.TH mmgetstate 02/16/06 mmgetstate Command .SH "Name" .PP The \fBmmgetstate\fR command displays the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes. .SH "Synopsis" .PP \fBmmgetstate\fR [\fB-L\fR] [\fB-s\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-a\fR | \fB-N\fR {\fINode\fR[,\fINode\fR...] | \fINodeFile\fR | \fINodeClass\fR}] .SH "Description" .PP Use the \fBmmgetstate\fR command to show the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes. .SH "Parameters" .PP .RS +3 \fB-a \fR .RE .RS +9 List all nodes in the GPFS cluster. The option does not display information for nodes that cannot be reached. You may obtain more information if you specify the \fB-v\fR option. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-N {\fINode\fR[,\fINode\fR...] | \fINodeFile\fR | \fINodeClass\fR} \fR .RE .RS +9 Directs the \fBmmgetstate\fR command to return GPFS daemon information for a set of nodes. For information on how to specify node names, see \fISpecifying nodes as input to GPFS commands\fR in \fIGPFS: Administration and Programming Reference\fR. .PP This command does not support a \fINodeClass\fR of \fBmount\fR. .RE .SH "Options" .PP .RS +3 \fB-L \fR .RE .RS +9 Display quorum, number of nodes up, total number of nodes, and other extended node information. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-s \fR .RE .RS +9 Display summary information such as: number of local and remote nodes that have joined in the cluster, number of quorum nodes. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fB-v \fR .RE .RS +9 Display intermediate error messages. .RE .PP The GPFS states recognized and displayed by this command are: .PP .RS +3 \fBactive \fR .RE .RS +9 GPFS is ready for operations. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fBarbitrating \fR .RE .RS +9 A node is trying to form a quorum with the other available nodes. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fBdown \fR .RE .RS +9 GPFS daemon is not running on the node. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fBunknown \fR .RE .RS +9 Unknown value. Node cannot be reached or some other error occurred. .RE .SH "Exit status" .PP .PP .RS +3 \fB0 \fR .RE .RS +9 Successful completion. .RE .PP .RS +3 \fBnonzero \fR .RE .RS +9 A failure has occurred. .RE .SH "Security" .PP You must have root authority to run the \fBmmgetstate\fR command. .PP When using the \fBrcp\fR and \fBrsh\fR commands for remote communication, a properly configured \fB.rhosts\fR file must exist in the root user's home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use of a different remote communication program on the \fBmmcrcluster\fR or the \fBmmchcluster\fR command, you must ensure: .RS +3 .HP 3 1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster. .HP 3 2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any extraneous messages. .RE .SH "Examples" .RS +3 .HP 3 1. To display the quorum, the number of nodes up, and the total number of nodes for the GPFS cluster, issue: .sp .nf mmgetstate -a -L .fi .sp .sp The system displays output similar to: .sp .nf Node number Node name Quorum Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 k154gn01 3 5 8 active 2 k154gn02 3 5 8 active 3 k154gn09 3 5 8 active 4 k154gn10 3 5 8 active 5 k155gn01 3 5 8 active 6 k154gn02 3 5 8 down 7 k154gn09 3 5 8 down 8 k154gn10 3 5 8 down .fi .sp .sp The 3 under the Quorum column means that you must have three quorum nodes up to achieve quorum. .HP 3 2. This is an example of a cluster using node quorum with tiebreaker disks. Note the * in the Quorum field, which indicates that tiebreaker disks are being used: .sp .nf mmgetstate -a -L .fi .sp The system displays output similar to: .sp .nf Node Node Nodes Total GPFS number name Quorum up nodes state Remarks ---------------------------------------------- 1 k5n91 5* 8 21 active 2 k5n92 5* 8 21 active quorum node 3 k5n94 5* 8 21 active 5 k5n96 5* 8 21 active 6 k5n97 5* 8 21 active quorum node 7 k5n98 5* 8 21 active 8 k5n99 5* 8 21 active quorum node .fi .sp .HP 3 3. To displays summary information, issue this command: .sp .nf mmgetstate -s .fi .sp The system displays output similar to: .sp .nf Node number Node name GPFS state ------------------------------------------ 1 k154n05 active Summary information --------------------- Number of nodes defined in the cluster: 8 Number of local nodes active in the cluster: 8 Number of remote nodes joined in this cluster: 0 Number of quorum nodes defined in the cluster: 2 Number of quorum nodes active in the cluster: 2 Quorum = 1*, Quorum achieved .fi .sp .RE .SH "See also" .PP mmchconfig Command .PP mmcrcluster Command .PP mmshutdown Command .PP mmstartup Command .SH "Location" .PP \fB/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin\fR