.TH mmbackup 03/02/06 mmbackup Command .SH "Name" .PP \fBmmbackup\fR - Backs up a GPFS file system to a backup server. .SH "Synopsis" .PP \fBmmbackup\fR \fIDevice\fR \fB-n\fR \fIControlFile\fR [\fB-t\fR {\fBfull\fR | \fB\fIincremental\fR\fR}] \fB[-s \fR\fISortDir\fR\fB]\fR .PP Or, .PP \fBmmbackup\fR \fIDevice\fR \fB-R\fR \fB[-s \fR\fISortDir\fR\fB]\fR .SH "Description" .PP Use the \fBmmbackup\fR command to backup a GPFS file system to a backup server. mmbackup takes a temporary snapshot named \fB.mmbuSnapshot\fR of the specified file system, and backs up this snapshot to a back end data store. Accordingly, the files backed up by the command will be stored in the directory \fB//.snapshots/.mmbuSnapshot\fR in the remote data store. The command may be issued from any GPFS node in the cluster to which the file system being backed up belongs, and on which the file system is mounted. .SH "Parameters" .PP .RS +3 \fB\fIDevice\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 The device name for the file system to be backed up. This must be the first parameter and must be fully-qualified, such as \fB/dev/fs0\fR. The device name must be specified; there is no default value. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-n \fIControlFile\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies the file containing the backup control information. The file must be in the present working directory or the path must be fully qualified. Each piece of control information must be on a separate line and correctly qualified. Comment lines are allowed and must begin with a \fB#\fR in column 1. Empty lines may not contain any blank characters. Valid lines either contain a \fB#\fR in column 1 indicating a comment, an \fB=\fR indicating a value is being set, or no characters at all. .PP This option may be specified only if the backup type is \fBfull\fR or \fBincremental\fR. If the \fB-R\fR option has been specified, this information is obtained from the control information specified on the earlier full or incremental \fBmmbackup\fR command that completed with partial success. .PP The allowable qualifiers in the control file are: .PP .RS +3 \fB\fIserverName\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 The name of the node specified as the backup server qualified with \fBserverName=\fR. The backup server node may or may not be a GPFS node, although performance may be improved if it is also a backup client node. You may specify only one backup server. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB\fIclientName\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 The backup clients, one per line, qualified with \fBclientName=\fR. The backup client nodes must be a member of the GPFS cluster where the file system is mounted. For improved performance it is suggested that multiple backup client nodes be specified. The maximum number of backup clients supported is 32. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB\fInumberOfProcessesPerClient\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 The number of processes per client qualified with \fBnumberOfProcessesPerClient=\fR. The number of processes per client may be specified only once. .RE .RE .SH "Options" .PP .RS +3 \fB-R \fR .RE .RS +9 Indicates to resume the previous backup that failed with a return code of 1 (partial success). If the previous backup failed with a return code of 2 or succeeded with a return code of 0, this option does not succeed and a new full or incremental backup must be initiated. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-s \fISortDir\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies the directory to be used by the \fBsort\fR command for temporary data. The default is \fB/tmp\fR. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-t {\fBfull\fR | \fB\fIincremental\fR\fR} \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies whether to perform a full backup of all of the files in the file system, or an incremental backup of only those files that have changed since the last backup was performed. The default is to perform an incremental backup. The default is \fB-t incremental\fR. .RE .SH "Exit status" .PP .PP .RS +3 \fB0 \fR .RE .RS +9 Successful completion. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB1 \fR .RE .RS +9 Partially successful completion. Not all of the eligible files were successfully backed up. The command may be resumed by specifying the \fB-R\fR option. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB2 \fR .RE .RS +9 A failure occurred that cannot be corrected by resuming the backup. A new backup must be initiated. .RE .SH "Security" .PP You must have root authority to run the \fBmmbackup\fR command. .PP You may issue the \fBmmbackup\fR command from any node in the cluster where the file system being backed up is mounted. .PP When using the \fBrcp\fR and \fBrsh\fR commands for remote communication, a properly-configured \fB.rhosts\fR file must exist in the root user's home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use of a different remote communication program on either the \fBmmcrcluster\fR or the \fBmmchcluster\fR command, you must ensure: .RS +3 .HP 3 1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster. .HP 3 2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any extraneous messages. .RE .SH "Examples" .PP These examples use a control file named \fBinputctrl32\fR, which specifies a backup server, three backup clients, and two processes per client as shown here: .sp .nf # backup server serverName=k145n06.kgn.ibm.com # backup clients clientName=k14n04.kgn.ibm.com clientName=k14n05.kgn.ibm.com clientName=k14n06.kgn.ibm.com # number of processes per client numberOfProcessesPerClient=2 .fi .sp .RS +3 .HP 3 1. To perform a full backup of the file system \fB/dev/fs0\fR from node \fBk145n04\fR, issue this command: .sp .nf mmbackup /dev/fs0 -n inputctrl32 -t full .fi .sp The system displays information similar to: .sp .nf Tue Mar 18 14:03:25 est 2003 mmbackup is still running ... Tue Mar 18 14:05:55 est 2003 mmbackup is still running ... tsbackup: full backup finished with complete successs, rc = 0 mmbackup: Command successfully completed .fi .sp .HP 3 2. To perform an incremental backup of the file system \fB/dev/fs0\fR from node \fBk145n04\fR, issue this command: .sp .nf mmbackup /dev/fs0 -n inputctrl32 -t incremental .fi .sp The system displays information similar to: .sp .nf Tue Mar 18 14:16:15 est 2003 mmbackup is still running ... tsbackup: incremental backup finished with complete success, rc = 0 mmbackup: Command successfully completed .fi .sp .HP 3 3. In an unsuccessful attempt to perform a full backup of the file system \fB/dev/fs0\fR from node \fBk145n04\fR, where the user had issued this command: .sp .nf mmbackup /dev/fs0 -n inputctrl32 -t full .fi .sp the system displays information similar to: .sp .nf k145n04.kgn.ibm.com: Cannot open /fs0/.mmbuTrans2. Process 2 on client k145n06 failed in processing its list of files. k145n04.kgn.ibm.com: Cannot open /fs0/.mmbuTrans5. Process 5 on client k145n06 failed in processing its list of files. tsbackup: full backup finished with partial success, rc = 1 mmbackup: 6027-1639 Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine the cause. .fi .sp .HP 3 4. To resume the job unsuccessfully completed in example 3, issue this command: .sp .nf mmbackup /dev/fs0 -R tsbackup: resume of full backup finished with complete success, rc=0 mmbackup: Command successfully completed .fi .sp .RE .SH "Location" .PP \fB/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin\fR .PP