.TH mmdelnsd 02/16/06 mmdelnsd Command .SH "Name" .PP \fBmmdelnsd\fR - Deletes Network Shared Disks (NSDs) from the GPFS cluster. .SH "Synopsis" .PP \fBmmdelnsd\fR {"\fIDiskName\fR[;\fIDiskName\fR...]" | \fB-F\fR \fIDiskFile\fR} .PP Or, .PP \fBmmdelnsd\fR \fB-p\fR \fINSDId\fR [\fB-N\fR {\fINode\fR[,\fINode\fR] }] .SH "Description" .PP The \fBmmdelnsd\fR command serves two purposes: .RS +3 .HP 3 1. Delete NSDs from the GPFS cluster. .HP 3 2. Remove the unique NSD volume ID left on the disk after the failure of a previous invocation of the \fBmmdelnsd\fR command. The NSD had been successfully deleted from the GPFS cluster but there was a failure to clear sector 2 of the disk. .RE .PP The NSD being deleted cannot be part of any file system. Either the \fBmmdeldisk\fR or \fBmmdelfs\fR command must be issued prior to deleting the NSD from the GPFS cluster. .PP The NSD being deleted cannot be a tiebreaker disk. Use the \fBmmchconfig\fR command to assign new tiebreaker disks prior to deleting the NSD from the cluster. .PP \fBResults\fR .PP Upon successful completion of the \fBmmdelnsd\fR command, these tasks are completed: .RS +3 .HP 3 \(bu All references to the disk are removed from the GPFS cluster data. .HP 3 \(bu Sector 2 of the disk is cleared of the unique NSD volume ID. .RE .SH "Parameters" .PP .RS +3 \fB\fIDiskName\fR[;\fIDiskName\fR...] \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies the names of the NSDs to be deleted from the GPFS cluster. Specify the names generated when the NSDs were created. Use the \fBmmlsnsd -F\fR command to display disk names. If there is more than one disk to be deleted, delimit each name with a semicolon (;) and enclose the list of disk names in quotation marks. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-F \fIDiskFile\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies a file containing the names of the NSDs, one per line, to be deleted from the GPFS cluster. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-N \fINode\fR[,\fINode\fR] \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies the nodes to which the disk is attached. If no nodes are listed, the disk is assumed to be directly attached to the local node. Only one or two nodes may be specified with the \fB-N\fR flag. .PP For information on how to specify node names, see \fISpecifying nodes as input to GPFS commands\fR in \fIGPFS: Administration and Programming Reference\fR. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-p \fINSDId\fR \fR .RE .RS +9 Specifies the NSD volume ID of an NSD that needs to be cleared from the disk as indicated by the failure of a previous invocation of the \fBmmdelnsd\fR command. .RE .SH "Options" .PP NONE .SH "Exit status" .PP .PP .RS +3 \fB0 \fR .RE .RS +9 Successful completion. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fBnonzero \fR .RE .RS +9 A failure has occurred. .RE .SH "Security" .PP You must have root authority to run the \fBmmdelnsd\fR command. .PP You may issue the \fBmmdelnsd\fR command from any node in the GPFS cluster. .PP When using the \fBrcp\fR and \fBrsh\fR commands for remote communication, a properly configured \fB.rhosts\fR file must exist in the root user's home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use of a different remote communication program on either the \fBmmcrcluster\fR or the \fBmmchcluster\fR command, you must ensure: .RS +3 .HP 3 1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster. .HP 3 2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any extraneous messages. .RE .SH "Examples" .PP To delete \fBgpfs2nsd\fR and \fBgpfs3nsd\fR from the GPFS cluster, issue this command: .sp .nf mmdelnsd "gpfs2nsd;gpfs3nsd" .fi .sp .PP The system displays output similar to: .sp .nf mmdelnsd: Processing disk gpfs2nsd mmdelnsd: Processing disk gpfs3nsd mmdelnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the changes to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process. .fi .sp .PP To confirm the deletion, issue this command: .sp .nf mmlsnsd .fi .sp .PP The system displays information similar to: .sp .nf File system Disk name Primary node Backup node -------------------------------------------------------- fs0 gpfs16nsd k145n06 k145n07 fs0 gpfs17nsd k145n06 k145n07 fs0 gpfs18nsd k145n06 k145n07 fs0 gpfs19nsd k145n06 k145n07 fs0 gpfs20nsd k145n06 k145n07 fs1 gpfs1nsd (directly attached) fs1 gpfs4nsd (directly attached)\ \ .fi .sp .SH "See also" .PP mmcrnsd Command .PP mmlsnsd Command .SH "Location" .PP \fB/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin\fR .PP