#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000,2007 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)46 src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/admin/mmlsconfig.sh, mmfs, avs_rgpfs24, rgpfs24s011a 3/28/07 19:15:23 ########################################################################## # # List the GPFS configuration data for the cluster. # # Usage: mmlsconfig [Attribute[,Attribute...] [-Y] # ########################################################################## # Include global declarations and service routines . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmglobfuncs . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsdrfsdef sourceFile="mmlsconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGmmlsconfig ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" # Local work files. Names should be of the form: # fn=${tmpDir}fn.${mmcmd}.$$ LOCAL_FILES=" " # Local variables usageMsg=370 underline="----------------------------------------------------------" underline="${underline}----------------------------------------------" typeset -l cfgParm_lc # Local routines ############################################################################# # # Function: Determine the value of the specified mmfs.cfg parameter. # # Input: $1 - mmfs.cfg parameter name. # $2 - default value # $3 - mmfs.cfg file to use. # $4 - line prefix string (implies colon separated output) # # Output: The value of the mmfs.cfg parameter. Multiple lines are possible # if there are node overrides. # # Returns: 0 - worked # 1 - unexpected error # ############################################################################# function listCfgValue # [] { typeset sourceFile="mmlsconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGlistCfgValue ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset parm=$1 typeset defaultValue=$2 typeset cfgFile=$3 typeset linePrefix=$4 typeset separatorChar=" " # Verify input parameters. if [[ $# -lt 3 ]] then operands=" []" printErrorMsg 260 listCfgValue "$operands" cleanupAndExit fi [[ -n $linePrefix ]] && separatorChar=":" # Find the setting of the parameter from the specified config file. $awk -v parm="$parm" -v defaultValue="$defaultValue" \ -v sep="$separatorChar" -v prefix="$linePrefix" ' BEGIN { { globalScope = 1 } { nodeList = "" } { n = 0 } { value[0] = defaultValue } { nodes[0] = "" } } # If this is the end of a node-override section, # set the flag to accept parameter values. $1 == "[common]" { { globalScope = 1 } { next } } # If this is the start of a node-override section, # save the node list. /^\[.*]/ || /^[ ]*\[.*]/ { { globalScope = 0 } nodeList = $1 if (prefix) { # Remove the brackets. sub("\\[","",nodeList) sub("]","",nodeList) } { next } } # If this is a declaration for our parameter, save the value. $1 == parm { if (globalScope) { { nodeList = "" } { n = 0 } } else { { n++ } } # Add code to save the entire line minus $1 { value[n] = $2 } { nodes[n] = nodeList } } END { # Print the result. for (i=0; i<=n; i++) { print prefix parm sep value[i] sep nodes[i] sep } } ' $cfgFile checkForErrors awk $? return 0 } #----- end of function listCfgValue --------------------------- ############################# # Check the input arguments. ############################# [[ $arg1 = '-?' || $arg1 = '-h' || $arg1 = '--help' || $arg1 = '--' ]] && \ syntaxError "help" $usageMsg if [[ $arg1 = '-Y' ]] then Yopt=true parmList="$arg2" [[ -n $arg3 ]] && syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$arg3" else parmList="$arg1" [[ $arg2 = '-Y' ]] && Yopt=true if [[ $arg2 = '-Y' ]] then Yopt=true [[ -n $arg3 ]] && syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$arg3" else [[ -n $arg2 ]] && syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$arg2" fi fi # end of if [[ $arg1 = '-Y' ]] ####################################################################### # Set up trap exception handling and call the gpfsInit function. # It will ensure that the local copy of the mmsdrfs and the rest # of the GPFS system files are up-to-date. No need to lock the sdr. ####################################################################### trap pretrap2 HUP INT QUIT KILL gpfsInitOutput=$(gpfsInit nolock) setGlobalVar $? $gpfsInitOutput ################################################################# # Loop through the mmsdrfs file and collect needed information. ################################################################# $rm -f $tmpfile IFS=":" # Change the field separator to ':' exec 3<&- exec 3< $mmsdrfsFile while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $VERSION_LINE ) # Extract the cluster name. clusterName=${v[$CLUSTER_NAME_Field]} ;; $SG_HEADR ) # Collect the names of all local file systems. if [[ ${v[$NODESETID_Field]} = $HOME_CLUSTER ]] then print -- "/dev/${v[$DEV_NAME_Field]}" >> $tmpfile checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpfile" $? fi ;; * ) # No need to look at any of the other lines ;; esac # end case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration done # end while read -u3 IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # The config information is in the file mmfscfgFile. # If the traditional default output is desired, display # the content skipping comment and empty lines. if [[ -z $parmList && -z $Yopt ]] then header=$(printInfoMsg 407 $clusterName) printf "%s\n%.${#header}s\n" "$header" "$underline" $egrep -v -e "^([$BLANKchar$TABchar])*#" \ -e "^([$BLANKchar$TABchar])*$" $mmfscfgFile # Display the names of the locally owned file systems. header=$(printInfoMsg 408 $clusterName) printf "\n%s\n%.${#header}s\n" "$header" "$underline" if [[ -s $tmpfile ]] then $cat $tmpfile else # There are no file systems printInfoMsg 409 fi cleanupAndExit 0 fi # end of if [[ -z $parmList && -z $separatorChar ]] # If we are here, either specific paramters were requested # and/or colon separated output is desired. if [[ -n $Yopt ]] then # Generate and print the header line. hdrLine="mmlsconfig::HEADER:version:reserved:reserved" hdrLine="${hdrLine}:configParameter:value:nodeList" print -- "${hdrLine}:" # Generate the prefix for the data lines. linePrefix="mmlsconfig::0:1:::" fi # end of if [[ -n $Yopt ]] # If no specific parameters were requested, show all # offciallly supported and documented paramters. if [[ -z $parmList || $parmList = all ]] then parmList="autoload,automountDir,cipherList,clusterId,clusterName" parmList="${parmList},dataStructureDump,distributedTokenServer" parmList="${parmList},dmapiEventTimeout,dmapiMountTimeout,dmapiSessionFailureTimeout" parmList="${parmList},maxblocksize,maxFilesToCache,maxMBpS,maxStatCache" parmList="${parmList},nsdServerWaitTimeForMount,nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount" parmList="${parmList},pagepool,prefetchThreads,subnets,uidDomain" parmList="${parmList},unmountOnDiskFail,worker1Threads" fi # end of if [[ -z $parmList ]] IFS="," for cfgParm in $parmList do IFS="$IFS_sv" cfgParm_lc=$cfgParm case $cfgParm_lc in autoload ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=autoload ;; allowdummyconnections ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=allowDummyConnections ;; allowremoteconnections ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=allowRemoteConnections ;; allowsynchronousfcntlretries ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=allowSynchronousFcntlRetries ;; assertonstructureerror ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=assertOnStructureError ;; asyncsocketnotify ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=asyncSocketNotify ;; automountdir ) defaultValue="/gpfs/automountdir"; cfgParm=automountDir ;; autosgloadbalance ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=autoSgLoadBalance ;; cipherlist ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=cipherList ;; clusterid ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=clusterId ;; clustername ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=clusterName ;; crashdump ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=crashdump ;; datastructuredump ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=dataStructureDump ;; datastructuredumponsgpanic ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=dataStructureDumpOnSGPanic ;; distributedtokenserver ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=distributedTokenServer ;; dmapienable ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=dmapiEnable ;; dmapieventbuffers ) defaultValue="64"; cfgParm=dmapiEventBuffers ;; dmapieventtimeout ) defaultValue="86400000"; cfgParm=dmapiEventTimeout ;; dmapimounttimeout ) defaultValue="60"; cfgParm=dmapiMountTimeout ;; dmapisessionfailuretimeout ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=dmapiSessionFailureTimeout ;; dmapiworkerthreads ) defaultValue="12"; cfgParm=dmapiWorkerThreads ;; eewatchdoghungthreadcutoff ) defaultValue="60"; cfgParm=eeWatchDogHungThreadCutoff ;; eewatchdoginterval ) defaultValue="90"; cfgParm=eeWatchDogInterval ;; enableuidremap ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=enableUIDremap ;; enablestatuidremap ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=enableStatUIDremap ;; enabletreebasedquotas ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=enableTreeBasedQuotas ;; envvar ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=envVar ;; flusheddatatarget ) defaultValue="32"; cfgParm=flushedDataTarget ;; flushedinodetarget ) defaultValue="32"; cfgParm=flushedInodeTarget ;; healthcheckinterval ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=healthCheckInterval ;; hotlistpct ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=hotlistPct ;; ignorereplicaspaceonstat ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=IgnoreReplicaSpaceOnStat ;; iohistorysize ) defaultValue="512"; cfgParm=ioHistorySize ;; leasedmstimeout ) defaultValue="2/3 leaseDuration"; cfgParm=leaseDMSTimeout ;; leaseduration ) defaultValue="35"; cfgParm=leaseDuration ;; leaserecoverywait ) defaultValue="35"; cfgParm=leaseRecoveryWait ;; license ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=LICENSE ;; listenonallinterfaces ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=listenOnAllInterfaces ;; maxallocpcttocache ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=maxAllocPctToCache ;; maxbackgrounddeletionthreads ) defaultValue="4"; cfgParm=maxBackgroundDeletionThreads ;; maxblocksize ) defaultValue="1M"; cfgParm=maxblocksize ;; maxbufferdescs ) defaultValue="-1"; cfgParm=maxBufferDescs ;; maxdatashippoolsize ) defaultValue="266240"; cfgParm=maxDataShipPoolSize ;; maxdiskaddrbuffs ) defaultValue="-1"; cfgParm=maxDiskAddrBuffs ;; maxfcntlrangesperfile ) defaultValue="200"; cfgParm=maxFcntlRangesPerFile ;; maxfilecleaners ) defaultValue="8"; cfgParm=maxFileCleaners ;; maxfilestocache ) defaultValue="1000"; cfgParm=maxFilesToCache ;; maxinodedeallochistory ) defaultValue="50"; cfgParm=maxInodeDeallocHistory ;; maxinodedeallocprefetch ) defaultValue="8"; cfgParm=maxInodeDeallocPrefetch ;; maxmbps ) defaultValue="150"; cfgParm=maxMBpS ;; maxmissedpingtimeout ) defaultValue="60"; cfgParm=maxMissedPingTimeout ;; maxnfsdelegationtimeout ) defaultValue="60"; cfgParm=maxNFSDelegationTimeout ;; maxreceiverthreads ) defaultValue="16"; cfgParm=maxReceiverThreads ;; maxsgdesciobufsize ) defaultValue="262144"; cfgParm=maxSGDescIOBufSize ;; maxstatcache ) defaultValue="4*maxFilesToCache"; cfgParm=maxStatCache ;; maxtokenservers ) defaultValue="128"; cfgParm=maxTokenServers ;; minmissedpingtimeout ) defaultValue="8"; cfgParm=minMissedPingTimeout ;; minquorumnodes ) defaultValue="1"; cfgParm=minQuorumNodes ;; mmapkprocs ) defaultValue="3"; cfgParm=mmapKprocs ;; mmsdrservtimeout ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=mmsdrservTimeout ;; mmsdrservworkerpool ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=mmsdrservWorkerPool ;; multitmmountthreshold ) defaultValue="2"; cfgParm=multiTMMountThreshold ;; nfsprefetchstrategy ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=nfsPrefetchStrategy ;; nsdbufspace ) defaultValue="30"; cfgParm=nsdbufspace ;; nsdinlinewritemax ) defaultValue="1024"; cfgParm=nsdInlineWriteMax ;; nsdmaxworkerthreads ) defaultValue="32"; cfgParm=nsdMaxWorkerThreads ;; nsdminworkerthreads ) defaultValue="8"; cfgParm=nsdMinWorkerThreads ;; nsdservercheckingintervalformount ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=nsdServerCheckingIntervalForMount ;; nsdserverwaitconfig ) defaultValue="2"; cfgParm=nsdServerWaitConfig ;; nsdserverwaittimeformount ) defaultValue="300"; cfgParm=nsdServerWaitTimeForMount ;; nsdserverwaittimewindowonmount ) defaultValue="600"; cfgParm=nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount ;; nsdthreadsperdisk ) defaultValue="3"; cfgParm=nsdThreadsPerDisk ;; opensslenginename ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=opensslEngineName ;; openssllibname ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=openssllibname ;; pagepool ) defaultValue="64M"; cfgParm=pagepool ;; panicondiskfail ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=unmountOnDiskFail ;; pcttokenmgrstorageuse ) defaultValue="25"; cfgParm=pctTokenMgrStorageUse ;; pindaemon ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=pindaemon ;; pingperiod ) defaultValue="2"; cfgParm=pingPeriod ;; pinmaster ) defaultValue="stack 256K data 4096K"; cfgParm=pinmaster ;; prefetchpct ) defaultValue="20"; cfgParm=prefetchPct ;; prefetchthreads ) defaultValue="72"; cfgParm=prefetchThreads ;; prefetchtimeout ) defaultValue="5"; cfgParm=prefetchTimeout ;; priority ) defaultValue="40"; cfgParm=priority ;; readreplicapolicy ) defaultValue="default"; cfgParm=readReplicaPolicy ;; res ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=res ;; retryfcntltokenthreshold ) defaultValue="3"; cfgParm=retryFcntlTokenThreshold ;; seqdiscardthreshhold ) defaultValue="1M"; cfgParm=seqDiscardThreshhold ;; setctimeonattrchange ) defaultValue="yes"; cfgParm=setCtimeOnAttrChange ;; sharedmemlimit ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=sharedMemLimit ;; socketrcvbuffersize ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=socketRcvBufferSize ;; socketsndbuffersize ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=socketSndBufferSize ;; statcachedirpct ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=statCacheDirPct ;; statmaxattrage ) defaultValue="0"; cfgParm=statMaxAttrAge ;; subnets ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=subnets ;; syncinterval ) defaultValue="70"; cfgParm=syncInterval ;; takeovertimeout ) defaultValue="600"; cfgParm=takeovertimeout ;; tokenmemlimit ) defaultValue="256M"; cfgParm=tokenMemLimit ;; totalpingtimeout ) defaultValue="120"; cfgParm=totalPingTimeout ;; trace ) defaultValue="all 0"; cfgParm=trace ;; tracebuffersizeforaix ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceBufferSizeForAIX ;; tracedevbuffersize ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=tracedevBufferSize ;; tracegendump ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceGenDump ;; tracegensubdir ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceGenSubDir ;; tracefilesize ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceFileSize ;; tracelogquiet ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceLogQuiet ;; tracerecycle ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=traceRecycle ;; tscprimary ) defaultValue=""; cfgParm=tscPrimary ;; tscworkerpool ) defaultValue="10"; cfgParm=tscWorkerPool ;; udaplrdma ) defaultValue="disable"; cfgParm=udaplRdma ;; udaplports ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=udaplPorts ;; udaplrdmaspernode ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=udaplRdmasPerNode ;; udaplrdmasperconnection ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=udaplRdmasPerConnection ;; udaplrdmaminbytes ) defaultValue="16384"; cfgParm=udaplRdmasMinBytes ;; verbsrdma ) defaultValue="disable"; cfgParm=verbsRdma ;; verbsports ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=verbsPorts ;; verbsrdmaspernode ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=verbsRdmasPerNode ;; verbsrdmasperconnection ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=verbsRdmasPerConnection ;; verbsrdmaminbytes ) defaultValue="16384"; cfgParm=verbsRdmasMinBytes ;; uiddomain ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm=uidDomain ;; uidexpiration ) defaultValue="36000"; cfgParm=uidExpiration ;; unmountondiskfail ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=unmountOnDiskFail ;; wait4rvsd ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=wait4RVSD ;; waitforvsd ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=wait4RVSD ;; watchdogtimeout ) defaultValue="20"; cfgParm=watchdogtimeout ;; worker1threads ) defaultValue="48"; cfgParm=worker1Threads ;; worker3threads ) defaultValue="8"; cfgParm=worker3Threads ;; writealldescreplicas ) defaultValue="no"; cfgParm=writeAllDescReplicas ;; writebehindthreshhold ) defaultValue="512K"; cfgParm=writebehindThreshhold ;; * ) defaultValue="(undefined)"; cfgParm="$cfgParm" ;; esac # end of case $cfgParm_lc in # Invoke the function to retrieve and display the data. listCfgValue "$cfgParm" "$defaultValue" $mmfscfgFile $linePrefix done # end of for cfgParm in $parmList cleanupAndExit 0