See for the latest version of this FAQ --- 1. I've found a bug and there's no solution in this FAQ, what should I do? 2. Why do permissions in nautilus not work! 3. Advantage of sshfs over NFS and Samba 4. Create the device node 5. =mv= fails with _"Operation not permitted"_. 6. cvs fails with "cvs [status aborted]: cannot get working directory: No such file or directory" in a sshfs mounted directory 7. Changes on the server are not immediately visible in the mounted directory. 8. Configuring the ssh connection 9. What are the =no_readahead= and =sshfs_sync= options for? 10. Why does =df= return strange values on partitions mounted via sshfs? 11. How do I specfy the remote mount point (since the example defaults to the home directory) 12. sshfs hangs after a while 13. Following symlinks on the server side 14. Making absolute symlinks work 15. Mounting as root 16. Exporting via NFS 17. Automatical mounting using /etc/fstab 18. Why does SVN (etc...) fail with permission denied? 19. Why does SVN (etc...) fail to rename files? 20. Is there some neat way to do it in reverse? 21. Might it be reasonable to disallow loops? 22. How to mount through an intermediary ssh server, eg: localhost -> A -> B; mount B from localhost 23. Alternative Solution: 24. I seem to have successfully mounted a remote directory, but performing an `ls -l` on the directory above the mount point shows the mount point's attributes as `? ? ? ? ? ?`. Nothing shows up in the directory either. What am I doing wrong? 25. What options do i use to make playing media files (music) over sshfs more efficient? 26. MacFUSE doesn't seem to let me move files from one directory to another. It first asks for my local user password (i.e. the password on my Macbook Pro) and then produces the error message "The operation cannot be completed because one or more required items cannot be found. (Error code -120). 27. How can I get procmail to open, read and write to remote directories over sshfs? (To sign in, put two capitalized words together: MyName) I've found a bug and there's no solution in this FAQ, what should I do? Please send the bug report to . Also logs with debugging output can be useful for diagnosing the problem. Try running sshfs with the following options: sshfs -odebug,sshfs_debug,loglevel=debug ... Doing strace on the application which fails may also sometimes help: strace -f -o /tmp/strace application args ... Note that large messages (over 40k) will be rejected from the mailing list. So try to keep the logs as short as possible. Why do permissions in nautilus not work! Unanswered. Advantage of sshfs over NFS and Samba Users can mount remote resources they already have ssh access to, without requiring the remote machine to export the resource. The remote resource can be mounted when it is needed in a location that is convenient for the user at that time, without needing to rely on a central, root-controlled file system table. Automatic mounting, if desired, can be added to a shell script such as .bashrc (provided authentication is done using RSA/DSA keys). Resources can be mounted over slow and unreliable (distant) connections. Create the device node If you don't use udev, you may get this error message: fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: No such device or address Before loading the fuse kernel module, create the device node manually: mknod -m 666 /dev/fuse c 10 229 mv fails with "Operation not permitted". Use -o workaround=rename (requires sshfs version >= 1.3). cvs fails with "cvs status aborted?: cannot get working directory: No such file or directory" in a sshfs mounted directory Use the -oreaddir_ino option. Example: sshfs -oreaddir_ino hostname:remote_dir mount_point Changes on the server are not immediately visible in the mounted directory. By default, sshfs caches things for 20 seconds, use -o cache_timeout=N to change the default cache timeout (in seconds) or -o cache=no for disabling the cache. You can also control cache timeouts for directory listing etc with -o cache_stat_timeout=N, -o cache_dir_timout=N, and -o cache_link_timout=N. Configuring the ssh connection In addition to flags like -C, -p, and -o SSHOPT...=, you may find it easier to edit your /.ssh/config file. You can add an entry with any customization you want, test it with ssh, and finally use it with sshfs. As a bonus, you get a short mnemonic for your configuration. What are the no_readahead and sshfs_sync options for? These disable read and write optimizations respectively. They don't really make sense unless you're doing something special. Why does df return strange values on partitions mounted via sshfs? Because the SFTP protocol doesn't have a statfs operation this is currently not possible to display proper usage on remote partition. How do I specfy the remote mount point (since the example defaults to the home directory) The example shows: sshfs hostname: mountpoint To specify a remote mount point use: sshfs hostname:remotemountpoint mountpoint This might be obvious to others, but I ended up looking up the interface to sftp to see if I could learn how to specify the remote mount point, then thought about the way that scp specifies the remote directory, and it worked. sshfs hangs after a while Mounting works fine, I can use the files in Mountpoint as good as any other files on my system, but after bit of time, changing nothing on the remote files sshfs crashes. This means, I can not cd into the Mountpoint (xterm hangs, nautilus hangs... every program trying to access the Mountpoint gets stuck, and won't return). Solution: add ServerAliveInterval 15 in your .ssh/config (or use -o ServerAliveInterval=15 on the sshfs command line but I did not test that solution). This will force the ssh connection to stay alive even if you have no activity. Following symlinks on the server side The -o follow_symlinks option will enable this. Making absolute symlinks work Use the -o transform_symlinks option, which will transform absolute symlinks (ones which point somewhere inside the mount) into relative ones. Mounting as root Generally it's not possible to use an sshfs mount as a "real" filesystem shared between multiple users. Some of this functionality can be enabled with the -o allow_other and -o default_permissions options, but files will not be created with the correct ownership, etc... Exporting via NFS Use the userspace NFS daemon Automatical mounting using /etc/fstab A line in /etc/fstab has the following format: sshfs#USERNAME@REMOTE_HOST:REMOTE_PATH MOUNT_POINT fuse SSHFS_OPTIONS 0 0 e.g. /mnt/guest fuse uid=1003,gid=100,umask=0,allow _other 0 0 Why does SVN (etc...) fail with permission denied? This is a bug that happens when an application creates a read-only file opened for writing (e.g. open("foo", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0444)) It has been fixed in sshfs version 1.3, but also requires FUSE version >=2.5.X and Linux kernel version >=2.6.15. Why does SVN (etc...) fail to rename files? $ svn co svn:// svn: Can't move 'kdelibs/.svn/tmp/entries' to 'kdelibs/.svn/entries': Operation not permitted The reason is that SFTP protocol version 3 (which is implemented by OpenSSH's sftp-server) defines the rename operation slightly differently than POSIX. The difference is that renaming to an existing file or directory will fail instead of atomically replacing the old file. The -o workaround=rename option will try to emulate POSIX rename semantics, but it cannot guarantee atomicity. In most of the cases this doesn't matter, and things will work fine with this option. Is there some neat way to do it in reverse? You want to mount a USB thumb drive onto a file server that is rather remote. Assuming this is difficult because the laptop with the thumb drive is sitting behind NAT, firewalls, etc. then you need to create a port-forward: client$ ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 server server$ sshfs -p 2222 localhost:/media/usb1 myusb1 (Now, is there is there a smarter way that does not involve port opening login permissions in an undesireable direction?) Might it be reasonable to disallow loops? sshfs localhost:/mnt /mnt This seems to produce undesirable results. --JoshuaRodman? How to mount through an intermediary ssh server, eg: localhost -> A -> B; mount B from localhost Start by mounting the folder you need that is on "a" to a folder on "b" then mount the new folder that is on "a" to a folder on localhost. IE: (These are NOT real commands, but a sequence of steps. A mounts B:/home/x on /mnt/Bx localhost mounts A:/mnt/Bx on ~/mydir Alternative Solution: 1) Create a shell script to wrap the tunneling of one ssh command over another, $ cat >Atunnel <