#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)72 src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/admin/mmsdrquery.sh, mmfs, avs_rgpfs24, rgpfs24s011a 3/29/07 15:24:10 ########################################################################## # # Retrieve the requested information form the mmsdrfs file. # # Usage: mmsdrquery queryType itemList [scope [norefresh]] # # where # # queryType specifies the type of infromation requested. The supported # query types are defined in file mmsdrquerydef and can be # specified using either the appropriate keyword or its # corresponding integer value. # # itemList a colon-separated list describing the information that # is to be returned. The supported items are defined in # file mmsdrquerydef and can be specified using the item's # keyword or integer value. The 'all' keyword is equivalent # to requesting all currently defined items in the order # in which they appear in the mmsdrquerydef file. # # scope can be used to limit the number of the returned items. # The meaning and syntax of this parameter dependents on # the query type: # # - for sdrq_cluster_info the only valid value is 'all'. # # - for sdrq_node_info the same syntax must be used as # for the -N option on mmchnode and similar commands. # # - for sdrq_nsd_info the scope parameter can be either # a list of NSD names, a list of file system device # names, the keyword 'free_disks', or a fully-qualified # path name for a file containing NSD or device names. # All file system device names must include the /dev # prefix to distinguish them from NSD names. # # - for sdrq_fs_info the scope parameter can be either # a colon-separated list of device names or one of # the 'all' key words: all, all_local, or all_remote. # # If ommitted, 'all' is assumed for all query types. # # norefresh (optional) assume the cached mmsdrfs data is current. # # # The output consists of one or more records, containing the following # colon-separated fields: # # fixed eycatcher - the character string 'mmsdrquery' # query type - the value of the queryType input parameter # error indicator - if not zero, the rest of the record is undefined # version number - the value of $sdrq_current_format # reserved field 1 # reserved field 2 # # The remainder of the fields represent the values of the requested items # in the same order as they appear in the itemList input parameter. # # If an unkown request type is specified, the error indicator field # in the output line is set to 109 (ENOSYS). # # If the specified object in the scope parameter does not exist, the error # indicator in the output line is set to 19 (ENODEV). # # If an individual item is unknown, or is not supported any more, # the corresponding field in the output is set to "sdrq_unknown_item" # or "sdr_obsolete_item" respectively. # ########################################################################## # Include global declarations and service routines. . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmglobfuncs . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsdrfsdef . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsdrquerydef sourceFile="mmsdrquery.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGmmsdrquery ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" # Local work files. Names should be of the form: # fn=${tmpDir}fn.${mmcmd}.$$ LOCAL_FILES=" " # Local declarations usageMsg=39 typeset -l queryType_lc typeset -l itemList_lc integer seqNumber=0 rc=0 reserved="" ############################# # Check the input arguments. ############################# [[ $arg1 = '-?' || $arg1 = '-h' || $arg1 = '--help' || $arg1 = '--' ]] && \ syntaxError "help" $usageMsg queryType=$arg1 queryType_lc=$queryType itemList=$arg2 itemList_lc=$itemList scope=$arg3 norefresh=$arg4 [[ -z $arg2 ]] && syntaxError "missingArgs" $usageMsg [[ -n $arg5 ]] && syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$arg5" ########################################################### # Ensure that the local copy of the mmsdrfs is up-to-date. ########################################################### if [[ -z $norefresh ]] then gpfsInitOutput=$(gpfsInit nolock) setGlobalVar $? $gpfsInitOutput fi #################################### # Handle the different query types. #################################### if [[ $queryType_lc = sdrq_cluster_info || $queryType = $sdrq_cluster_info ]] then ############################### # Global cluster information ############################### # Retrieve and parse the version and nodeset header lines. versionLine=$($head -1 $mmsdrfsFile) nodesetHdrLine=$($grep "^$HOME_CLUSTER:$NODESET_HDR:" $mmsdrfsFile) IFS=":" set -f ; set -A v -- - $versionLine ; set +f set -f ; set -A w -- - $nodesetHdrLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # If necessary, initialize the item list and print the header line. if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] then itemList_lc="1001:1002:1003:1004:1005:1006:1007:1008:1009:1010:1011:1012:1013:1014:1015" hdrLine="mmsdrquery:sdrq_cluster_info:HEADER:version:reserved:reserved" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_cluster_name:sdrq_cluster_id:sdrq_cluster_type" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_primary_server:sdrq_secondary_server:sdrq_rsh_path" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_rcp_path:sdrq_uid_domain:sdrq_security_level" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_cipher_list:sdrq_tcp_port_number:sdrq_os_environment" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_sdrfs_version:sdrq_sdrfs_format:sdrq_sdrfs_gennumber" print -- "${hdrLine}:" fi # end of if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] # Build the common header; assume everything will be all right. (( seqNumber += 1 )) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_cluster_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" # Parse the item list and build the rest of the output line. IFS=":" for item in $itemList_lc do case $item in sdrq_cluster_name | $sdrq_cluster_name ) result="${result}:${v[$CLUSTER_NAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_cluster_id | $sdrq_cluster_id ) result="${result}:${v[$CLUSTERID_Field]}" ;; sdrq_cluster_type | $sdrq_cluster_type ) result="${result}:${v[$CLUSTER_TYPE_Field]}" ;; sdrq_primary_server | $sdrq_primary_server ) result="${result}:${v[$PRIMARY_SERVER_Field]}" ;; sdrq_secondary_server | $sdrq_secondary_server ) [[ ${v[$BACKUP_SERVER_Field]} = "_NOSECONDARY_" ]] && \ v[$BACKUP_SERVER_Field]="" result="${result}:${v[$BACKUP_SERVER_Field]}" ;; sdrq_rsh_path | $sdrq_rsh_path ) [[ -z ${v[$RSH_PATH_Field]} || ${v[$RSH_PATH_Field]} = "_DEFAULT_" ]] && \ v[$RSH_PATH_Field]=$rsh result="${result}:${v[$RSH_PATH_Field]}" ;; sdrq_rcp_path | $sdrq_rcp_path ) [[ -z ${v[$RCP_PATH_Field]} || ${v[$RCP_PATH_Field]} = "_DEFAULT_" ]] && \ v[$RCP_PATH_Field]=$rcp result="${result}:${v[$RCP_PATH_Field]}" ;; sdrq_uid_domain | $sdrq_uid_domain ) uidDomain=$(showCfgValue uidDomain) [[ -z $uidDomain ]] && uidDomain=${v[$CLUSTER_NAME_Field]} result="${result}:$uidDomain" ;; sdrq_sdrfs_version | $sdrq_sdrfs_version ) result="${result}:${v[$SDRFS_VERSION_Field]}" ;; sdrq_sdrfs_format | $sdrq_sdrfs_format ) result="${result}:${v[$SDRFS_FORMAT_Field]}" ;; sdrq_sdrfs_gennumber | $sdrq_sdrfs_gennumber ) result="${result}:${v[$SDRFS_GENNUM_Field]}" ;; sdrq_security_level | $sdrq_security_level ) result="${result}:${v[$SECLEVEL_Field]}" ;; sdrq_cipher_list | $sdrq_cipher_list ) result="${result}:${w[$CIPHER_LIST_Field]}" ;; sdrq_tcp_port_number | $sdrq_tcp_port_number ) result="${result}:${w[$TCP_PORT_Field]}" ;; sdrq_os_environment | $sdrq_os_environment ) result="${result}:${w[$OS_ENVIRONMENT_Field]}" ;; # xxx | $xxx ) # result="${result}:$sdrq_obsolete_item" # ;; * ) # Unrecognized item result="${result}:$sdrq_unknown_item" ;; esac # end of case $item in done # end of for item in $itemList_lc IFS="$IFS_sv" # Add trailing colon and print the result. print -- "${result}:" elif [[ $queryType_lc = sdrq_node_info || $queryType = $sdrq_node_info ]] then ############################# # Node specific information ############################# # Process the scope parameter for this query type: # If scope is not specified, return information for all nodes. # Otherwise, the scope parameter must confirm to the syntax of # the -N option for mmchnode and similar commands. [[ -z $scope ]] && scope=all if [[ $scope != all ]] then # Allow any combination of the comma, semi-colon and/or the # colon character to be used as a list separator character. scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/:/,/g') scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/;/,/g') createVerifiedNodefile "$scope" $REL_HOSTNAME_Field $nodefile if [[ ! -s $nodefile ]] then # No nodes were found that matched the input specification. rc=$MM_DeviceNotFound # device does not exist (ENODEV) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_node_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" print -- "${result}:" cleanupAndExit $rc fi # end of if [[ ! -s $nodefile ]] fi # end of if [[ $scope != all ]] # If necessary, initialize the item list and print the header line. if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] then itemList_lc="2001:2002:2003:2004:2005:2006:2007:2008:2009:2010" hdrLine="mmsdrquery:sdrq_node_info:HEADER:version:reserved:reserved" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_node_number:sdrq_admin_interface:sdrq_daemon_interface" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_daemon_ip_address:sdrq_client_node:sdrq_manager_node" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_quorum_node:sdrq_product_version:sdrq_daemon_version" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_os_name" print -- "${hdrLine}:" fi # end of if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] # Go through the mmsdrfs file and retrieve the requested information. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $chnodes $diskLines IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $mmsdrfsFile while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" getThisNode="" case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $MEMBER_NODE ) if [[ $scope = all ]] then getThisNode=yes else getThisNode=$($grep -w ${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} $nodefile) fi if [[ -n $getThisNode ]] then # Build the common header; assume everything will be all right. (( seqNumber += 1 )) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_node_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" # Parse the item list and build the rest of the output line. IFS=":" for item in $itemList_lc do case $item in sdrq_node_number | $sdrq_node_number ) result="${result}:${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]}" ;; sdrq_admin_interface | $sdrq_admin_interface ) result="${result}:${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_daemon_interface | $sdrq_daemon_interface ) [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NODENAME_Field]} ]] && \ v[$DAEMON_NODENAME_Field]=${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} result="${result}:${v[$DAEMON_NODENAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_daemon_ip_address | $sdrq_daemon_ip_address ) result="${result}:${v[$IPA_Field]}" ;; sdrq_client_node | $sdrq_client_node ) [[ ${v[$DESIGNATION_Field]} = "$CLIENT" ]] && \ result="${result}:true" || result="${result}:false" ;; sdrq_manager_node | $sdrq_manager_node ) [[ ${v[$DESIGNATION_Field]} = "$MANAGER" ]] && \ result="${result}:true" || result="${result}:false" ;; sdrq_quorum_node | $sdrq_quorum_node ) [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = "$quorumNode" ]] && \ result="${result}:true" || result="${result}:false" ;; sdrq_product_version | $sdrq_product_version ) result="${result}:${v[$PRODUCT_VERSION_Field]}" ;; sdrq_daemon_version | $sdrq_daemon_version ) result="${result}:${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]}" ;; sdrq_os_name | $sdrq_os_name ) result="${result}:${v[$OS_NAME_Field]}" ;; # xxx | $xxx ) # result="${result}:$sdrq_obsolete_item" # ;; * ) # Unrecognized item result="${result}:$sdrq_unknown_item" ;; esac # end of case $item in done # end of for item in $itemList_lc IFS="$IFS_sv" # Add trailing colon and print the result. print -- "${result}:" fi # end of if [[ -n $getThisNode ]] ;; * ) # Not interested in any ohter lines. ;; esac # end case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. elif [[ $queryType_lc = sdrq_nsd_info || $queryType = $sdrq_nsd_info ]] then ############################# # NSD specific information ############################# #esjxx - Add code to put out messages for each specifically requested disk name #esjxx that was not found and for each fs device name that was given and that #esjxx does not exist or has no disks (because it is for a remote fs). This #esjxx should also cover the free disk case # Process the scope parameter for this query type: # If scope is not specified, return information for all disks. # Otherwise, the scope parameter can be either a list of NSD names, # file system device names, and/or the keyword 'free_disks', or # a fully-qualified path name for a file containing NSD or device names. # All file system device names must include the /dev prefix to distinguish # them from NSD names. if [[ -z $scope || $scope = all ]] then scope=all elif [[ $scope = /* && $scope != +(/)dev+(/)* ]] then # The scope parameter is a path name for a file. # Verify the existence of the file and create our own copy. checkUserFile "$scope" $tmpfile [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit else # The scope parameter is a list of NSD and/or device names. # Allow any combination of the comma, semi-colon and/or the # colon character to be used as a list separator character. scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/;/,/g') scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/:/,/g') # Parse the list and put the items into a file. $rm -f $tmpfile IFS="," for token in $scope do [[ -z $token ]] && continue print -- "$token" >> $tmpfile checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpfile" $? done # end for token in $scope IFS="$IFS_sv" fi # end of if [[ -z $scope || $scope = all ]] # Separate the NSD names from the file system device names. if [[ $scope != all ]] then $rm -f $diskfile exec 3<&- exec 3< $tmpfile while read -u3 token do if [[ $token = +(/)dev+(/)* ]] then # Add the fs name to the list of file systems. fsList="${fsList} ${token##+(/)dev+(/)}" elif [[ $token = free_disks ]] then # Add the funny NO_DEVICE name to the list of file systems. fsList="${fsList} $NO_DEVICE" elif [[ $token = all ]] then # This will overwrite everything else. scope=all break else # This must be an NSD name. print -- "$token" >> $diskfile checkForErrors "writing to file $diskfile" $? fi done # end of while read -u3 token # Ensure the fsList has a trailing blank. [[ -n $fsList ]] && fsList="${fsList} " fi # end of if [[ $scope != all ]] # If necessary, initialize the item list and print the header line. if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] then itemList_lc="3001:3002:3003:3004:3005:3006:3007:3008:3009:3010:3011" hdrLine="mmsdrquery:sdrq_nsd_info:HEADER:version:reserved:reserved" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_nsd_name:sdrq_nsd_server_list:sdrq_backup_nsd_server_list" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_fs_name:sdrq_storage_pool:sdrq_disk_usage" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_failure_group:sdrq_nsd_id:sdrq_disk_subtype" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_quorum_disk:sdrq_disk_status" print -- "${hdrLine}:" fi # end of if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] # Go through the mmsdrfs file and retrieve the requested information. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $chnodes $diskLines IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $mmsdrfsFile while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $SG_DISKS ) if [[ $scope = all || $fsList = *" ${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]} "* ]] then getThisDisk=yes elif [[ -s $diskfile ]] then getThisDisk=$($grep -w ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} $diskfile) else getThisDisk="" fi if [[ -n $getThisDisk ]] then # Build the common header; assume everything will be all right. (( seqNumber += 1 )) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_nsd_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" # Parse the item list and build the rest of the output line. IFS=":" for item in $itemList_lc do case $item in sdrq_nsd_name | $sdrq_nsd_name ) result="${result}:${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_nsd_server_list | $sdrq_nsd_server_list ) result="${result}:${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]}" ;; sdrq_backup_nsd_server_list | $sdrq_backup_nsd_server_list ) result="${result}:${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]}" ;; sdrq_fs_name | $sdrq_fs_name ) [[ ${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]} = "$NO_DEVICE" ]] && \ v[$DEV_NAME_Field]="free_disk" result="${result}:${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_storage_pool | $sdrq_storage_pool ) [[ -z ${v[$STORAGE_POOL_Field]} ]] && \ v[$STORAGE_POOL_Field]="system" result="${result}:${v[$STORAGE_POOL_Field]}" ;; sdrq_disk_usage | $sdrq_disk_usage ) result="${result}:${v[$DISK_USAGE_Field]}" ;; sdrq_failure_group | $sdrq_failure_group ) result="${result}:${v[$FAILURE_GROUP_Field]}" ;; sdrq_nsd_id | $sdrq_nsd_id ) result="${result}:${v[$PVID_Field]}" ;; sdrq_disk_subtype | $sdrq_disk_subtype ) result="${result}:${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]}" ;; sdrq_quorum_disk | $sdrq_quorum_disk ) [[ ${v[$PAXOS_Field]} = "$PaxosDisk" ]] && \ result="${result}:true" || result="${result}:false" ;; sdrq_disk_status | $sdrq_disk_status ) [[ -z ${v[$DISK_STATUS_Field]} ]] && \ v[$DISK_STATUS_Field]="ready" result="${result}:${v[$DISK_STATUS_Field]}" ;; # xxx | $xxx ) # result="${result}:$sdrq_obsolete_item" # ;; * ) # Unrecognized item result="${result}:$sdrq_unknown_item" ;; esac # end of case $item in done # end of for item in $itemList_lc IFS="$IFS_sv" # Add trailing colon and print the result. print -- "${result}:" fi # end of if [[ -n $getThisDisk ]] ;; * ) # Not interested in any ohter lines. ;; esac # end case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. if [[ $seqNumber -eq 0 ]] then # No disks were found that matched the input specification." rc=$MM_DeviceNotFound # device does not exist (ENODEV) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_nsd_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" print -- "${result}:" print -u2 "$mmcmd: No disks were found that matched the input specification." fi # end of if [[ $seqNumber -eq 0 ]] elif [[ $queryType_lc = sdrq_fs_info || $queryType = $sdrq_fs_info ]] then ################################### # File system specific information ################################### #esjxx - Add code to put out messages for each specifically requested file system #esjxx that was not found. # Process the scope parameter for this query type: # If scope is not specified, return information for all disks. # Otherwise, the scope parameter can be either a list of device names # or one of the 'all' key words: all, all_local, or all_remote. if [[ -z $scope || $scope = all ]] then scope=all elif [[ $scope = all_local || $scope = all_remote ]] then scope=$scope # elif [[ $scope = /* && $scope != +(/)dev+(/)* ]] # then # # The scope parameter is a path name for a file. # # Verify the existence of the file and create our own copy. # checkUserFile "$scope" $tmpfile # [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit else # The scope parameter is a list of device names. # Allow any combination of the comma, semi-colon and/or the # colon character to be used as a list separator character. scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/;/,/g') scope=$(print -- "$scope" | $sed 's/:/,/g') # Parse the list of device names. $rm -f $tmpfile IFS="," for token in $scope do [[ -z $token ]] && continue # Add the fs name to the list of file systems. fsList="${fsList} ${token##+(/)dev+(/)}" done # end for token in $scope IFS="$IFS_sv" # Ensure the fsList has a trailing blank. [[ -n $fsList ]] && fsList="${fsList} " fi # end of if [[ -z $scope || $scope = all ]] # If necessary, initialize the item list and print the header line. if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] then itemList_lc="4001:4002:4003:4004:4005:4006:4007:4008:4009:4010:4011:4012:4013:4014" hdrLine="mmsdrquery:sdrq_fs_info:HEADER:version:reserved:reserved" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_device_name:sdrq_mount_point:sdrq_fs_type" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_owning_cluster_name:sdrq_remote_device_name" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_automount_option:sdrq_rw_options:sdrq_quota_option" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_atime_option:sdrq_mtime_option:sdrq_other_mount_options" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:sdrq_mount_options:sdrq_drive_letter:sdrq_device_minor_number" print -- "${hdrLine}:" fi # end of if [[ $itemList_lc = all ]] # Go through the mmsdrfs file and retrieve the requested information. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $chnodes $diskLines IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $mmsdrfsFile while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $VERSION_LINE ) ourClusterName=${v[$CLUSTER_NAME_Field]} ;; $SG_HEADR ) # Starting the processing of a new file system. # See if the file system should be displayed. if [[ $scope = all || $scope = all_local && ${v[$FS_TYPE_Field]} = $localfs || $scope = all_remote && ${v[$FS_TYPE_Field]} = $remotefs || $fsList = *" ${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]} "* ]] then getThisFileSystem=yes # Start collecting the potentially needed information. # The actual output will be constructed when all of the information # becomes available (when the SG_MOUNT line is processed). remoteDeviceName=${v[$REMOTE_DEV_NAME_Field]} deviceMinorNumber=${v[$DEV_MINOR_Field]} if [[ ${v[$FS_TYPE_Field]} = $localfs ]] then fsType=local else fsType=remote fi else getThisFileSystem="" fi # end of if [[ $scope = all ... ;; $SG_ETCFS ) if [[ -n $getThisFileSystem ]] then # Save some more potentially needed information. stanzaLine=${v[$ETCFS_TEXT_Field]} if [[ ${v[$LINE_NUMBER_Field]} = $MOUNT_POINT_Line ]] then mountPoint=$stanzaLine elif [[ ${v[$LINE_NUMBER_Field]} -eq $MOUNT_Line ]] then value=${stanzaLine#*=$BLANKchar} if [[ $value = mmfs ]] then automountOption=yes elif [[ $value = false ]] then automountOption=no else automountOption=$value fi fi # end of if [[ ${v[$LINE_NUMBER_Field]} = $MOUNT_POINT_Line ]] fi # end of if [[ -n $getThisFileSystem ]] ;; $SG_MOUNT ) if [[ -n $getThisFileSystem ]] then # Create a combined list of all mount options. rwOption=${v[$RW_OPT_Field]} quotaOption=${v[$QUOTA_OPT_Field]} atimeOption=${v[$ATIME_OPT_Field]} mtimeOption=${v[$MTIME_OPT_Field]} otherMountOptions=${v[$OTHER_OPT_Field]} allMountOptions="${rwOption},${atimeOption},${mtimeOption}" [[ -n $quotaOption ]] && \ allMountOptions="${allMountOptions},${quotaOption}" [[ -n $otherMountOptions ]] && \ allMountOptions="${allMountOptions},${otherMountOptions}" # At this point all of the needed information is available. # Build the common header; assume everything will be all right. (( seqNumber += 1 )) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_fs_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" # Parse the item list and build the rest of the output line. IFS=":" for item in $itemList_lc do case $item in sdrq_device_name | $sdrq_device_name ) result="${result}:${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]}" ;; sdrq_mount_point | $sdrq_mount_point ) result="${result}:$mountPoint" ;; sdrq_fs_type | $sdrq_fs_type ) result="${result}:$fsType" ;; sdrq_owning_cluster_name | $sdrq_owning_cluster_name ) if [[ ${v[$NODESETID_Field]} = "$HOME_CLUSTER" ]] then result="${result}:$ourClusterName" else result="${result}:${v[$NODESETID_Field]}" fi ;; sdrq_remote_device_name | $sdrq_remote_device_name ) if [[ -n $remoteDeviceName ]] then result="${result}:$remoteDeviceName" else result="${result}:${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]}" fi ;; sdrq_automount_option | $sdrq_automount_option ) result="${result}:$automountOption" ;; sdrq_rw_options | $sdrq_rw_options ) result="${result}:$rwOption" ;; sdrq_quota_option | $sdrq_quota_option ) if [[ -n $quotaOption ]] then result="${result}:$quotaOption" else result="${result}:no" fi ;; sdrq_atime_option | $sdrq_atime_option ) result="${result}:$atimeOption" ;; sdrq_mtime_option | $sdrq_mtime_option ) result="${result}:$mtimeOption" ;; sdrq_other_mount_options | $sdrq_other_mount_options ) result="${result}:$otherMountOptions" ;; sdrq_mount_options | $sdrq_mount_options ) result="${result}:$allMountOptions" ;; sdrq_drive_letter | $sdrq_drive_letter ) result="${result}:${v[$DRIVE_LETTER_Field]}" ;; sdrq_device_minor_number | $sdrq_device_minor_number ) result="${result}:$deviceMinorNumber" ;; # xxx | $xxx ) # result="${result}:$sdrq_obsolete_item" # ;; * ) # Unrecognized item result="${result}:$sdrq_unknown_item" ;; esac # end of case $item in done # end of for item in $itemList_lc IFS="$IFS_sv" # Add trailing colon and print the result. print -- "${result}:" fi # end of if [[ -n $getThisFileSystem ]] ;; * ) # Not interested in any ohter lines. ;; esac # end case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. if [[ $seqNumber -eq 0 ]] then # No file systems were found that matched the input specification." rc=$MM_DeviceNotFound # device does not exist (ENODEV) result="mmsdrquery:sdrq_fs_info:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$reserved:$reserved" print -- "${result}:" print -u2 "$mmcmd: No file systems were found that matched the input specification." fi # end of if [[ $seqNumber -eq 0 ]] else # Unkown query type print -u2 "$mmcmd: Unknown query type $queryType" rc=$MM_NotSupported # function not supported (ENOSYS) # Build the common header and print the result. result="mmsdrquery:$queryType:$rc:$sdrq_current_format:$seqNumber:$reserved:$reserved" print -- "${result}:" fi # end of if [[ $queryType_lc = sdrq_cluster_info || ... cleanupAndExit $rc