Jan 21, 2009, 11:23:54 PM (16 years ago)
  • Main.js
    • add click event to menu button to show/hide menu
    • add checked event to deepsea checkbox to show XML data
  • Main.widgets.js
    • modified layout
1 edited


  • oceandb/webapproot/pages/Main/Main.widgets.js

    r48 r50  
    11Main.widgets = {
    22  layoutBox1: ["wm.Layout", {box: "v", height: "1flex"}, {}, {
    3     template1: ["wm.Template", {height: "96px"}, {}, {
    4       header: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_Padding_8px", "wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueInsetPanel"]}, box: "h", height: "78px", boxPosition: "topLeft"}, {}, {
    5         panel4: ["wm.Panel", {box: "v", width: "1flex"}, {}, {
    6           chineseheader: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_FontSize_300percent"]}, caption: "台灣海洋資訊資料庫聯盟網", link: "http://oceandb.info", height: "48px"}, {}, {
    7             format: ["wm.DataFormatter", {}, {}]
     3    template2: ["wm.Template", {height: "1flex"}, {}, {
     4      toolbar: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueOutsetPanel", "wm_Padding_4px"]}, box: "h", height: "22px"}, {}, {
     5        home: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_TextAlign_Center"]}, width: "63px", autoSize: false, caption: "HOME", hint: "台灣海洋資訊資料庫聯盟網 Taiwan Ocean Informatioan Database"}, {}],
     6        spacer1: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
     7        showmenu: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent"]}, width: "61px", autoSize: false, caption: "MENU", height: "18px"}, {onclick: "showmenuClick"}],
     8        spacer2: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
     9        news: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_TextAlign_Center"]}, width: "62px", autoSize: false, caption: "NEWS"}, {}],
     10        spacer: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
     11        about: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_TextAlign_Center", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana"]}, width: "69px", autoSize: false, caption: "ABOUT"}, {}],
     12        spacer3: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "96px"}, {}],
     13        title: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_TextAlign_Right", "wm_FontSize_150percent"]}, caption: "台灣海洋資訊資料庫聯盟網 Taiwan Ocean Informatioan Database", link: "http://oceandb.info", width: "1flex"}, {}, {
     14          format: ["wm.DataFormatter", {}, {}]
     15        }]
     16      }],
     17      main: ["wm.Panel", {box: "h", height: "1flex"}, {}, {
     18        menu: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueInsetPanel"]}, box: "v", width: "246px"}, {}, {
     19          deepsea: ["wm.CheckBoxEditor", {emptyValue: "null", caption: "台灣深海生物分佈資料庫", captionSize: "180px", captionAlign: "left", captionPosition: "right", height: "20px"}, {onchange: "deepseaChange"}, {
     20            editor: ["wm._CheckBoxEditor", {dataType: "boolean"}, {}]
    821          }],
    9           englishheader: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_FontSize_150percent", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_TextDecoration_Underline", "wm_FontColor_LightGray"]}, caption: "Taiwan Ocean Informatioan Database", height: "16px"}, {}, {
    10             format: ["wm.DataFormatter", {}, {}]
     22          boat: ["wm.CheckBoxEditor", {caption: "航行軌跡", captionSize: "180px", captionAlign: "left", captionPosition: "right", height: "20px"}, {}, {
     23            editor: ["wm._CheckBoxEditor", {dataType: "boolean"}, {}]
    1124          }]
    1225        }],
    13         logo: ["wm.Picture", {source: "http://www.tori.narl.org.tw/images/tori_logo.png", aspect: "v", link: "http://www.tori.narl.org.tw", autoSize: true}, {}]
    14       }]
    15     }],
    16     template2: ["wm.Template", {height: "1flex"}, {}, {
    17       toolbar: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_ToolBar"]}, box: "h", height: "26px"}, {}, {
    18         home: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_TextAlign_Center"]}, width: "63px", caption: "HOME"}, {}],
    19         spacer1: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
    20         news: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontFamily_Verdana", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_TextAlign_Center"]}, width: "62px", caption: "NEWS"}, {}],
    21         spacer2: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
    22         about: ["wm.Button", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_TextAlign_Center", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana"]}, width: "69px", caption: "ABOUT"}, {}]
    23       }],
    24       main: ["wm.Panel", {box: "h", height: "1flex"}, {}, {
    25         menu: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueInsetPanel"]}, box: "v", width: "246px"}, {}],
    26         splitter1: ["wm.Splitter", {width: "6px"}, {}],
    27         map: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_MainInsetPanel"]}, box: "v", width: "1flex"}, {}]
     26        MapPanel: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_MainInsetPanel", "height:500px"]}, box: "v", width: "1flex", boxPosition: "topLeft"}, {}, {
     27          map: ["wm.Html", {height: "1flex"}, {}]
     28        }]
    2829      }]
    2930    }],
    3031    template3: ["wm.Template", {height: "29px"}, {}, {
    31       footer: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueInsetPanel"]}, box: "h", height: "20px", boxPosition: "center"}, {}, {
    32         footerLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontColor_Blue", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana"]}, caption: "Copyright 2008 TORI & NCHC, NARL, Taiwan", width: "315px", height: "", autoSize: true}, {}, {
     32      footer: ["wm.Panel", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_SilverBlueTheme_LightBlueInsetPanel", "wm_Padding_2px"]}, box: "h", lock: true, height: "42px", boxPosition: "center"}, {}, {
     33        footerLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontColor_Blue", "wm_TextDecoration_Bold", "wm_FontSize_120percent", "wm_FontFamily_Verdana"]}, caption: "Copyright 2008 <a href='http://www.tori.narl.org.tw'>TORI</a> & <a href='http://www.nchc.org.tw'>NCHC</a>, <a href='http://www.narl.org.tw'>NARL</a>, Taiwan", width: "315px", height: "", autoSize: true}, {}, {
    3334          format: ["wm.DataFormatter", {}, {}]
    34         }]
     35        }],
     36        spacer4: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "1flex"}, {}],
     37        tori: ["wm.Picture", {height: "", source: "http://www.tori.narl.org.tw/images/tori_logo.png", link: "http://www.tori.narl.org.tw", width: "140px", aspect: "v"}, {}],
     38        spacer5: ["wm.Spacer", {width: "10px"}, {}],
     39        nchc: ["wm.Picture", {source: "http://www.nchc.org.tw/web_images/tw/header/logo.jpg", link: "http://www.nchc.org.tw", width: "140px", aspect: "v"}, {}]
    3540      }]
    3641    }]
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.