@echo off REM #################################################################### REM # Unattended hadoop for windows installation REM # REM # License : GPL REM # Author : Jazz Yao-Tsung Wang REM # Last update : $Date$ REM # Version : $Rev$ REM # REM # Usage: hadoop4win-setup.bat REM # REM # References: REM # [1] Henrik Bengtsson, Unattended Cygwin Installation, June 2, 2004. REM # http://www.maths.lth.se/help/windows/cygwin/ REM # [2] DRBL-WinRoll REM # http://drbl.nchc.org.tw/drbl-winroll REM # This script is modified from winroll-setup.bat REM #################################################################### set JDK_FILE=jdk1.6.0_18.zip set ANT_FILE=ant-current-bin.zip set HBASE_FILE=hbase-0.20.6.tar.gz set HADOOP_FILE=hadoop-0.20.2.tar.gz set JDK_MIRROR=http://www.classcloud.org/hadoop4win set ANT_MIRROR=http://ftp.twaren.net/Unix/Web/apache/ant/ set HBASE_MIRROR=http://ftp.twaren.net/Unix/Web/apache/hbase/hbase-0.20.6/ set HADOOP_MIRROR=http://ftp.twaren.net/Unix/Web/apache/hadoop/core/hadoop-0.20.2 set CYGWIN_ROOT=C:\hadoop4win set LOCAL_REPOSITORY=%cd% set CYGWIN_SETUP=%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror\cyg-setup.exe set OLDPATH=%PATH% set PATH=%PATH%;%cd%\bin set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning set MY_PACKAGE=%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\my_packages set ANT_SRC=%MY_PACKAGE%\ant\%ANT_FILE% set ANT_DES=%CYGWIN_ROOT%\usr\src set JDK_SRC=%MY_PACKAGE%\jdk\%JDK_FILE% set JDK_DES=%CYGWIN_ROOT%\usr\src set HBASE_SRC=%MY_PACKAGE%\hbase\%HBASE_FILE% set HBASE_DES=%CYGWIN_ROOT%\usr\src set HADOOP_SRC=%MY_PACKAGE%\hadoop\%HADOOP_FILE% set HADOOP_DES=%CYGWIN_ROOT%\usr\src REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REM Assert that there exists a valid %LOCAL_REPOSITORY% directory. REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF NOT EXIST "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%" ( echo "ERROR: %LOCAL_REPOSITORY% DON'T EXIST" exit /B 1 ) IF NOT EXIST "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror" ( echo "ERROR: %LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror DON'T EXIST" exit /B 1 ) IF NOT EXIST "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror\release" ( echo "ERROR: %LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror\release DON'T EXIST" exit /B 1 ) IF NOT EXIST "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror\setup.ini" ( echo "ERROR: %LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror\setup.ini DON'T EXIST" exit /B 1 ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_SETUP%" ( echo "ERROR: %CYGWIN_SETUP% DON'T EXIST" exit /B 1 ) REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REM Create a fake installation skeleton for Cygwin setup REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" ( mkdir "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup" ( mkdir "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup" ) ELSE ( del /Q "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\last-*" ) REM -- Note that last-* must *not* containing whitespace, e.g. " " etc. REM -- This is why there below is no space in front of ">". echo Install > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\last-action" echo %LOCAL_REPOSITORY% > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\last-cache" echo cygwin_mirror > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\last-mirror" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\setup.rc" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\net-method" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\net-proxy-host" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\net-proxy-port" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\extrakeys" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\chooser_window_settings" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\installed.db" echo "" > "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\etc\setup\timestamp" REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REM Finally, run Cygwin setup quietly REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - echo To run %CYGWIN_SETUP% -q -d -L -l "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror" -R "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" REM real do cygwin installation "%CYGWIN_SETUP%" -q -d -L -l "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror" -R "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" REM "%CYGWIN_SETUP%" -q -d -L -l "%LOCAL_REPOSITORY%\cygwin_mirror" -R "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" -P cygrunsrv,file,openssh,perl,procps,ncurses,rsync,sharutils,shutdown,subversion,tcp_wrappers,termcap,unzip,wget,zip,zlib REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REM Installation of Hadoop and JDK REM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF NOT EXIST "%JDK_SRC%" ( wget "%JDK_MIRROR%/%JDK_FILE%" -O "%MY_PACKAGE%\jdk\%JDK_FILE%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%ANT_SRC%" ( wget "%ANT_MIRROR%/%ANT_FILE%" -O "%MY_PACKAGE%\ant\%ANT_FILE%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%HBASE_SRC%" ( wget "%HBASE_MIRROR%/%HBASE_FILE%" -O "%MY_PACKAGE%\hbase\%HBASE_FILE%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%HADOOP_SRC%" ( wget "%HADOOP_MIRROR%/%HADOOP_FILE%" -O "%MY_PACKAGE%\hadoop\%HADOOP_FILE%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%JDK_DES%" ( mkdir "%JDK_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%ANT_DES%" ( mkdir "%ANT_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%HBASE_DES%" ( mkdir "%HBASE_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%HADOOP_DES%" ( mkdir "%HADOOP_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\lib\jvm" ( copy "%JDK_SRC%" "%JDK_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\opt\ant" ( copy "%ANT_SRC%" "%ANT_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\opt\hbase" ( copy "%HBASE_SRC%" "%HBASE_DES%" ) IF NOT EXIST "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\opt\hadoop" ( copy "%HADOOP_SRC%" "%HADOOP_DES%" ) copy /Y "%MY_PACKAGE%\ant\bin\*" "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin" copy /Y "%MY_PACKAGE%\hbase\bin\*" "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin" copy /Y "%MY_PACKAGE%\hadoop\bin\*" "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin" cls echo "=====================================================" echo " run `hadoop4win-init' to extract Hadoop and JDK to " echo " proper PATH. It will format HDFS Namenode, too." echo "=====================================================" %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash --login -c "/bin/hadoop4win-init" %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash --login -c "/bin/ant-init" %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash --login -c "/bin/hbase-init" cls set PATH=%OLDPATH% CALL "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\Cygwin.bat"