/* * DragZoomControl Class v1.3 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Andre Lewis, andre@earthcode.com * * Back Button functionality * Copyright (c) 2007, Richard Garland, papabear.newyork@gmail.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This class lets you add a control to the map which will let the user * zoom by dragging a rectangle. * More info on original GZoom at http://earthcode.com * * Back Button functionality provides the user with a one click means to return the map state * to its state prior to the DragZoom. Sequential DragZooms are backed out in reverse order. */ /** * Constructor for DragZoomControl, which takes 3 option hashes and * uses them to customize the control. * @param {opts_boxStyle} Named optional arguments: * opts_boxStyle.opacity {Number} Opacity from 0-1 * opts_boxStyle.fillColor {String} Hex value of fill color * opts_boxStyle.border {String} CSS-style declaration of border * @param {opts_other} Named optional arguments: * opts_other.buttonHTML {String} The zoom button HTML in non-activated state * opts_other.buttonStartingStyle {Object} A hash of css styles for the * zoom button which are common to both un-activated and activated state * opts_other.buttonStyle {Object} A hash of css styles for the zoom button * which will be applied when the button is in un-activated state. * opts_other.rightMouseZoomOutEnabled {Boolean} Whether to zoom out when a drag * with the right mouse button occurs. * opts_other.buttonZoomingHTML {String} HTML which is placed in the * zoom button when the button is activated. * opts_other.buttonZoomingStyle {Object} A hash of css styles for the * zoom button which will be applied when the button is activated. * opts_other.overlayRemoveTime {Number} The number of milliseconds to wait before * removing the rectangle indicating the zoomed-in area after the zoom has happened. * opts_other.stickyZoomEnabled {Boolean} Whether or not the control stays in * "zoom mode" until turned off. When true, the user can zoom repeatedly, * until clicking on the zoom button again to turn zoom mode off. * opts_other.backButtonEnabled {Boolean} enables Back Button functionality * opts_other.backButtonHTML {String} The back button HTML * opts_other.backButtonStyle {Object} A hash of css styles for the back button * which will be applied when the button is created. * opts_other.minDragSize {Number} The minimum size of the rectangle when it is * released for a zoom to happen. * @param {opts_callbacks} Named optional arguments: * opts_callbacks.buttonclick {Function} Called when the DragZoom is activated * by clicking on the "zoom" button. * opts_callbacks.dragstart {Function} Called when user starts to drag a rectangle. * Callback args are x,y -- the PIXEL values, relative to the upper-left-hand * corner of the map, where the user began dragging. * opts_callbacks.dragging {Function} Called repeatedly while the user is dragging. * Callback args are startX,startY, currentX,currentY -- the PIXEL values of the * start of the drag, and the current drag point, respectively. * opts_callbacks.dragend {Function} Called when the user releases the mouse button * after dragging the rectangle. Callback args are: NW {GLatLng}, NE {GLatLng}, * SE {GLatLng}, SW {GLatLng}, NW {GPoint}, NE {GPoint}, SE {GPoint}, SW {GPoint}. * The first 4 are the latitudes/longitudes; the last 4 are the pixel coords on the map. * opts_callbacks.backbuttonclick {Function} Called when the back button is activated * after the map context is restored. Callback args: methodCall (boolean) set true if * this backbuttonclick was to restore context set by the mathod call, else false. * Method * this.saveMapContext(text) Call to push map context onto the backStack and set the button text * this.initiateZoom() Call to simulate clicking the dragZoom button * this.initiateZoomBack() Call to simulate clicking the dragZoom back button **/ /** * Versions * 1.0 original version (v 189) 5/24/2007 * 1.1 backbutton functionality added (v 211) 7/30/2007 * 1.2 bug fixes and 2 new methods 9/6/2007 * fix text selection conflict in IE * fix align-text:center inheritance problem in IE * create methods initiateZoom and initiateZoomBack which call buttonclick_() and backbuttonclick_() **/ function DragZoomControl(opts_boxStyle, opts_other, opts_callbacks) { // Holds all information needed globally // Not all globals are initialized here this.globals = { draggingOn: false, cornerTopDiv: null, cornerRightDiv: null, cornerBottomDiv: null, cornerLeftDiv: null, mapPosition: null, outlineDiv: null, mapWidth: 0, mapHeight: 0, mapRatio: 0, startX: 0, startY: 0, borderCorrection: 0 }; //box style options this.globals.style = { opacity: .2, fillColor: "#000", border: "2px solid blue" }; var style = this.globals.style; for (var s in opts_boxStyle) { style[s]=opts_boxStyle[s]; } var borderStyleArray = style.border.split(' '); style.outlineWidth = parseInt(borderStyleArray[0].replace(/\D/g,'')); style.outlineColor = borderStyleArray[2]; style.alphaIE = 'alpha(opacity=' + (style.opacity * 100) + ')'; // map context stack for back button this.globals.backStack = []; // Other options this.globals.options={ buttonHTML: 'zoom ...', buttonStartingStyle: {width: '52px', border: '1px solid black', padding: '2px'}, buttonStyle: {background: '#FFF'}, backButtonHTML: 'zoom back', backButtonStyle: {background: '#FFF', display: 'none'}, buttonZoomingHTML: 'Drag a region on the map', buttonZoomingStyle: {background: '#FF0'}, overlayRemoveTime: 6000, backButtonEnabled: false, stickyZoomEnabled: false, rightMouseZoomOutEnabled: false, minDragSize: 0 }; for (var s in opts_other) { this.globals.options[s] = opts_other[s] } // callbacks: buttonclick, dragstart, dragging, dragend, backbuttonclick if (opts_callbacks == null) { opts_callbacks = {} } this.globals.callbacks = opts_callbacks; }; DragZoomControl.prototype = new GControl(); /** * Methods */ /** * Method called to save the map context before the zoom. * Back Button functionality: * @param {text} text string for the back button */ DragZoomControl.prototype.saveMapContext = function(text) { if (this.globals.options.backButtonEnabled) { this.saveBackContext_(text,true); this.globals.backButtonDiv.style.display = 'block'; } }; /** * Method called to initiate a dragZoom as if the user had clicked the dragZoom button. */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initiateZoom = function() {this.buttonclick_()}; /** * Method called to initiate a dragZoom back operation as if the user had clicked the dragZoom back button. * Back Button functionality: */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initiateZoomBack = function() {if (this.globals.options.backButtonEnabled) this.backbuttonclick_()}; /** * Creates a new button to control gzoom and appends to the button container div. * @param {DOM Node} buttonContainerDiv created in main .initialize code */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initButton_ = function(buttonContainerDiv) { var G = this.globals; var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonHTML; DragZoomUtil.style([buttonDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex:200}); DragZoomUtil.style([buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle); DragZoomUtil.style([buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStyle); buttonContainerDiv.appendChild(buttonDiv); return buttonDiv; }; /** * Creates a second new button to control backup zoom and appends to the button container div. * @param {DOM Node} buttonContainerDiv created in main .initialize code */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initBackButton_ = function(buttonContainerDiv) { var G = this.globals; var backButtonDiv = document.createElement('div'); backButtonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.backButtonHTML; DragZoomUtil.style([backButtonDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex:200}); DragZoomUtil.style([backButtonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle); DragZoomUtil.style([backButtonDiv], G.options.backButtonStyle); buttonContainerDiv.appendChild(backButtonDiv); return backButtonDiv; }; /** * Sets button mode to zooming or otherwise, changes CSS & HTML. * @param {String} mode Either "zooming" or not. */ DragZoomControl.prototype.setButtonMode_ = function(mode){ var G = this.globals; if (mode == 'zooming') { G.buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonZoomingHTML; DragZoomUtil.style([G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle); DragZoomUtil.style([G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonZoomingStyle); } else { G.buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonHTML; DragZoomUtil.style([G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle); DragZoomUtil.style([G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStyle); } }; /** * Is called by GMap2's addOverlay method. Creates the zoom control * divs and appends to the map div. * @param {GMap2} map The map that has had this DragZoomControl added to it. * @return {DOM Object} Div that holds the gzoomcontrol button */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initialize = function(map) { var G = this.globals; var me = this; var mapDiv = map.getContainer(); // Create div for both buttons var buttonContainerDiv = document.createElement("div"); DragZoomUtil.style([buttonContainerDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 150}); // create and init the zoom button //DOM:button var buttonDiv = this.initButton_(buttonContainerDiv); // create and init the back button //DOM:button var backButtonDiv = this.initBackButton_(buttonContainerDiv); // Add the two buttons to the map mapDiv.appendChild(buttonContainerDiv); //DOM:map covers var zoomDiv = document.createElement("div"); var DIVS_TO_CREATE = ['outlineDiv', 'cornerTopDiv', 'cornerLeftDiv', 'cornerRightDiv', 'cornerBottomDiv']; for (var i=0; i= G.options.minDragSize && rect.height >= G.options.minDragSize) { var nwpx = new GPoint(rect.startX, rect.startY); var nepx = new GPoint(rect.endX, rect.startY); var sepx = new GPoint(rect.endX, rect.endY); var swpx = new GPoint(rect.startX, rect.endY); var nw = G.map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(nwpx); var ne = G.map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(nepx); var se = G.map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(sepx); var sw = G.map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(swpx); var zoomAreaPoly = new GPolyline([nw, ne, se, sw, nw], G.style.outlineColor, G.style.outlineWidth + 1,.4); try{ G.map.addOverlay(zoomAreaPoly); setTimeout (function() {G.map.removeOverlay(zoomAreaPoly)}, G.options.overlayRemoveTime); }catch(e) {} var polyBounds = zoomAreaPoly.getBounds(); var ne = polyBounds.getNorthEast(); var sw = polyBounds.getSouthWest(); var se = new GLatLng(sw.lat(), ne.lng()); var nw = new GLatLng(ne.lat(), sw.lng()); if (G.options.rightMouseZoomOutEnabled && G.draggingRightMouse) { var mapSpan = G.map.getBounds().toSpan(); var polySpan = polyBounds.toSpan(); var dSize = Math.max(mapSpan.lat()/polySpan.lat(), mapSpan.lng()/polySpan.lng()); var zoomLevel = G.map.getZoom() - Math.ceil(Math.log(dSize, 2)); } else { var zoomLevel = G.map.getBoundsZoomLevel(polyBounds); } var center = polyBounds.getCenter(); G.map.setCenter(center, zoomLevel); // invoke callback if provided if (G.callbacks.dragend != null) { G.callbacks.dragend(nw, ne, se, sw, nwpx, nepx, sepx, swpx); } } //re-init if sticky if (G.options.stickyZoomEnabled) { //GLog.write("stickyZoomEnabled, re-initting"); this.initCover_(); if (G.options.backButtonEnabled) this.saveBackContext_(G.options.backButtonHTML,false); // save the map context for back button G.backButtonDiv.style.display='none'; } } }; /** * Set the cover sizes according to the size of the map */ DragZoomControl.prototype.setDimensions_ = function() { var G = this.globals; var mapSize = G.map.getSize(); G.mapWidth = mapSize.width; G.mapHeight = mapSize.height; G.mapRatio = G.mapHeight / G.mapWidth; // set left:0px in next
s in case we inherit text-align:center from map
in IE. DragZoomUtil.style([G.mapCover, G.cornerTopDiv, G.cornerRightDiv, G.cornerBottomDiv, G.cornerLeftDiv], {top: '0px', left: '0px', width: G.mapWidth + 'px', height: G.mapHeight +'px'}); }; /** * Initializes styles based on global parameters */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initStyles_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; DragZoomUtil.style([G.mapCover, G.cornerTopDiv, G.cornerRightDiv, G.cornerBottomDiv, G.cornerLeftDiv], {filter: G.style.alphaIE, opacity: G.style.opacity, background:G.style.fillColor}); G.outlineDiv.style.border = G.style.border; }; /** * Function called when the zoom button's click event is captured. */ DragZoomControl.prototype.buttonclick_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; G.backButtonDiv.style.display='none'; if (G.mapCover.style.display == 'block') { // reset if clicked before dragging this.resetDragZoom_(); if (G.options.backButtonEnabled) { this.restoreBackContext_(); // pop the backStack on a button reset if (G.backStack.length==0) G.backButtonDiv.style.display='none'; } } else { this.initCover_(); if ( G.options.backButtonEnabled ) this.saveBackContext_(G.options.backButtonHTML,false); // save the map context for back button } }; /** * Back Button functionality: * Function called when the back button's click event is captured. * calls the function to set the map context back to where it was before the zoom. */ DragZoomControl.prototype.backbuttonclick_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; if (G.options.backButtonEnabled && G.backStack.length > 0) { this.restoreBackContext_(); // invoke the callback if provided if (G.callbacks['backbuttonclick'] != null) { G.callbacks.backbuttonclick(G.methodCall); } } }; /** * Back Button functionality: * Saves the map context and pushes it on the backStack for later use by the back button */ DragZoomControl.prototype.saveBackContext_ = function(text,methodCall) { var G = this.globals; var backFrame = {}; backFrame["center"] = G.map.getCenter(); backFrame["zoom"] = G.map.getZoom(); backFrame["maptype"] = G.map.getCurrentMapType(); backFrame["text"] = G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML; // this saves the previous button text backFrame["methodCall"] = methodCall; //This determines if it was an internal or method call G.backStack.push(backFrame); G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML = text; // Back Button is turned on in resetDragZoom_() }; /** * Back Button functionality: * Pops the previous map context off of the backStack and restores the map to that context */ DragZoomControl.prototype.restoreBackContext_ = function() { var G = this.globals; var backFrame = G.backStack.pop(); G.map.setCenter(backFrame["center"],backFrame["zoom"],backFrame["maptype"]); G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML = backFrame["text"]; G.methodCall = backFrame["methodCall"]; if (G.backStack.length==0) G.backButtonDiv.style.display = 'none'; // if we're at the top of the stack, hide the back botton }; /** * Shows the cover over the map */ DragZoomControl.prototype.initCover_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; G.mapPosition = DragZoomUtil.getElementPosition(G.map.getContainer()); this.setDimensions_(); this.setButtonMode_('zooming'); DragZoomUtil.style([G.mapCover], {display: 'block', background: G.style.fillColor}); DragZoomUtil.style([G.outlineDiv], {width: '0px', height: '0px'}); //invoke callback if provided if(G.callbacks['buttonclick'] != null){ G.callbacks.buttonclick(); } }; /** * Gets position of the mouse relative to the map * @param {Object} e */ DragZoomControl.prototype.getRelPos_ = function(e) { var pos = DragZoomUtil.getMousePosition(e); var G = this.globals; return {top: (pos.top - G.mapPosition.top), left: (pos.left - G.mapPosition.left)}; }; /** * Figures out the rectangle the user's trying to draw * @param {Number} startX * @param {Number} startY * @param {Object} pos * @param {Number} ratio * @return {Object} Describes the rectangle */ DragZoomControl.prototype.getRectangle_ = function(startX, startY, pos, ratio){ var left = false; var top = false; var dX = pos.left - startX; var dY = pos.top - startY; if (dX < 0) { dX = dX * -1; left = true; } if (dY < 0) { dY = dY * -1; top = true; } delta = dX > dY ? dX : dY; return { startX: startX, startY: startY, endX: startX + delta, endY: startY + parseInt(delta * ratio), width: delta, height: parseInt(delta * ratio), left:left, top:top } }; /** * Resets CSS and button display when drag zoom done */ DragZoomControl.prototype.resetDragZoom_ = function() { var G = this.globals; DragZoomUtil.style([G.mapCover, G.cornerTopDiv, G.cornerRightDiv, G.cornerBottomDiv, G.cornerLeftDiv], {display: 'none', opacity: G.style.opacity, filter: G.style.alphaIE}); G.outlineDiv.style.display = 'none'; this.setButtonMode_('normal'); if (G.options.backButtonEnabled && (G.backStack.length > 0)) G.backButtonDiv.style.display = 'block'; // show the back button }; /* utility functions in DragZoomUtil.namespace */ var DragZoomUtil={}; /** * Alias function for getting element by id * @param {String} sId * @return {Object} DOM object with sId id */ DragZoomUtil.gE = function(sId) { return document.getElementById(sId); }; /** * A general-purpose function to get the absolute position * of the mouse. * @param {Object} e Mouse event * @return {Object} Describes position */ DragZoomUtil.getMousePosition = function(e) { var posX = 0; var posY = 0; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { posX = e.pageX; posY = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY){ posX = e.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft); posY = e.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop); } return {left: posX, top: posY}; }; /** * Gets position of element * @param {Object} element * @return {Object} Describes position */ DragZoomUtil.getElementPosition = function(element) { var leftPos = element.offsetLeft; // initialize var to store calculations var topPos = element.offsetTop; // initialize var to store calculations var parElement = element.offsetParent; // identify first offset parent element while (parElement != null ) { // move up through element hierarchy leftPos += parElement.offsetLeft; // appending left offset of each parent topPos += parElement.offsetTop; parElement = parElement.offsetParent; // until no more offset parents exist } return {left: leftPos, top: topPos}; }; /** * Applies styles to DOM objects * @param {String/Object} elements Either comma-delimited list of ids * or an array of DOM objects * @param {Object} styles Hash of styles to be applied */ DragZoomUtil.style = function(elements, styles){ if (typeof(elements) == 'string') { elements = DragZoomUtil.getManyElements(elements); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){ for (var s in styles) { elements[i].style[s] = styles[s]; } } }; /** * Gets DOM elements array according to list of IDs * @param {String} elementsString Comma-delimited list of IDs * @return {Array} Array of DOM elements corresponding to s */ DragZoomUtil.getManyElements = function(idsString){ var idsArray = idsString.split(','); var elements = []; for (var i = 0; i < idsArray.length; i++){ elements[elements.length] = DragZoomUtil.gE(idsArray[i]) }; return elements; };