#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)73 1.2 src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/admin/mmsdrquerydef.sh, mmfs, avs_rgpfs24, rgpfs24s011a 3/29/07 15:24:13 ########################################################################## # # Constants and definitions for the mmsdrquery command. # See the prolog of the mmsdrquery command for more details. # ########################################################################## sourceFile="mmsdrquerydef.sh" [[ -n $DEBUGmmsdrquerydef ]] && set -x # Global declarations sdrq_current_format=1 sdrq_compatible_format=1 sdrq_obsolete_item="sdr_obsolete_item" sdrq_unknown_item="sdr_unknown_item" # Supported query types sdrq_cluster_info=10 # retrieve global cluster information sdrq_node_info=20 # retrieve node specific information sdrq_nsd_info=30 # retrieve NSD specific information sdrq_fs_info=40 # retrieve file system specific information # Supported clusterInfo query items sdrq_cluster_name=1001 sdrq_cluster_id=1002 sdrq_cluster_type=1003 # lc or single (obsolete) sdrq_primary_server=1004 sdrq_secondary_server=1005 sdrq_rsh_path=1006 sdrq_rcp_path=1007 sdrq_uid_domain=1008 sdrq_security_level=1009 # 0 - security is disabled; 1 - security is enabled sdrq_cipher_list=1010 sdrq_tcp_port_number=1011 # daemon TCP port number (default is 1191) sdrq_os_environment=1012 # [ALWS] (first letter of each OS in the clsuter) sdrq_sdrfs_version=1013 # the mmsdrfs file current major version is 3 sdrq_sdrfs_format=1014 # changes as new fields are added sdrq_sdrfs_gennumber=1015 # current generation number of the mmsdrfs file # Supported nodeInfo query items sdrq_node_number=2001 sdrq_admin_interface=2002 # fully-qualified host name sdrq_daemon_interface=2003 # fully-qualified host name sdrq_daemon_ip_address=2004 sdrq_client_node=2005 # true or false sdrq_manager_node=2006 # true or false sdrq_quorum_node=2007 # true or false sdrq_product_version=2008 # installed product version string sdrq_daemon_version=2009 # daemon version number sdrq_os_name=2010 # AIX, Linux, Windows or SunOS sdrq_reserved_2011=2011 sdrq_reserved_2012=2012 # Supported nsdInfo query items sdrq_nsd_name=3001 sdrq_nsd_server_list=3002 # comma-separated list of admin host names sdrq_backup_nsd_server_list=3003 # comma-separated list of admin host names sdrq_fs_name=3004 sdrq_storage_pool=3005 sdrq_disk_usage=3006 sdrq_failure_group=3007 sdrq_nsd_id=3008 sdrq_disk_subtype=3009 sdrq_quorum_disk=3010 # true or false sdrq_disk_status=3011 # Supported fsInfo query items sdrq_device_name=4001 sdrq_mount_point=4002 sdrq_fs_type=4003 # local or remote sdrq_owning_cluster_name=4004 sdrq_remote_device_name=4005 sdrq_automount_option=4006 # yes (mount on startup), no, or automount sdrq_rw_options=4007 # rw or ro sdrq_quota_option=4008 # null or "userquota;groupquota;filesetquota" sdrq_atime_option=4009 # atime or noatime sdrq_mtime_option=4010 # mtime or nomtime sdrq_other_mount_options=4011 # string of other mount options sdrq_mount_options=4012 # string of all mount options (including the above) sdrq_drive_letter=4013 sdrq_device_minor_number=4014