconfig
normal        /usr/bin/vglconfig64
normal        /usr/bin/vglconnect
normal        /usr/bin/vglgenkey
normal        /usr/bin/vgllogin
normal        /usr/bin/vglrun
normal        /usr/bin/vglserver_config
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/lib64/
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/411.gif
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/422.gif
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/444.gif
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/ChangeLog.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/LGPL.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/LICENSE-OpenSSL.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/LICENSE.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/chromium-displaywall.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/chromium-sortfirst.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/chromium-sortlast.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/configdialog.gif
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/exceed1.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/exceed2.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/exceed3.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/exceed6.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/index.html
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/somerights20.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/sshtunnel.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/sunray.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/turbovnc1.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/turbovnc2.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/turbovnc3.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/turbovnc4.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/vgltransport.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/vgltransportglp.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/vgltransportservernetwork.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/virtualgl.css
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/x11transport.png
normal        /usr/share/doc/VirtualGL-2.1/x11transportglp.png

rock@fly:~/VirtualGL> vglrun --help

Usage: vglrun [options] [--] <OpenGL app> [OpenGL app arguments]

VirtualGL options
-c <c>    : proxy = Send 3D images uncompressed using X11 transport
            jpeg = Compress 3D images using JPEG/send using VGL transport
            rgb = Encode 3D images as RGB/send using VGL transport
            sr = Compress 3D images using DPCM/send using Sun Ray transport
            srrgb = Encode 3D images as RGB/send using Sun Ray transport
-cl <c>   : <c> = The hostname or IP address of the VirtualGL client (or
                  Sun Ray server)
-dl       : Force apps that dlopen() libGL to load VirtualGL instead
-d <d>    : <d> = the X Display or GLP device to use for 3D rendering
-fps <f>  : Limit client/server frame rate to <f> frames/sec
+/-g      : Enable/disable gamma correction
-gamma <g>: Set gamma correction factor to <g> (see docs)
-ge       : Fool application into thinking that LD_PRELOAD is unset
-np <n>   : Use <n> CPUs to perform image compression (VGL transport only)
-p <p>    : TCP port to use when connecting to vglclient (VGL transport only)
+/-pr     : Enable/disable performance profiling output
-q <q>    : JPEG compression quality [1 <= <q> <= 100]
+/-s      : Enable/disable SSL encryption of VGL image transport
-samp <s> : JPEG chrominance subsampling factor
            [<s> = gray, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x]
+/-sp     : Turn on/off frame spoiling
-st <s>   : left = Send only left eye buffer
            right = Send only right eye buffer
            quad = Use quad-buffered stereo if available, otherwise use
                   red/cyan (anaglyphic) stereo [default]
            rc = Always use red/cyan (anaglyphic) stereo
+/-sync   : Enable/disable strict 2D/3D synchronization
+/-tr     : Enable/disable function call tracing (generates a lot of output)
+/-v      : Enable/disable verbose VirtualGL messages
-64       : (Solaris only) Preload VirtualGL only into 64-bit apps
-32       : (Solaris only) Preload VirtualGL only into 32-bit apps

### VGL Server Configuration

rock@fly:~> sudo /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglserver_config

1) Configure server for use with VirtualGL in GLX mode
2) Unconfigure server for use with VirtualGL in GLX mode
X) Exit


Restrict local X server access to vglusers group (recommended)?

Restrict framebuffer device access to vglusers group (recommended)?

Disable XTEST extension (recommended)?
... Granting write permission to /dev/nvidia* for all users ...
... Adding xhost +localhost to /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup script ...
... Adding xhost +localhost to /etc/opt/gnome/gdm/Init/Default script ...
... Disabling XTEST extension in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers ...
... Setting default run level to 5 (enabling graphical login prompt) ...

Done. You must restart the display manager for the changes to take effect.

1) Configure server for use with VirtualGL in GLX mode
2) Unconfigure server for use with VirtualGL in GLX mode
X) Exit


8.Install TurboVNC

rock@fly:~/turbovnc> wget
rock@fly:~/turbovnc> sudo rpm -i turbovnc-0.4.i386.rpm
rock@fly:~/turbovnc> rpm -qs turbovnc

normal        /etc/X11/applnk/Applications/tvncviewer.desktop
normal        /etc/init.d/tvncserver
normal        /etc/sysconfig/tvncservers
normal        /opt/TurboVNC
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin/Xvnc
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncconnect
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncpasswd
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncserver
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncviewer
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1/Xvnc.1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1/vncconnect.1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1/vncpasswd.1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1/vncserver.1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/man/man1/vncviewer.1
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/AuthPanel.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/ButtonPanel.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/CapabilityInfo.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/CapsContainer.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/ClipboardFrame.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/DesCipher.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/InStream.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/MemInStream.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/OptionsFrame.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/RFBUpdateEvent.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/RecordingFrame.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/ReloginPanel.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/RfbProto.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/SessionRecorder.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/SocketFactory.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/VncCanvas.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/VncCanvas2.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/VncViewer.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/VncViewer.jar
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/ZlibInStream.class
normal        /opt/TurboVNC/vnc/classes/index.vnc
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbovnc-0.4
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbovnc-0.4/LICENCE.TXT
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbovnc-0.4/TurboVNC-ChangeLog.txt
normal        /usr/share/doc/turbovnc-0.4/WhatsNew

rock@fly:~> sudo zypper install xorg-x11-fonts xorg-x11-fonts-core xorg-x11-fonts-devel
rock@fly:~> sudo zypper install xorg-x11-devel xorg-x11-driver-input xorg-x11-driver-video
rock@fly:~> sudo zypper install libdrm libdrm-devel Mesa Mesa-devel
rock@fly:~> sudo zypper remove beagle beagle-evolution beagle-firefox beagle-gui beagle-index tomboy
rock@fly:/usr/X11R6/lib> sudo /etc/init.d/xfs start
rock@fly:~> cd /usr/X11R6/lib
rock@fly:/usr/X11R6/lib> sudo mkdir X11
rock@fly:~> sudo cp rgb.txt /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/
rock@fly:~> sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Module"
  Load         "dbe"
  Load         "type1"
  Load         "freetype"
  Load         "extmod"
  Load         "glx"
  Load         "v4l"
  Load         "drm"
  Load         "dri"
Section "DRI"
    Group      "video"
    Mode       0666

rock@fly:~> sudo vim /etc/X11/fs/config

#no-listen = tcp

rock@fly:~> /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncserver -geometry 1280x1024 :1

New 'X' desktop is fly:1

Creating default startup script /home/rock/.vnc/xstartup Starting applications specified in /home/rock/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /home/rock/.vnc/fly:1.log

rock@fly:~> ps aux | grep X

root      4216  0.0  0.9  75012 19760 tty7     Ss+  Jul03   0:04 /usr/bin/X :0 -audit 0 -br -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth vt7
rock      4811  0.0  0.0  46628   988 ?        Ss   Jul03   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /bin/bash /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
rock     20758  1.1  0.6  16760 12900 pts/9    S    00:56   0:00 /opt/TurboVNC/bin/Xvnc :1 -desktop X -httpd /opt/TurboVNC/bin/../vnc/classes -auth /home/rock/.Xauthority -dontdisconnect -geometry 1240x900 -depth 24 -rfbwait 120000 -rfbauth /home/rock/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -fp unix/:7100 -deferupdate 1
rock     22008  0.0  0.0   5004   808 pts/9    S+   00:56   0:00 grep X

### TurboVNC Initialization Bug fixed for ALSA Library ###

rock@fly:~/alsa> wget
rock@fly:~/alsa> tar jxvf alsa-lib-1.0.13.tar.bz2
rock@fly:~/alsa> cd alsa-lib-1.0.13
rock@fly:~/alsa/alsa-lib-1.0.13> ./configure --enable-static
rock@fly:~/alsa/alsa-lib-1.0.13> make -j 4
rock@fly:~/alsa/alsa-lib-1.0.13> sudo make install

openSUSE(GUI)-> Computer -> Control Center -> System -> Sound -> Choose ALSA for each option.

9.Install Amira

Necessary Library:
Download libg2c33(Fortran Compiler Runtime Library) for openSUSE 10.2

rock@fly:~/amira_source/download_lib> wget
rock@fly:~/amira_source/download_lib> sudo rpm -i libg2c33-3.3.3-43.3.x86_64.rpm

rock@fly:~/amira_source> chmod a+x Amira411-LinuxAMD64.bin
rock@fly:~/amira_source> ./Amira411-LinuxAMD64.bin --console (console mode)
Installation succeed !!!
Installation path: /home/rock/Amira4.1.1
rock@fly:~/Amira4.1.1/bin> ./start --console (console mode)

Finished ! It works...

10.NVIDIA GeForce? 7300 GT Installation

Change to root before following steps.

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # wget

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # sh

Then follow extra steps to continue: Setup , kernel module , configuration ..etc

Finished!!! Now, Check it out ~

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # modprobe -l | grep nv


We only need nvidia.ko, and it'll actually loaded after installation.

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # lsmod | grep nv

nvidia               8132208  24 
i2c_core               41472  2 nvidia,i2c_i801

fly:/home/rock # glxinfo | more

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_NV_float_buffer, 
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
client glx version string: 1.4

OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7300 GT/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.09

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Module"
  Load         "dbe"
  Load         "v4l"
  Load         "freetype"
  Load         "type1"
  Load         "extmod"
  Load         "glx"
  Load         "vnc"
# Load         "dri"


Section "Device"
  BoardName    "GeForce 7300GT"
  Driver       "nvidia"
  Identifier   "Device[0]"
# Option       "alwaysshared"
# Option       "usevnc" "yes"
# Option       "httpdir" "/usr/share/vnc/classes"
# Option       "httpport" "5800"
# Option       "rfbauth" "/root/.vnc/passwd"
  Screen       0
  VendorName   "NVIDIA Corporation"

# Section "DRI"
#    Group      "video"
#    Mode       0666
# EndSection

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # less /var/log/Xorg.0.log

(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7300 GT] rev 161, Mem @ 0xfd000000/24, 0xe0000000/
28, 0xfc000000/24, I/O @ 0xcc00/7, BIOS @ 0xfe8e0000/17

(II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
        compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: X.Org Server Extension
(II) NVIDIA GLX Module  173.14.09  Thu Jun  5 00:05:57 PDT 2008
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "vnc"
(II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module vnc: vendor="RealVNC Ltd"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: X.Org Server Extension
        ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension VNC
(II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
(II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
        compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: X.Org Video Driver

(II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver  173.14.09  Wed Jun  4 23:48:23 PDT 2008
(II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset NVIDIA GPU found

(**) NVIDIA(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16
(==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 565
(==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration
(II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 7300 GT (G73) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
(--) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 262144 kBytes
(--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
(II) NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
(--) NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
(--) NVIDIA(0): Connected display device(s) on GeForce 7300 GT at PCI:1:0:0:
(--) NVIDIA(0):     Philips 190B (CRT-0)
(--) NVIDIA(0): Philips 190B (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
(II) NVIDIA(0): Assigned Display Device: CRT-0
(II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:
(II) NVIDIA(0):     "1024x768"
(II) NVIDIA(0):     "1024x600"
(II) NVIDIA(0):     "800x600"
(II) NVIDIA(0):     "768x576"
(II) NVIDIA(0):     "640x480"
(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1024 x 768
(--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (68, 65); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config
(--) NVIDIA(0):     option
(==) NVIDIA(0): Disabling 32-bit ARGB GLX visuals.

fly:/home/rock/nvidia # /etc/init.d/xdm restart

10.1 NVIDIA 7300GT Performance

rock@fly:~> glxgears

37672 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7534.325 FPS
38320 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.902 FPS
38317 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.308 FPS
38320 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.936 FPS
38329 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7665.636 FPS
38316 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.152 FPS
38307 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.244 FPS
38321 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7664.146 FPS
38308 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.435 FPS
38310 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.956 FPS
38323 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7664.566 FPS
38311 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.112 FPS
38306 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.194 FPS
38318 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.445 FPS
38320 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.884 FPS
38310 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.989 FPS
38325 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7664.809 FPS
38317 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.257 FPS
38308 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.587 FPS
38318 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.428 FPS
38305 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7660.958 FPS
38317 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.250 FPS
38327 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7665.265 FPS
38313 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.488 FPS
38311 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.028 FPS
38317 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.277 FPS
38313 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.439 FPS
38314 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.786 FPS
38325 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7664.986 FPS
38311 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.035 FPS
38304 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7660.689 FPS
38333 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7666.563 FPS
38309 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.684 FPS
38311 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7662.048 FPS
38330 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7665.816 FPS
38316 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7663.065 FPS
38306 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7661.012 FPS
38022 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7604.208 FPS
38030 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7605.954 FPS
38020 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7603.871 FPS
38027 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7605.272 FPS
38023 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7604.425 FPS
38028 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7605.428 FPS
38032 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7606.298 FPS
38008 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7601.419 FPS
38032 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7606.386 FPS
38034 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7606.672 FPS
38029 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7605.690 FPS


Attachments (4)

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