#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2007 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)28 src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/admin/mmtrace.sh, mmfs, avs_rgpfs24, rgpfs24s010a 2/1/07 12:58:58 ########################################################################### # # Script to gather GPFS traces for debugging purposes. # # Syntax: mmtrace [start | stop] [noformat | formatall] [tail | head | cont] [dispatch] # [trace={io | all | def | same}] # [trace="trace_class level [trace_class level ...]"] # # Normal use is to issue "mmtrace" to start trace, rerun failure scenario, # then issue "mmtrace stop" when failure event occurs. If the problem # is a daemon failure then "mmtrace stop" can be called from the runmmfs # script to capture the event and stop trace before the daemon starts up # again. If the problem is a daemon failure during startup, use the -T # option on the mmstartup command. # # "mmtrace" with no trace arguments can be used to start/restart the trace # without modifing the existing trace level settings. "mmfsadm showtrace" # will show the current level settings. A set of trace levels can be set # permanently using # "mmchconfig trace="trace_class level [trace_class level ...]" # These will be the default trace levels whenever the GPFS daemon starts, # but will not actually produce traces until mmtrace is run to start the # AIX trace or the Linux lxtrace command. # # "mmtrace io" can be used to trace a minimal set of operations that # show application requests to GPFS and the resulting disk IO. # # "mmtrace all" can be used to trace all GPFS traces at level 9, # plus all AIX traces (if running on AIX). # # "mmtrace def" can be used to trace a generic set of GPFS trace levels. # # "mmtrace same" will not change the GPFS trace levels. # # See "Modifiable trace levels" at the end of the script if the default # traces need to be changed. # # The "noformat" option can be used to just keep the raw unformatted # trcfiles and not spend CPU cycles formatting them into trcrpts while # doing some other tests. # # The "formatall" option can be used to have this script format all the raw # trcfiles it finds in the TRCDIR directory (presumably left there by # previous mmtrace calls that had the "noformat" option specified.) # "formatall" implies "stop" if no other parameter specified. # # Note that a new trace report is produced each time this script is run. # Also, in the AIX environment, system trace is stopped and started # regardless of whether it was originally initiated by this script. # As a result, this script should be used carefully and generally only # at the direction of IBM service for the purposes of debugging GPFS. # # Trace output is captured to the directory specified by TRCDIR below # which by default is /tmp/mmfs. # ########################################################################### # # Include global declarations and service routines . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmglobfuncs . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsdrfsdef sourceFile="mmtrace.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGmmtrace ]] && set -x # Local routines #################################################################### # # Function: Locate the active dataStructureDump mmfs.cfg entry # for the local node, specified by its short name. # # # Input: nodename -- Local host short name # Output: Value of active dataStructureDump, empty if no # stanza located. # #################################################################### function getDataDumpDir { value=$(perl -e ' # Open mmfs.cfg for processing open(MMFSCFG, $ARGV[0]) or exit; # Host short name $hosts = $ARGV[1]; # Obtain interface info for specified node ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyname $hosts; # Combine short/long hostnames and any aliases $hosts = join(" ", $hosts, $name, $aliases); # Empty dataDumpDir undef $dataDumpDir; # Process each line of file (common stanzas first) $this_node = true; LINE: while ($line = ) { # Skip comment/blank lines next LINE if $line =~ m/^ *#/; next LINE if $line =~ m/^ *$/; chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^ *\[(.*)\]/) { # Node specific stanzas --> search node list (brackets stripped) $this_node = false; foreach $node (split(",", $1)) { if ($node eq "common") { # Common stanza --> applies to all nodes $this_node = true; last; } else { # Node(s) specific stanza foreach $host (split(" ", $hosts)) { if ($node eq $host) { # Node stanza located $this_node = true; last; } } } } } elsif (($line =~ s/^ *dataStructureDump *//) && ($this_node eq true)) { # Node specific dataStructureDump attribute --> set value $dataDumpDir = $line; } } # Close mmfs.cfg and return result via print close(MMFSCFG); print $dataDumpDir; ' $mmfscfgFile $1) # Return the result print -- "$value" return 0 } #------------- end of function getDataDumpDir ------------------ #################################################################### # # Function: Stop the currently running trace, if any. # If trace was running then move the raw trace file # to the output directory and produce a trace report. # The report is run in the background to avoid delays # in starting GPFS. # #################################################################### function stopTrace { typeset sourceFile="mmtrace.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGstopTrace ]] && set -x if [[ $osName = AIX ]] then # Stop the current trace $trcstop >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then $mv $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE if [[ $? = 0 ]] then print -- "$mmcmd: move $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE" else # tracing may have been going to default trcfile $mv /var/adm/ras/trcfile $TRCFILE if [[ $? = 0 ]] then print -- "$mmcmd: move /var/adm/ras/trcfile $TRCFILE" else # mv command failed printErrorMsg 104 "$mmcmd" "mv $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE" [[ $trace_format != "formatall" ]] && cleanupAndExit fi fi sync fi if [[ $trace_format = "formatall" ]] then for TRCFILE in $TRCPREF.* do TRCRPTFILE=$TRCRPTPREF.${TRCFILE#$TRCPREF.} # Start formating trcfiles, one at a time print -- "$mmcmd: formatting $TRCFILE to $TRCRPTFILE" $trcrpt -O tid=on${trace_dispatch} -t $TRCRPTFMTAIX -o $TRCRPTFILE $TRCFILE && \ sync && $rm $TRCFILE done elif [[ -f $TRCFILE && $trace_format != "noformat" ]] then # Start formating the file in the background TRCRPTFILE=$TRCRPTPREF.${TRCFILE#$TRCPREF.} print -- "$mmcmd: formatting $TRCFILE to $TRCRPTFILE" ($trcrpt -O tid=on${trace_dispatch} -t $TRCRPTFMTAIX -o $TRCRPTFILE $TRCFILE && \ sync && $rm $TRCFILE; ) & fi elif [[ $osName = Linux ]] then # Stop the current trace $lxtrace off >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then $mv $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE if [[ $? = 0 ]] then print -- "$mmcmd: move $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE" else # tracing may have been going to default trcfile $mv /tmp/lxtrace.trc $TRCFILE if [[ $? = 0 ]] then print -- "$mmcmd: move /tmp/lxtrace.trc $TRCFILE" else # mv command failed printErrorMsg 104 "$mmcmd" "mv $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILE" [[ $trace_format != "formatall" ]] && cleanupAndExit fi fi sync fi if [[ ! -s $RUNTRCERRFILE ]] then # Tracing err file empty --> remove it rm -f $RUNTRCERRFILE elif [[ -f $TRCFILE ]] then # Tracing errors occured --> pair it with tracing file $mv $RUNTRCERRFILE $TRCERRFILE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then # mv command failed printErrorMsg 104 "$mmcmd" "mv $RUNTRCERRFILE $TRCERRFILE" [[ $trace_format != "formatall" ]] && cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ $trace_format = "formatall" ]] then for TRCFILE in $TRCPREF.* do TRCRPTFILE=$TRCRPTPREF.${TRCFILE#$TRCPREF.} TRCRPTERRFILE=$TRCRPTERRPREF.${TRCERRFILE#$TRCERRPREF.} print -- "$mmcmd: formatting $TRCFILE to $TRCRPTFILE" # Start formating trcfiles, one at a time $lxtrace format -t $TRCRPTFMTLINUX -o $TRCRPTFILE $TRCFILE && \ sync && $rm $TRCFILE [[ -f $TRCERRFILE ]] && $mv $TRCERRFILE $TRCRPTERRFILE && sync done elif [[ -f $TRCFILE && $trace_format != "noformat" ]] then # Start formating the file in the background TRCRPTFILE=$TRCRPTPREF.${TRCFILE#$TRCPREF.} TRCRPTERRFILE=$TRCRPTERRPREF.${TRCERRFILE#$TRCERRPREF.} print -- "$mmcmd: formatting $TRCFILE to $TRCRPTFILE" ($lxtrace format -t $TRCRPTFMTLINUX -o $TRCRPTFILE $TRCFILE && \ sync && $rm $TRCFILE; ) & ([[ -f $TRCERRFILE ]] && $mv $TRCERRFILE $TRCRPTERRFILE && sync) & fi else checkForErrors "Unknown operating system $osName" 1 fi return 0 } #------------- end of function stopTrace ------------------ #################################################################### # # Function: Turn tracing on. # #################################################################### function startTrace { typeset sourceFile="mmtrace.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGstartTrace ]] && set -x if [[ $osName = AIX ]] then hooks="" if [[ $trace_settings != "all" ]]; then hooks="-j 005,006,00A,306,307,308,309" [[ -n $trace_dispatch ]] && hooks=$hooks",100,101,102,103,106,200" fi # The trace options specify a default 16MB logfile, a 8MB memory buffer, # and logging the last of the wrapping memory buffer of trace data. # -L value must be twice the setting of -T $trace -a $traceht -L $TRCFILESIZE -T $TRCBUFSIZE $hooks -o $RUNTRCFILE elif [[ $osName = Linux ]] then # Use the default 16MB file and 64K buffer. Redirect stderr to a file to # capture tracing errors. Redirect stdin/stdout to /dev/null to prevent # remote shell invocataions of mmtrace from waiting on open pipes. $lxtrace on $RUNTRCFILE $TRCFILESIZE $TRCBUFSIZE 0/dev/null \ 2>$RUNTRCERRFILE else checkForErrors "Unknown operating system $osName" 1 fi return 0 } #------------- end of function startTrace ------------------ ############################ # Mainline processing ############################ ################################# # Process the command arguments. ################################# trace_action="" trace_format="" trace_settings="" trace_help="" trace_headtail="" trace_dispatch="" traceht="-l" while [ "$1" != "" ] do case $1 in start) # Start tracing [[ -n $trace_action ]] && trace_help="true" trace_action=$1 ;; stop) # Stop tracing [[ -n $trace_action ]] && trace_help="true" trace_action=$1 ;; noformat) # Do not format traces [[ -n $trace_format ]] && trace_help="true" trace_format=$1 ;; formatall) # Format traces [[ -n $trace_format ]] && trace_help="true" trace_format=$1 ;; head) # Head of trace [[ -n $trace_headtail ]] && trace_help="true" trace_headtail=$1; traceht="-f" ;; cont) # Continuous trace to file [[ -n $trace_headtail ]] && trace_help="true" trace_headtail=$1; traceht="" ;; tail) # Tail of trace [[ -n $trace_headtail ]] && trace_help="true" trace_headtail=$1; traceht="-l" ;; dispatch) # Add AIX dispatch tracehooks [[ -n $trace_dispatch ]] && trace_help="true" trace_dispatch=",cpuid=on" ;; trace*) # Trace settings [[ -n $trace_settings ]] && trace_help="true" trace_settings=$1 ;; *) # Unknown option/action --> Display usage trace_help="true" esac shift done # Check for help requests if [[ $trace_help = "true" ]] then print -u2 -- "Usage: mmtrace [start | stop] [noformat | formatall] [tail | head | cont] [dispatch]" print -u2 -- " [trace={io | all | def | same}]" print -u2 -- " [trace=\"trace_class level [trace_class level ...]\"]" print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " If \"formatall\" is specified without a trace action, then" print -u2 -- " \"stop\" is the default. All other command invocations" print -u2 -- " where neither \"start\" nor \"stop\" are specified default" print -u2 -- " to \"start\"." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " Specifying \"trace=all\", \"trace=io\", or \"trace=def\"" print -u2 -- " enables predefined trace settings." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " Specifying \"trace=same\" does not modify the current settings." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " If no trace= argument given and no trace levels are" print -u2 -- " currently set, the default trace settings will be used." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " A set of trace levels can be set permanently using" print -u2 -- " "mmchconfig trace="trace_class level [trace_class level ...]" print -u2 -- " These will be the default trace levels whenever the GPFS daemon" print -u2 -- " starts, but will not actually produce traces until mmtrace" print -u2 -- " is run to start the AIX trace or the Linux lxtrace command." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " Default trace output directory is /tmp/mmfs. Override by" print -u2 -- " setting TRCDIR environment variable." print -u2 -- "" print -u2 -- " AIX only: (Linux trace only implements \"cont\" function)" print -u2 -- " If \"tail\" is specified, the trace buffer wraps and is" print -u2 -- " written to the trace file when \"mmtrace stop\" is issued." print -u2 -- " (This is the default)" print -u2 -- " If \"head\" is specified, the trace buffer fills only once" print -u2 -- " and is written to the trace file when \"mmtrace stop\" is issued." print -u2 -- " If \"cont\" is specified, the trace file is continuously" print -u2 -- " written to as the trace buffer fills up. This file will wrap." print -u2 -- " The tracefile size defaults to 16M and can be overridden" print -u2 -- " by setting the TRCFILESIZE environment variable." print -u2 -- " If \"dispatch\" is specified, AIX dispatching tracehooks" print -u2 -- " will also be enabled." return 1 fi # If a trace action has not been specified, default to "start" in all cases # except when "formatall" has been requested. if [[ -z $trace_action && $trace_format = "formatall" ]] then trace_action="stop" elif [[ -z $trace_action ]] then trace_action="start" fi if [[ -n $trace_settings ]] then # Retrieve tha actual trace classes/levels trace_settings=${trace_settings#*=} fi # Ensure the GPFS system data is up to date. gpfsInitOutput=$(gpfsInit nolock) setGlobalVar $? $gpfsInitOutput # Define the short hostname SHORTHOST=$($hostname -s) # Define the trace directory. The default value may be overridden with the # following priority utilized: # 1) TRCDIR environment variable # 2) dataStructureDump setting in mmfs.cfg # 3) /tmp/mmfs default [[ -z $TRCDIR ]] && TRCDIR=$(getDataDumpDir $SHORTHOST) # Default TRCDIR if overrides NULL or not fully qualified if [[ -z $TRCDIR || ($TRCDIR = ${TRCDIR#/}) ]] then TRCDIR=/tmp/mmfs fi # Define the trace report directory and formatting templates [[ -z $TRCRPTDIR || ($TRCRPTDIR = ${TRCRPTDIR#/}) ]] && TRCRPTDIR=$TRCDIR [[ -z $TRCRPTFMTAIX ]] && TRCRPTFMTAIX=/etc/trcfmt [[ -z $TRCRPTFMTLINUX ]] && TRCRPTFMTLINUX=/usr/lpp/mmfs/mmfs.trcfmt #get env value for TRCDISPATCH for AIX [[ -n $TRCDISPATCH && $TRCDISPATCH != off && $TRCDISPATCH != no && $TRCDISPATCH != 0 ]] && trace_dispatch=",cpuid=on" # Define the trace file name, trace report prefix, and # file size and trace buffer sizes. TRCPREF=$TRCDIR/trcfile TRCERRPREF=$TRCDIR/trcerrfile TRCRPTPREF=$TRCRPTDIR/trcrpt TRCRPTERRPREF=$TRCRPTDIR/trcerr if [[ $osName = AIX ]] then RUNTRCFILE=$TRCDIR/trcfile.$SHORTHOST [[ -z $TRCFILESIZE ]] && TRCFILESIZE=16000000 [[ -z $TRCBUFSIZE ]] && TRCBUFSIZE=8000000 # Verify file/buffer sizes if [ $TRCFILESIZE -lt 2*$TRCBUFSIZE ] then print -u2 -- "$osName trace file must be twice the trace buffer size" return 1 fi elif [[ $osName = Linux ]] then RUNTRCFILE=$TRCDIR/lxtrace.trc.$SHORTHOST RUNTRCERRFILE=$TRCDIR/lxtrace.trcerr.$SHORTHOST [[ -z $TRCFILESIZE ]] && TRCFILESIZE=16777216 [[ -z $TRCBUFSIZE ]] && TRCBUFSIZE=65536 # Verify file/buffer sizes if [ $TRCFILESIZE -lt $TRCBUFSIZE ] then print -u2 -- "$osName trace file must be larger than the trace buffer size" return 1 fi fi # Define the name of the trace file being formatted this time DATEHMS=$($date +"%y%m%d.%H.%M.%S") TRCFILE=$TRCPREF.$DATEHMS.$SHORTHOST TRCERRFILE=$TRCERRPREF.$DATEHMS.$SHORTHOST # Ensure the trace files/reports directories exist $mkdir -p $TRCDIR $TRCRPTDIR # Stop the current trace, producing a trace report if requested. stopTrace # If option is not "stop" then start trace and enable GPFS trace levels. if [[ $trace_action = "start" ]] then # Turn tracing on. startTrace # Check if gpfs is up If not, we rely on trace levels in mmfs.cfg. $tsstatus -1 >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 || $rc -eq 2 ]] then if [[ -z $trace_settings ]] then # Check whether any trace levels have been set. If not use default set anytrace=$($mmfsadm showtrace 2>/dev/null | $awk '{if ($2 == ":" && $3 != "0") {print "1";exit}}') [[ -z $anytrace ]] && trace_settings="def" fi if [[ $trace_settings = "io" ]] then # Minimal trace levels for tracking application requests and # disk IO that results from those requests $mmfsadm trace all 0 io 1 vnop 1 vnode 1 elif [[ $trace_settings = "all" ]] then # Maximum trace levels for GPFS $mmfsadm trace all 9 elif [[ $trace_settings = "def" ]] then # A general set of trace levels for GPFS $mmfsadm trace all 4 tm 2 thread 1 mutex 1 vnode 2 ksvfs 3 klockl 2 io 3 pgalloc 1 mb 1 lock 2 fsck 3 elif [[ $trace_settings = "same" ]] then : # nop elif [[ -n $trace_settings ]] then # User specified trace settings $mmfsadm trace $trace_settings fi fi fi cleanupAndExit 0