#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997,2007 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)17 src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/admin/mmchconfig.sh, mmfs, avs_rgpfs24, rgpfs24s012a 4/2/07 12:58:05 ################################################################################ # # Usage: mmchconfig Attribute=value[,Attribute=value...] [-i | -I] # [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] # # where # -i specifies immediate. The change takes place immediately, not # just on the next restart. This is currently only valid with # a subset of config attributes. # # -I specifies immediate ONLY. The change takes place immediately # and does not have any effect on the next restart. # This is currently only valid with a subset of config attributes. # # -N Node,Node,... Specify the nodes whose states are to be changed. # -N NodeFile NodeClass may be one of several possible node classes # -N NodeClass (e.g., quorumnodes, managernodes, nsdnodes, etc.) # If none of -N, -n, or nodelist is specified, the entire # cluster is changed; otherwise, the changes are made to # the specified nodes. # Do not use -N to do an update to an omitted node as the # output is not the same as running without nodefile. # -N cannot be specified with the obsolete -n or nodelist # options. # # Obsolete but still supported options: # # -n NodeFile is a file containing a list of nodes. # If none of -N, -n, or nodelist is not specified, # the entire cluster is changed; otherwise, the changes # are made to the specified nodes. # Do not use -n NodeFile to do an update to an omitted node # as the output is not the same as running without -n NodeFile. # -n cannot be specified with -N or nodelist. # # nodelist is a list of nodes separated by commas. # If none of -N, -n, or nodelist is not specified, # the entire cluster is changed; otherwise, the changes # are made to the specified nodes. # Do not use nodelist to do an update to an omitted node # as the output is not the same as running without nodelist. # nodelist cannot be specified with -N or -n. # # Notes on attributes: # # The attributes that can be changed are divided into two main categories: # - externally-documented attributes # - internal configuration parameters to be used only under the # direction of IBM service # # The externally-documented attributes are: # # pagepool specifies the size of the area in the shared memory # segment from which buffers are allocated for data # that is read/written from/to disk. # # maxFilesToCache specifies the number of recently used but closed # files which will have their inodes cached. # # maxStatCache number of entries to keep in the stat cache # files which will have their inodes cached. # # dataStructureDump specifies a directory to store dumps. Specify # 'no' to turn off the feature altogether (no dumps). # Specify 'yes' to send the dumps to /tmp/mmfs. # # unmountOnDiskFail controls how the daemon will respond when # a disk failure is detected. # # dmapiEventTimeout controls the blocking of NFS and DFS threads # # dmapiSessionFailureTimeout controls the blocking of file operation # threads when there is a failure # # dmapiMountTimeout controls the blocking of mount operations # # autoload controls whether the daemon will start up # automatically when nodes boot # # designation dash-separated list of node roles: # client, manager, quorum. # # uidDomain specifies the UID/GID domain to be used. # # automountDir specifies the directory to be used by the Linux # automounter for GPFS file systems that have the # automount option specified. The default directory # is /gpfs/autmountdir. This parameter does not # apply to AIX environments. # # tiebreakerDisks controls whether GPFS will use a node quorum plus # tiebreaker disks algorithm in place of the regular # node-based quorum algorithm. The tiebreaker disks # do not have to belong to any particular file system. # The disks are specified as a disk list. If there # are more than one disk, delimit each name with a # semicolon and enclose the list in quotation marks. # If "no" is specified, GPFS reverts to the traditional # node-based quorum algorithm. The disks must be # directly accessible from the quorum nodes. # # maxblocksize max data block size the file system supports # # release bring the configuration information for the # cluster to the latest format version. Set the # maxFeatureLevel config parameter to the latest # release level or to the specified level. # # allowRemoteConnections controls whether outside nodes can connect # to nodes in this GPFS cluster. This is a # global switch in addition to any other security # mechanism that may be established. # # cipherList controls whether GPFS network communication # between local nodes and remote nodes is secured. # If cipherList is not specified, or if the value # DEFAULT is specified, then GPFS will not authenticate # or check authorization for network connections. # If cipherList is specified, then it should be a valid # cipher list as documented by man ciphers(1). # # updateDiskType causes the disk subtype information to be reevaluated. # ################################################################################ # Include global declarations and service routines. . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmglobfuncs . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmsdrfsdef . /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmfsfuncs sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGmmchconfig ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" # Local work files. Names should be of the form: # fn=${tmpDir}fn.${mmcmd}.$$ chnodes=${tmpDir}chnodes.${mmcmd}.$$ diskLines=${tmpDir}diskLines.${mmcmd}.$$ oldcfgFile=${tmpDir}oldcfgFile.${mmcmd}.$$ tmpcfgFile=${tmpDir}tmpcfgFile.${mmcmd}.$$ inputNodes=${tmpDir}inputNodes.${mmcmd}.$$ allnodes=${tmpDir}allnodes.${mmcmd}.$$ undeterminedNodes=${tmpDir}undeterminedNodes.${mmcmd}.$$ LOCAL_FILES=" $chnodes $diskLines $undeterminedNodes $tmpcfgFile \ $inputNodes $allnodes $oldcfgFile " # Local variables usageMsg=289 noUsageMsg=0 integer intValue integer nodeCount integer n integer requiredSize integer keyGenNumber mmsdrfsModified=no mmfscfgModified=no mmfscfgChange=no synchronousNotify=no typeset -l attr_lc rc=0 # Local routines ################################################################################ # # The mmchconfigCommonProcessing function extracts the mmfs.cfg information # into a work file, checks the command line node list, increments the mmsdrfs # gen number and creates needed node lists. If any error is encountered, # the mmchconfig command is terminated. # # Note: This function uses only global variables. Watch out for side effects. # ################################################################################ function mmchconfigCommonProcessing { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGmmchconfigCommonProcessing ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" # Execute this function only once. [[ $mmchconfigInitialized = yes ]] && \ return 0 # Determine the lookup order for resolving host names. [[ $osName != AIX ]] && resolveOrder=$(setHostResolveOrder) # Go through the current mmsdrfs file. Increment the generation # number and build the node name lists that will be needed later. # Cross check the node list provided on the command line, if any. $rm -f $newsdrfs $tmpfile $nodefile $oldcfgFile $allnodes argcust="" coreQuorumDefined="" nodeCount=0 IFS=":" # Change the field separator to ':'. exec 3<&- exec 3< $mmsdrfsFile while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. changeThisNode=no printLine=true case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $VERSION_LINE ) # Increment the generation number. newGenNumber=${v[$SDRFS_GENNUM_Field]}+1 v[$SDRFS_GENNUM_Field]=$newGenNumber ourClusterName=${v[$CLUSTER_NAME_Field]} ;; $NODESET_HDR ) daemonVersionInEffect=${v[$MIN_DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} currentCipherList=${v[$CIPHER_LIST_Field]} [[ -z $currentCipherList ]] && currentCipherList=DEFAULT ;; $MEMBER_NODE ) # This line represents a currently-active node. nodeCount=$nodeCount+1 # Find out if any of the nodes are designated as core quorum nodes. [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] && \ coreQuorumDefined=yes # Create a file with all nodes in the cluster. # Note that this is in addition to $nodefile below. print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $allnodes checkForErrors "writing to file $allnodes" $? if [[ -z $arglist ]] then # If no node list or node file was provided, collect the # reliable node names of all the nodes in the cluster. print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $nodefile checkForErrors "writing to file $nodefile" $? else # See if this node is one of the nodes in the command line list. # The awk script checks whether the IP address in the chnodes file # matches the IP address in the current MEMBER_NODE line. # If yes, the changeThisNode flag will be set to 'yes'. # All other lines are passed unchanged and written to a tmpfile. $touch $tmpfile changeThisNode=$($awk ' \ BEGIN { found = "false" } \ $1 == "'${v[$IPA_Field]}'" { \ if ( found == "false" ) { \ { found = "true" } \ { print "yes" } \ { next } \ } \ } \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpfile'"} \ ' $chnodes) if [[ $changeThisNode = yes ]] then print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $nodefile checkForErrors "writing to file $nodefile" $? # Add the short name to a list of node names to be used # with the mmfixcfg command. [[ -z $argcust ]] \ && argcust=${v[$NODE_NAME_Field]} \ || argcust="$argcust,${v[$NODE_NAME_Field]}" fi # At this point, tmpfile contains all of the original lines in # file chnodes, except the line that matches the current node, # if there was such a line in the first place. Make tmpfile # the chnodes file for the next iteration. In this way, # if everything is OK with the user's input, the chnodes file # should be empty after we are finished. $mv $tmpfile $chnodes checkForErrors "mv $tmpfile $chnodes" $? fi # end of if [[ -z $arglist ]] # Designate this node as a "preferred node". [[ ${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]} = $ourNodeNumber ]] && \ preferredNode=${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} ;; $MMFSCFG ) # Remove the line from the mmsdrfs file for now. The mmfs.cfg # information will be added back before committing the changes. printLine=false # Extract the mmfs.cfg information. # It is everything past the first 4 fields. cfgLine="${v[5]}:${v[6]}:${v[7]}:${v[8]}:${v[9]}:${v[10]}:${v[11]}" cfgLine="$cfgLine:${v[12]}:${v[13]}:${v[14]}:${v[15]}:${v[16]}" cfgLine="$cfgLine:${v[17]}:${v[18]}:${v[19]}:${v[20]}:${v[21]}:${v[22]}" # To preserve tabs, temporarily set IFS to new line only. IFS=" " # Strip trailing colons and write the line to the file. print -- "${cfgLine%%+(:)}" >> $oldcfgFile checkForErrors "writing to file $oldcfgFile" $? IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. ;; * ) # We are not interested in any other lines. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the new mmsdrfs file. if [[ $printLine = true ]] then print_newLine >> $newsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $newsdrfs" $? fi IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # If a node list or node file was specified on the command line # and the chnodes file is not empty, either some node names # were specified more than once or not all of the node names # belong to the GPFS cluster. if [[ -n $nodeNames && -s $chnodes ]] then # Get the name of the first offending node. tmpLine=$($head -1 $chnodes) set -f ; set -- $tmpLine ; set +f nodeName=$2 printErrorMsg 290 $mmcmd $nodeName cleanupAndExit fi # Make working copies of the mmfs.cfg file. $cp $oldcfgFile $newcfg checkForErrors "cp $oldcfgFile $newcfg" $? $cp $oldcfgFile $tmpcfgFile checkForErrors "cp $oldcfgFile $tmpcfgFile" $? mmchconfigInitialized=yes return 0 } #--------- end of mmchconfigCommonProcessing ---------------- ################################################################### # # Function: Ensures that the data in the mmsdrfs file is brought # up to date. The things that take place here change # from release to release. # # Input: $1 - mmsdrfs file to update. # # Output: An updated mmsdrfs file. # # Returns: 0 - Success. # 1 - Error detected; appropriate messages issued. # #################################################################### function convertMmsdrfsFile # { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGconvertMmsdrfsFile ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset sdrfs=$1 typeset firstChoice secondChoice getLocalDiskNameOutput magicWord typeset localDiskName rc rc1 nodeName failedDisks typeset secLevel # Go through the mmsdrfs file and make the needed changes. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # Change some of the fields depending on the type of line. case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $VERSION_LINE ) # Return if there is nothing to do. startingSdrfsFormat=${v[$SDRFS_FORMAT_Field]} [[ $startingSdrfsFormat -eq $CURRENT_SDRFS_FORMAT ]] && \ return 0 # Assume everything will work out. v[$SDRFS_FORMAT_Field]=$CURRENT_SDRFS_FORMAT # New fields since rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0): # NEW_KEY_Field COMMITTED_KEY_Field [[ -z ${v[$NEW_KEY_Field]} ]] && \ v[$NEW_KEY_Field]=0 [[ -z ${v[$COMMITTED_KEY_Field]} ]] && \ v[$COMMITTED_KEY_Field]=${v[$NEW_KEY_Field]} [[ -z ${v[$SECLEVEL_Field]} ]] && \ v[$SECLEVEL_Field]=0 secLevel=${v[$SECLEVEL_Field]} [[ -z ${v[$KEYFILE_FORMAT_Field]} ]] && \ v[$KEYFILE_FORMAT_Field]=0 ;; $NODESET_HDR ) # New fields since rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0): # CIPHER_LIST_Field [[ $secLevel -gt 0 && -z ${v[$CIPHER_LIST_Field]} ]] && \ v[$CIPHER_LIST_Field]=AUTHONLY ;; $MEMBER_NODE ) # New fields since rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0): # DAEMON_NODENAME_Field ADMIN_SHORTNAME_Field [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NODENAME_Field]} ]] && \ v[$DAEMON_NODENAME_Field]=${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} [[ -z ${v[$ADMIN_SHORTNAME_Field]} ]] && \ v[$ADMIN_SHORTNAME_Field]=${v[$NODE_NAME_Field]} ;; $SG_MOUNT ) # New fields since rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0): # QUOTA_OPT_Field (additional filesetquota indicator) [[ ${v[$QUOTA_OPT_Field]} != $QUOTA_DISACTIVATED ]] && \ v[$QUOTA_OPT_Field]=$QUOTA_ACTIVATED ;; $SG_DISKS ) # New fields since rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0): # STORAGE_POOL_Field DAEMON_NSD_PRIMARY_Field DAEMON_NSD_BACKUP_Field # If storage pool is not assigned, assume the system pool. [[ -z ${v[$STORAGE_POOL_Field]} ]] && \ v[$STORAGE_POOL_Field]="system" # Fill in the missing daemon node names of NSD servers. if [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NSD_PRIMARY_Field]} && -n ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} ]] then v[$DAEMON_NSD_PRIMARY_Field]=$(checkAndConvertNodeValue \ ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} $DAEMON_NODENAME_Field) checkForErrors "checkAndConvertNodeValue ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]}" $? fi # end of if [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NSD_PRIMARY_Field]} && ... if [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NSD_BACKUP_Field]} && -n ${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]} ]] then v[$DAEMON_NSD_BACKUP_Field]=$(checkAndConvertNodeValue \ ${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]} $DAEMON_NODENAME_Field) checkForErrors "checkAndConvertNodeValue ${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]}" $? fi # end of if [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_NSD_BACKUP_Field]} && ... # Fill in the missing disk names of underlying lvs or vsds. if [[ ${v[$DISK_TYPE_Field]} = nsd && (${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]} = lv || ${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]} = vsd) && -z ${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_DISKNAME_Field]} ]] then # This an nsd built from an lv or a vsd but the name of # the underlying lv or vsd is not recorded. # Determine the node to ask about the nsd. if [[ -z ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} ]] then firstChoice=$ourNodeName secondChoice="" elif [[ ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} = $ourNodeName ]] then firstChoice=$ourNodeName secondChoice=${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]} elif [[ ${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]} = $ourNodeName ]] then firstChoice=$ourNodeName secondChoice=${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} else firstChoice=${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} secondChoice=${v[$NSD_BACKUP_NODE_Field]} fi # end of if [[ -z ${v[$NSD_PRIMARY_NODE_Field]} ]] # Determine the local device name. if [[ $firstChoice = $ourNodeName ]] then getLocalDiskNameOutput=$(getLocalDiskName \ ${v[$PVID_Field]} ${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]} 2>$errMsg) rc=$? else getLocalDiskNameOutput=$($mmcommon on1 $firstChoice getLocalDiskName \ ${v[$PVID_Field]} ${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]} 2>$errMsg) rc=$? fi # Parse the output from the getLocalDiskName function. IFS=":" set -f ; set -- $getLocalDiskNameOutput ; set +f magicWord=$1 localDiskName=$2 rc1=$3 # rcode from tspreparedisk -p -t IFS="$IFS_sv" nodeName=$firstChoice if [[ $rc != 0 || $magicWord != getLocalDiskName || $rc1 -ne 0 ]] then # getLocalDiskName failed. If there is a second choice, try again. # Note that because of the way firstChoice and secondChoice # were determined, secondChoice cannot be the local node. if [[ -n $secondChoice ]] then getLocalDiskNameOutput=$($mmcommon on1 $secondChoice getLocalDiskName \ ${v[$PVID_Field]} ${v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_Field]} 2>$errMsg) rc=$? # Parse the output from the getLocalDiskName function. IFS=":" set -f ; set -- $getLocalDiskNameOutput ; set +f magicWord=$1 localDiskName=$2 rc1=$3 # rcode from tspreparedisk -p -t IFS="$IFS_sv" nodeName=$secondChoice fi # end of if [[ -n $secondChoice ]] fi # end of if [[ $rc != 0 || $magicWord != getLocalDiskName ... if [[ $magicWord = getLocalDiskName ]] then if [[ $rc1 -eq 0 ]] then # Strip away the /dev/ prefix from the device name and then # store the local disk name in the nsdSubtypeDiskname field. localDiskName=${localDiskName##+(/)dev+(/)} v[$NSD_SUBTYPE_DISKNAME_Field]=$localDiskName else # The disk information was not obtained. Add the nsd to # the list of failed disks, output any error info received, # and issue an appropriate message. failedDisks="$failedDisks\n\t${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]}" [[ -s $errMsg ]] && $cat $errMsg 1>&2 if [[ $rc1 -eq $MM_DeviceNotFound ]] then printErrorMsg 187 $mmcmd $nodeName ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} else printErrorMsg 337 $mmcmd ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} $nodeName fi fi # end of if [[ $rc1 -eq 0 ]] else # The disk information was not obtained. Add the nsd to # the list of failed disks, output any error info received, # and issue an appropriate message. failedDisks="$failedDisks\n\t${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]}" [[ -s $errMsg ]] && $cat $errMsg 1>&2 printErrorMsg 337 $mmcmd ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} $nodeName fi # end of if [[ $magicWord = getLocalDiskName ]] $rm -f $errMsg fi # end of if [[ ${v[$DISK_TYPE_Field]} = nsd && ... ;; $AUTHORIZED_CLUSTER ) # The format of the public key file changed since # rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0). The new information # is dynamically inserted by updateMmfsEnvironment. ;; $REM_CLUSTER_KEY ) # The format of the public key file changed since # rel 2.3 (sdrfs format level 0). The new information # is dynamically inserted by updateMmfsEnvironment. ;; * ) # We are not interested in any other lines. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the temp version of the mmsdrfs file. print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. if [[ -n $failedDisks ]] then # If we failed for any disks, tell the user which ones # and instruct him to re-run the command. printErrorMsg 176 $mmcmd "$failedDisks" printErrorMsg 344 $mmcmd "mmchconfig release=LATEST" # Do not change the format level if we were not able # to fill in all of the missing information. $rm -f $sdrfs $awk -F: ' \ /^'$GLOBAL_ID:$VERSION_LINE:'/ { \ # If this is the version line, update the format field. \ { $'$SDRFS_FORMAT_Field' = "'$startingSdrfsFormat'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$sdrfs'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$sdrfs'" } \ ' $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors awk $? fi # end of if [[ -n $failedDisks ]] # The sdrfs file was successfuly updated. # Replace the old mmsdrfs file with the new one. $mv -f $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs" $? return 0 } #----- end of convertMmsdrfsFile ---------------------------- ########################################################################### # # Function: Determines the release level of the code installed on the # specified set of nodes. Accordingly, updates the relevant # MEMBER_NODE line fields. # # Input: $1 - file with the reliable hostnames of the nodes to check # $2 - mmsdrfs file to update (or just the MEMBER_NODE lines) # $3 - file that will contain the names of the failed nodes # # Output: A string with the following format: # getInstalledCodeLevel:rc:status:maxDaemonVers:minDaemonVers # # Returns: 0 - At least some of the nodes were processed successfully. # 1 - Error detected; appropriate messages issued. # ########################################################################### function getInstalledCodeLevel # { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGgetInstalledCodeLevel ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset nodefile=$1 typeset sdrfs=$2 typeset failedNodes=$3 typeset mmcommonOutput nodeName nodeNumber keyword cmdVersion typeset installedDaemonVersion installedProductVersion installedOsName typeset nodeSuccessfullyProcessed="" typeset status="incomplete" typeset maxDaemonVersion=0 typeset minDaemonVersion=100000 typeset outfile=${sdrfs}tmp$$ typeset rc=0 if [[ ! -s $nodefile || ! -s $sdrfs ]] then # Something is very wrong; there are missing input parms. printErrorMsg 260 getInstalledCodeLevel " " rc=1 print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi # Request the release level information for all of the nodes. $mmcommon onall $nodefile $unreachedNodes mmVersion2 >$tmpfile 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ ! -s $tmpfile ]] then # We didn't even get out of this box. printErrorMsg 171 "getInstalledCodeLevel" "mmcommon onall $nodefile mmVersion2" $rc [[ $rc -eq 0 ]] && rc=1 print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi # Initialize the list of failed nodes. Assume all will fail. $cp $nodefile $failedNodes rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # Unexpected error from cp. printErrorMsg 171 "getInstalledCodeLevel" "cp $nodefile $failedNodes" $rc print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi # Parse the output. The normal output from mmremote mmVersion2 # starts with the keyword mmVersion2. Any lines that do not start # with this keyword are assumed to be error messages. $rm -f $errMsg IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $tmpfile while read -u3 mmcommonOutput do set -f ; set -- $mmcommonOutput ; set +f nodeName=$1 keyword=$2 cmdVersion=$3 nodeNumber=$4 installedDaemonVersion=$5 installedProductVersion=$6 installedOsName=$7 IFS="$IFS_sv" if [[ $keyword != *( )mmVersion2 ]] then # Unexpected line, assume it is error information. print -- "$mmcommonOutput" >> $errMsg continue fi # Keep track of highest and lowest daemon versions found. [[ $installedDaemonVersion -gt $maxDaemonVersion ]] && \ maxDaemonVersion=$installedDaemonVersion [[ $installedDaemonVersion -lt $minDaemonVersion ]] && \ minDaemonVersion=$installedDaemonVersion # Find in the mmsdrfs file the MEMBER_NODE line that corresponds # to this node and update the fields accordingly. processedNode=$($awk -F: ' \ $'$LINE_TYPE_Field' == "'$MEMBER_NODE'" && \ $'$NODE_NUMBER_Field' == "'$nodeNumber'" { \ { $'$DAEMON_VERSION_Field' = "'$installedDaemonVersion'" } \ { $'$PRODUCT_VERSION_Field' = "'$installedProductVersion'" } \ { $'$OS_NAME_Field' = "'$installedOsName'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$outfile'" } \ { print "'$nodeName'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$outfile'" } \ ' $sdrfs) rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # Unexpected awk error. printErrorMsg 171 "getInstalledCodeLevel" "awk" $rc print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi # The file was updated successfully. Replace the original file with it. $mv $outfile $sdrfs rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # Unexpected error from mv. printErrorMsg 171 "getInstalledCodeLevel" "mv $outfile $sdrfs" $rc print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi $mmsync $sdrfs # If the node was found in the sdrfs file, # remove it from the failed nodes list. if [[ -n $processedNode ]] then $grep -v -w $processedNode $failedNodes >$tmpfile2 $mv $tmpfile2 $failedNodes rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # Unexpected error from mv. printErrorMsg 171 "getInstalledCodeLevel" "mv $tmpfile2 $failedNodes" $rc print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:unexpected_failure:0:0:" return $rc fi nodeSuccessfullyProcessed=yes fi IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end of while read -u3 mmcommonOutput IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # Determine the overall result. if [[ -s $failedNodes ]] then # There is a failure. Put out as much error information as possible. [[ -s $errMsg ]] && $cat $errMsg 1>&2 if [[ -n $nodeSuccessfullyProcessed ]] then # The GPFS release level could not be determined on some of the nodes. printErrorMsg 575 $mmcmd "$($cat $failedNodes | $sed "s/^/$TABchar/")" else # The GPFS release level could not be determined on any of the nodes. printErrorMsg 576 $mmcmd fi # Tell the guy what to do. printErrorMsg 577 $mmcmd " mmchconfig release=LATEST [-N NodeList]" rc=1 status="incomplete" else # Complete success; the release level was determined on all nodes. rc=0 status="complete" fi # end if [[ -s $failedNodes ]] $rm -f $errMsg # Print out the results string and exit. print -- "getInstalledCodeLevel:$rc:$status:$maxDaemonVersion:$minDaemonVersion" return 0 } #----- end of function getInstalledCodeLevel ------------------ #################################################################### # # # Function: Determines the release level of the installed code. # If appropriate, updates the version information in # the NODESET_HDR line. # # Input: $1 - release level: LATEST or specific daemon version # $2 - file with the reliable hostnames of the nodes # $3 - mmsdrfs file to use # # Output: A string with the following format: # setNodesetVersionFields:rc:status:DaemonVersion: # # Output: Updated mmsdrfs file # # Returns: Always zero; rc imbedded in output string. # #################################################################### function setNodesetVersionFields # { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGsetNodesetVersionFields ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset -u releaseLevel=$1 typeset nodefile=$2 typeset sdrfs=$3 typeset lowestVersion=100000 typeset highestVersion=0 typeset osEnvironment=$osName typeset daemonVersionChanged=no typeset rc=0 typeset result keyword status maxDaemonVersionFound minDaemonVersionFound typeset oldNodesetVersion sdrfsLine printLine nodesetHdr ec typeset newDaemonVersion ######################################################################## # Verify the release level information is up-to-date and that # the values for the daemon version fields are set correctly. # # Note that if the version is being increased, because new level # of code is installed on all nodes, the change can be made without # requiring daemon shutdown. But if the request is to lower the value, # the daemon must be down and a node list cannot be specified. # These checks have been made prior to calling this routine. ######################################################################## if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] then # Update the DAEMON_VERSION_Field on the MEMBER_NODE node lines. # Depending on how the mmchconfig command was invoked, either all # of the nodes in the cluster will be affected, or just a subset. result=$(getInstalledCodeLevel $nodefile $sdrfs $undeterminedNodes) ec=$? # Parse the result. IFS=':' set -f ; set -- $result ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" keyword=$1 rc=$2 status=$3 maxDaemonVersionFound=$4 minDaemonVersionFound=$5 if [[ $keyword != getInstalledCodeLevel ]] then # Unexpected error. Show error information and return. [[ -n $result ]] && print -u2 "$result" printErrorMsg 171 $mmcmd \ "getInstalledCodeLevel: collecting relese information" $ec [[ $ec -eq 0 ]] && ec=1 print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$ec:unchanged:0:" return 0 fi if [[ $status != complete ]] then # The release level could not be determined on at least some of the nodes # or there was some other unexpected error. Messages should have already # been issued. # Find out the existing version (needed for message 579 below). oldNodesetVersion=$(getNodesetInfo $MIN_DAEMON_VERSION_Field $nodesetId $sdrfs) [[ -z $oldNodesetVersion ]] && oldNodesetVersion=unknown # The GPFS release level remains unchanged. printErrorMsg 579 $mmcmd \ $oldNodesetVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $oldNodesetVersion) print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$rc:unchanged:0:" return 0 fi else # Convert the input release parameter to daemon version. newDaemonVersion=$(releaseToDaemonVersion $releaseLevel) if [[ $newDaemonVersion -eq 0 ]] then # Invalid value specified printErrorMsg 13 "$mmcmd" "release=$releaseLevel" rc=1 print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$rc:unchanged:0:" return 0 fi fi # end if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] # So far things seem to have worked out OK. See if there is # a need to change the version fields in the NODESET_HDR line. # Go through the mmsdrfs file. Keep track of the installed daemon # versions on each node. Record the lowest version in the NODESET_HDR line. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $undeterminedNodes IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" printLine=true case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $NODESET_HDR ) # Save the line and, if appropriate, change the nodeset version field. nodesetHdr="$sdrfsLine" oldNodesetVersion=${v[$MIN_DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] then printLine=false else if [[ $newDaemonVersion -lt $oldNodesetVersion ]] then v[$MIN_DAEMON_VERSION_Field]=$newDaemonVersion daemonVersionChanged=yes fi fi # end if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] ;; $MEMBER_NODE ) if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] then # Keep track of the daemon versions. [[ -z ${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} ]] && \ print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $undeterminedNodes [[ ${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} -lt $lowestVersion ]] && \ lowestVersion=${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} [[ ${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} -gt $highestVersion ]] && \ highestVersion=${v[$DAEMON_VERSION_Field]} [[ -n ${v[$OS_NAME_Field]} && ${v[$OS_NAME_Field]} != $osEnvironment ]] && \ osEnvironment="mixed" fi # end of if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] ;; * ) # We are not interested in any other lines. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the temp version of the mmsdrfs file. if [[ $printLine = true ]] then print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? fi IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # Update the version numbers in the NODESET_HDR line as needed. if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] then # Parse the saved NODESET_HDR line. IFS=':' set -f ; set -A v -- - $nodesetHdr ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # Update the version fields with their latest values. v[$MIN_DAEMON_VERSION_Field]=$lowestVersion v[$MAX_DAEMON_VERSION_Field]=$highestVersion v[$OS_ENVIRONMENT_Field]=$osEnvironment # Recreate the NODESET_HDR line and put it back. nodesetHdr=$(print_newLine) print -- "$nodesetHdr" >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? if [[ $oldNodesetVersion -lt $lowestVersion ]] then daemonVersionChanged=yes newDaemonVersion=$lowestVersion fi # Examine the results so far and issue additional messages as needed. if [[ $lowestVersion -ne $highestVersion ]] then # Not all nodes are at the same level. if [[ -s $undeterminedNodes ]] then # The GPFS release level could not be determined on some of the nodes. printErrorMsg 575 $mmcmd "$($cat $undeterminedNodes | $sed "s/^/$TABchar/")" # Tell the guy what to do. printErrorMsg 577 $mmcmd " mmchconfig release=LATEST [NodeList]" else # The cluster contains nodes that are at different release levels. [[ -z $lowestVersion ]] && lowestVersion=unknown printErrorMsg 582 $mmcmd \ $lowestVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $lowestVersion) \ $highestVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $highestVersion) # Tell the guy what to do. printErrorMsg 578 $mmcmd " mmchconfig release=LATEST [NodeList]" fi fi # if [[ $lowestVersion -ne $highestVersion ]] fi # end if [[ $releaseLevel = LATEST ]] # Sort and rename the updated version of the mmsdrfs file. LC_ALL=C $SORT_MMSDRFS $tmpsdrfs -o $sdrfs checkForErrors "sorting file $tmpsdrfs" $? $mmsync $sdrfs # Put out the final messages and return. if [[ $daemonVersionChanged = yes ]] then [[ -z $oldNodesetVersion ]] && oldNodesetVersion=unknown # The GPFS release level for the cluster will be changed. printErrorMsg 581 $mmcmd \ $oldNodesetVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $oldNodesetVersion) \ $newDaemonVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $newDaemonVersion) print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$rc:changed:$newDaemonVersion:" elif [[ -n $oldNodesetVersion ]] then # The GPFS release level remains unchanged. printErrorMsg 579 $mmcmd \ $oldNodesetVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $oldNodesetVersion) print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$rc:unchanged:$oldNodesetVersion:" else # The GPFS release level cannot be determined. printErrorMsg 580 $mmcmd \ $initialDaemonVersion $(releaseToProductVersion $initialDaemonVersion) print -- "setNodesetVersionFields:$rc:undefined:$initialDaemonVersion:" fi # end if [[ $daemonVersionChanged = yes ]] return 0 } #--------- end of setNodesetVersionFields ---------------- ########################################################################## # # Function: Set the node designation field to the specified value. # # Input: $1 - node designations list # $2 - mmsdrfs file to use # $3 - file with the reliable names of the nodes to change # If not specified, all nodes in the cluster are changed. # # Output: Updated mmsdrfs file. # # Returns: 0 - Node designation changed successfully. # Any other return code indicates unexpected error. # ########################################################################## function changeNodeDesignation # [] { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGchangeNodeDesignation ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset nodeRoles=$1 typeset sdrfs=$2 typeset nodeFile=$3 typeset allNodeNames=$4 typeset designation="" typeset quorumField="" typeset quorumNodeCount=0 typeset newQuorumNodes="" typeset oldQuorumNodes="" typeset diskQuorumInEffect="" typeset rc=0 typeset -l role typeset changeThisNode quorumNodeNumbers quorumNodeNames # Parse the node designations list. IFS="-" set -f ; set -- $nodeRoles ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" while [[ -n $1 ]] do role=$1 # Convert the node's role to lower case only. case $role in $CLIENT ) designation=$CLIENT ;; $MANAGER ) designation=$MANAGER ;; $QUORUM ) quorumField=$quorumNode ;; $NONQUORUM ) quorumField=$nonQuorumNode ;; * ) # Invalid node designations specified. printErrorMsg 293 $mmcmd "$nodeRoles" cleanupAndExit ;; esac # Move to the next field. shift done # end while [[ -n $1 ]] # If nodes are going to be defined as quorum nodes, # find out whether disk-based quorum is in effect. if [[ $quorumField = $quorumNode ]] then diskQuorumInEffect=$(showCfgValue tiebreakerDisks no $ourShortName $oldcfgFile) [[ $diskQuorumInEffect = no ]] && diskQuorumInEffect="" fi # Go through the mmsdrfs file. # Change the designation field on all applicable MEMBER_NODE lines. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $chnodes $diskLines IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" changeThisNode=no case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $MEMBER_NODE ) if [[ -z $nodeFile ]] then # If no argument list is provided, # all MEMBER_NODE lines are changed. changeThisNode=yes else # See if this node is one of the nodes in the command line list. changeThisNode=$($awk ' \ $1 == "'${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}'" { \ { print "yes" } \ { exit } \ } \ ' $nodeFile) fi # end if [[ -z $nodeFile ]] if [[ $changeThisNode = yes ]] then # Handle quorum/nonquorum changes. if [[ -n $quorumField ]] then if [[ $quorumField = $quorumNode ]] then # When a nonquorum node will become a quorum node, # mark the node as 'new'. if [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $nonQuorumNode ]] then v[$ADDNODE_STATE_Field]=$NEW_NODE newQuorumNodes=yes fi else # When changing a node's designation from quorum to # nonquorum, GPFS must be down on the affected nodes. [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] && \ print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $chnodes # Clear the new node flag in case it is still set. v[$ADDNODE_STATE_Field]=$OLD_NODE fi # end if [[ $quorumField = $quorumNode ]] # Set the new value. v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]=$quorumField fi # end of if [[ -n $quorumField ]] # Handle client/manager changes. [[ -n $designation ]] && \ v[$DESIGNATION_Field]=$designation fi # end of if [[ $changeThisNode = yes ]] if [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] then (( quorumNodeCount += 1 )) if [[ -z $quorumNodeNames ]] then # This is the first node to add to the lists. quorumNodeNumbers="${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]}" quorumNodeNames="${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" else if [[ ${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} = $ourNodeName ]] then # This is the local node; add it at the front of the lists # so it will be the first quorum node used. quorumNodeNumbers="${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]},${quorumNodeNumbers}" quorumNodeNames="${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]},${quorumNodeNames}" else # This is not the local node; add it at the end of the lists. quorumNodeNumbers="${quorumNodeNumbers},${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]}" quorumNodeNames="${quorumNodeNames},${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" fi fi # end of if [[ -z $quorumNodeNames ]] [[ ${v[$ADDNODE_STATE_Field]} = $OLD_NODE ]] && \ oldQuorumNodes=yes fi # end of if [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] ;; $SG_DISKS ) # Collect the lines that represent the quorum disks. if [[ -n $diskQuorumInEffect && ${v[$PAXOS_Field]} = $PaxosDisk ]] then print_newLine >> $diskLines checkForErrors "writing to file $diskLines" $? fi # end if [[ -n $diskQuorumInEffect && ... ;; * ) # Pass all other lines without a change. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the new mmsdrfs file. print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # Ensure that there is at least one quorum node in the cluster. if [[ $quorumNodeCount -eq 0 ]] then printErrorMsg 53 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi # Perform additional processing if disk-based quorum is in effect. if [[ -n $diskQuorumInEffect ]] then # Fail the command if there are more than eight quorum nodes. if [[ $quorumNodeCount -gt 8 ]] then # There are more than 8 quorum nodes while tiebreaker disks are in use. printErrorMsg 131 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi # The quorum disks must be reformatted. if [[ -n $newQuorumNodes ]] then formatPaxosDisks $diskLines $quorumNodeNumbers $quorumNodeNames mmaddnode if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then # GPFS failed to initialize the tiebreaker disks. printErrorMsg 132 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi fi fi # end of if [[ -n $diskQuorumInEffect ]] # If, as a result of this command, all quorum nodes will end up # being marked as "new", the daemon must be stopped everywhere # and the addnode state field reset to "old". if [[ -z $oldQuorumNodes ]] then # Ensure the daemon is down everywhere. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Reset the addnode state of all nodes to 'old'. $rm -f $tmpfile $awk -F: ' \ # If this is a node line, clear the addnode state field. \ /'^$HOME_CLUSTER:$MEMBER_NODE:'/ { \ { $'$ADDNODE_STATE_Field' = "'$OLD_NODE'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$tmpfile'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpfile'" } \ END { print gen } \ ' $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors awk $? # The file was updated successfully. $mv $tmpfile $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpfile $tmpsdrfs" $? fi # end of if [[ -z $oldQuorumNodes ]] # If needed, ensure the daemon is down on the affected nodes. # Do not set the daemonInactiveVerified flag because we are # dealing with only a small subset of the nodes. if [[ -s $chnodes && -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 453 verifyDaemonInactive $chnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # Everything seems to have gone OK so far. # No need to sort the mmsdrfs file this time, # just rename it so that the caller can find it. $mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs" $? return 0 } #----- end of function changeNodeDesignation ------------------ ########################################################################## # # Function: Set the add node state field to the specified value # # Input: $1 - new state # $2 - mmsdrfs file to use # $3 - file with the reliable names of the nodes to change # If not specified, all nodes in the cluster are changed. # $4 - file to hold the names of all nodes in the cluster # # Output: Updated mmsdrfs file # # Returns: 0 - node state changed successfully # Any other return code indicates unexpected error. # ########################################################################## function changeAddNodeState # [ ] { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGchangeAddNodeState ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset new_state=$1 typeset sdrfs=$2 typeset nodeFile=$3 typeset allNodeNames=$4 typeset rc=0 typeset changeThisNode if [[ $new_state = "new" ]] then new_state=$NEW_NODE elif [[ $new_state = "old" ]] then new_state=$OLD_NODE else # Unexpected error printErrorMsg 171 "$mmcmd" "$1" $2 cleanupAndExit fi # Clear files that will be created. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs [[ -n $allNodeNames ]] && $rm -f $allNodeNames # Go through the mmsdrfs file. Increment the generation number. # Change the add node state field on all applicable MEMBER_NODE lines. IFS=":" # Change the field separator to ':'. exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" changeThisNode=no case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $MEMBER_NODE ) if [[ -z $nodeFile ]] then # If no argument list is provided, # all MEMBER_NODE lines are changed. changeThisNode=yes else # See if this node is one of the nodes in the command line list. # The awk script checks if the name in the node file # matches the reliable name in the current MEMBER_NODE line. # If yes, the changeThisNode flag will be set to 'yes'. changeThisNode=$($awk ' \ $1 == "'${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}'" { \ { print "yes" } \ { exit } \ } \ ' $nodeFile) fi # end of if [[ -z $nodeFile ]] [[ $changeThisNode = yes ]] && \ v[$ADDNODE_STATE_Field]=$new_state [[ -n $allNodeNames ]] && \ print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $allNodeNames ;; * ) # Pass all other lines without a change. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the new mmsdrfs file. print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # Everything seems to have gone OK so far. # No need to sort the mmsdrfs file this time, # just rename it so that the caller can find it. $mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs" $? $mmTRACE_EXIT rc=0 return 0 } #----- end of function changeAddNodeState --------------------- ###################################################################### # # Function: Reevaluate the disk subtype field information for all # disks in the cluster. # # Input: $1 - all or file name with disk names, one per line. # $2 - mmsdrfs file to use # # Output: Updated mmsdrfs file # # Returns: 0 - disk subtypes changed successfully. # Any other return code indicates unexpected error. # ###################################################################### function updateDiskType # { [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGupdateDiskType ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset disksToChange=$1 typeset sdrfs=$2 typeset rc=0 typeset disksNotUpdated="" typeset noDisksChanged=yes typeset diskSubtypeUpdated newDiskSubtype nodeName # Some initializations. [[ $disksToChange = yes ]] && disksToChange=all # If file name specified, verify the file exists. if [[ $disksToChange != all && ! -f $disksToChange ]] then # Can't read the file with disk names. printErrorMsg 43 $mmcmd $disksToChange cleanupAndExit fi # Define a file for extended error information. errMsgLog=${rasDir}errMsgLog.${mmcmd}.$$ # Cleanup old logs that were not touched for over 10 days. $find ${rasDir} -name "errMsgLog.${mmcmd}.*" \ -atime +10 -mtime +10 -exec $rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>/dev/null $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $errMsgLog $nodefile # Sort the file using the line type field as a primary key. $sort -t: -k 2,2 -k 1,1 $sdrfs -o $sdrfs # Go through the mmsdrfs file. Increment the generation number. # Change the subtype field on all applicable SG_DISK lines. IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $MEMBER_NODE ) # This line describes a node. # Collect the reliable names of all nodes in the cluster. print -- "${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" >> $nodefile checkForErrors "writing to file $nodefile" $? ;; $SG_DISKS ) # Assume something will go wrong. diskSubtypeUpdated=no reevaluateThisDisk=no # Determine whether we are interested in this disk. if [[ $disksToChange != all ]] then # disksToChange is the name of a file with disk names. diskName=$($grep -w ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} $disksToChange 2>/dev/null) [[ -n $diskName ]] && reevaluateThisDisk=yes else reevaluateThisDisk=yes fi if [[ $reevaluateThisDisk = yes ]] then # Assume the disk is directly attached and known on this node. # Determine its subtype. newDiskSubtype=$(determineDiskSubtype \ ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} reevaluate 2>>$errMsgLog) rc=$? # If the disk type was successfully re-evaluated, record it # in the mmsdrfs file. Otherwise, try to find a node that can # give us an answer. if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $newDiskSubtype ]] then v[$DISK_SUBTYPE_Field]=$newDiskSubtype diskSubtypeUpdated=yes else # Decide where to look for the disk. # Until the above is done better, try the nodes one at a time. for nodeName in $($cat $nodefile) do newDiskSubtype=$($mmcommon on1 $nodeName \ determineDiskSubtype ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} reevaluate 2>>$errMsgLog) rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $newDiskSubtype ]] then v[$DISK_SUBTYPE_Field]=$newDiskSubtype diskSubtypeUpdated=yes break fi done # end for nodeName in $($cat $nodefile) fi # end if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $newDiskSubtype ]] # If we were not able to determine the new disk type, # add the disk to the list of failed/unchanged disks. if [[ $diskSubtypeUpdated = no ]] then disksNotUpdated="$disksNotUpdated\n\t${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]}" else noDisksChanged=no fi fi # end if [[ $reevaluateThisDisk = yes ]] ;; * ) # Pass all other lines without a change. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the new mmsdrfs file. print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. if [[ $noDisksChanged = yes ]] then # We were not able to change any of the disks. print -u2 "$mmcmd: Not able to determine the disk type for any of the disks." elif [[ -n $disksNotUpdated ]] then # Tell the user which disks failed. print -u2 "$mmcmd: Not able to determine the disk type for the following disks: $disksNotUpdated" print -u2 "$mmcmd: Reissue the command from a node that has access to the disks." [[ -s $errMsgLog ]] && \ print -u2 "$mmcmd: File $errMsgLog contains additional error information." else : # All disks were successfully re-evaluated. fi [[ ! -s $errMsgLog ]] && $rm -f $errMsgLog # Everything seems to have gone OK so far. # Put the file back in the correct order and return. LC_ALL=C $SORT_MMSDRFS $tmpsdrfs -o $sdrfs checkForErrors sort $? return 0 } #----- end of function updateDiskType ------------------------- #################################################################### # # Function: Define disks for use by the disk quorum algorithm. # # Input: $1 - comma-separated list of NSD names # $2 - mmsdrfs file to use # # Output: None. # # Returns: 0 - quorum disks defined successfully # Any other return code indicates unexpected error. # #################################################################### function setDiskQuorum # { [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGsetDiskQuorum ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" typeset diskNameList=$1 typeset sdrfs=$2 typeset rc=0 typeset quorumNodeNumbers="" typeset quorumNodeNames="" typeset quorumNodeCount=0 typeset diskCount=0 typeset diskList sdrfsLine assignThisDisk typeset diskName tempList # Create a blank-separated list of the disk names. IFS=";" for diskName in $diskNameList do [[ -z $diskName ]] && continue diskList="${diskList}${diskName}${BLANKchar}" (( diskCount += 1 )) done # end for diskName in $diskNameList IFS="$IFS_sv" if [[ $diskCount -gt 3 ]] then print -u2 "$mmcmd: More than three disks specified." return 1 fi # Go through the mmsdrfs file and collect needed information. $rm -f $tmpsdrfs $diskLines IFS=":" exec 3<&- exec 3< $sdrfs while read -u3 sdrfsLine do # Parse the line. set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" case ${v[$LINE_TYPE_Field]} in $MEMBER_NODE ) # This line describes a node. # Collect information about the quorum nodes in the cluster. if [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] then (( quorumNodeCount += 1 )) if [[ -z $quorumNodeNames ]] then # This is the first node to add to the lists. quorumNodeNumbers="${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]}" quorumNodeNames="${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" else if [[ ${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]} = $ourNodeName ]] then # This is the local node; add it at the front of the lists # so it will be the first quorum node used. quorumNodeNumbers="${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]},${quorumNodeNumbers}" quorumNodeNames="${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]},${quorumNodeNames}" else # This is not the local node; add it at the end of the lists. quorumNodeNumbers="${quorumNodeNumbers},${v[$NODE_NUMBER_Field]}" quorumNodeNames="${quorumNodeNames},${v[$REL_HOSTNAME_Field]}" fi fi # end of if [[ -z $quorumNodeNames ]] fi # end of if [[ ${v[$CORE_QUORUM_Field]} = $quorumNode ]] ;; $SG_DISKS ) # Determine whether we are interested in this disk. tempList="" assignThisDisk=no for diskName in $diskList do if [[ ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} = $diskName ]] then # The disk represented by the current SG_DISKS line # is one of the disks that we want. if [[ $assignThisDisk = no ]] then # If we see this disk for the first time, # mark it as a quorum (Paxos) disk. assignThisDisk=yes else # We have already seen this name during the current iteration. # It must be a duplicate entry in the command line list. printErrorMsg 88 $mmcmd $diskName return 1 fi # end of if [[ $assignThisDisk = no ]] else # diskName does not match the name of the disk in the current # SG_DISKS line. Add diskName to the temporary list. tempList="$tempList $diskName" fi # end of if [[ ${v[$DISK_NAME_Field]} = $diskName ]] done # end of for diskName in $diskList # At this point we know if the current SG_DISKS line represents # a disk that will be designated as a quorum disk. # If yes, mark the disk accordingly and save the line for later # processing. Otherwise, clear the field; this may be an old # disk that is not needed anymore. if [[ $assignThisDisk = yes ]] then v[$PAXOS_Field]=$PaxosDisk print_newLine >> $diskLines checkForErrors "writing to file $diskLines" $? else v[$PAXOS_Field]="" fi # Initialize diskList for the next iteration. diskList=$tempList ;; * ) # Pass all other lines without a change. ;; esac # end Change some of the fields # Build and write the line to the new mmsdrfs file. print_newLine >> $tmpsdrfs checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpsdrfs" $? IFS=":" # Change the separator back to ":" for the next iteration. done # end while read -u3 sdrfsLine IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. # Replace the old sdrfs file with the new one. $mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $sdrfs" $? # Disk-based quorum is not allowed if there are more than eight quorum nodes. if [[ $quorumNodeCount -gt 8 ]] then # There are more than 8 quorum nodes while tiebreaker disks are in use. printErrorMsg 131 $mmcmd return 1 fi # If there are still entries left in diskList list, this means # that the user specified disks that do not belong to the cluster. if [[ -n $diskList ]] then # Disks not known to GPFS. printErrorMsg 486 $mmcmd "$diskList" return 1 fi # Things are OK so far. Start formatting the disks. formatPaxosDisks $diskLines $quorumNodeNumbers $quorumNodeNames mmchconfig if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then # GPFS failed to initialize the tiebreaker disks. printErrorMsg 132 $mmcmd return 1 fi # Everything must be OK. return 0 } #----- end of function setDiskQuorum -------------------------- ####################################################################### # # Function: Verifies that the mmfixcfg command executed successfully. # If the return code from the command is not zero, # the function issues a message, and exits via the # cleanupAndExit routine. # # Input: $1 - name of the parameter being changed # $2 - return code from the mmfixcfg command # # Output: None # # Returns: 0 - command finished successfully # If error, no return; processing is stopped. # ####################################################################### function checkForMmfixcfgErrors # { typeset sourceFile="mmchconfig.sh" [[ -n $DEBUG || -n $DEBUGcheckForMmfixcfgErrors ]] && set -x $mmTRACE_ENTER "$*" if [ $2 != "0" ] then # mmfixcfg error printErrorMsg 79 "$mmcmd" "$1" cleanupAndExit fi $mmTRACE_EXIT "rc=0" } #----- end of function checkForMmfixcfgErrors ----------------- ###################### # Mainline processing ###################### ################################# # Process the command arguments. ################################# [[ $arg1 = '-?' || $arg1 = '-h' || $arg1 = '--help' || $arg1 = '--' ]] && \ syntaxError "help" $usageMsg [[ $argc -lt 1 ]] && \ syntaxError "missingArgs" $usageMsg # The attributes to be changed are always the first argument. attributeList=$arg1 shift 1 argc=argc-1 while getopts :iIn:N: OPT do case $OPT in i) # immediate option [[ $iarg = yes ]] && syntaxError "multiple" $noUsageMsg "-$OPT" immediate="-i"; iarg=yes argc=argc-1 ;; I) # immediate-only option [[ $Iarg = yes ]] && syntaxError "multiple" $noUsageMsg "-$OPT" immediate="-I"; immediateOnly=yes Iarg=yes argc=argc-1 ;; n) # node names file [[ -n $narg ]] && syntaxError "multiple" $noUsageMsg "-$OPT" nflag="-$OPT" narg=$OPTARG argc=argc-2 [[ -n $Nflag ]] && \ syntaxError "invalidCombination" $usageMsg $nflag $Nflag ;; N) # node names list, file, or class [[ -n $Narg ]] && syntaxError "multiple" $noUsageMsg "-$OPT" Nflag="-$OPT" Narg=$OPTARG argc=argc-2 [[ -n $nflag ]] && \ syntaxError "invalidCombination" $usageMsg $Nflag $nflag ;; +[iInN]) # Invalid option syntaxError "invalidOption" $usageMsg $OPT ;; :) # Missing argument syntaxError "missingValue" $usageMsg $OPTARG ;; *) # Invalid option syntaxError "invalidOption" $usageMsg $OPTARG ;; esac done # end of while getopts :iIn:N: OPT # Drop the processed options from the parameter list. shift OPTIND-1 # Complete the parameter checking. if [[ -n $Narg ]] then # Set vars to indicate that node names were specified. nodeNames=$Narg arglist=yes elif [[ -z $narg ]] then # If the -n option is not used, a list of node names is allowed. if [[ $argc -eq 1 ]] then # If there is exactly one string left, # it is assumed to be a list of nodes. arglist=$1 # Convert the input node list into a file. $rm -f $inputNodes IFS=',' for nodeName in $arglist do print -- "$nodeName" >> $inputNodes checkForErrors "writing to $inputNodes" $? done IFS="$IFS_sv" # Restore the default IFS settings. nodeNames=$inputNodes arglist=yes elif [[ $argc -gt 1 ]] then # If more than one string is left, we have a syntax error. syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$2" else # No node names were specified. : # Do nothing; the change is for all nodes. fi else # -n was specified, so there should be no other parms. [[ $argc -gt 0 ]] && \ syntaxError "extraArg" $usageMsg "$1" nodeNames=$narg arglist=yes fi # end of if [[ -n $Narg ]] # If a node list or node file was specified on the command line, # create a file containing the IP address and the original node # identifier of each of the nodes. if [[ -n $nodeNames ]] then createVerifiedNodefile $nodeNames $IPA_Field yes $chnodes [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi ####################################################################### # Set up trap exception handling and call the gpfsInit function. # It will ensure that the local copy of the mmsdrfs and the rest of # the GPFS system files are up-to-date and will obtain the sdr lock. ####################################################################### trap pretrap HUP INT QUIT KILL gpfsInitOutput=$(gpfsInit $lockId) setGlobalVar $? $gpfsInitOutput ######################################################################## # Call the mmchconfigCommonProcessing local function. It makes sure # that the input node list has no errors in it, and performs other # common for all attributes processing. If any error is discovered, # the function terminates the command via the cleanupAndExit routine. ######################################################################## mmchconfigCommonProcessing ############################################### # Start of main loop ############################################### IFS="," for attributePair in $attributeList do # Parse the attribute=value pair. IFS="=" set -f ; set -- $attributePair ; set +f attr=$1 value=$2 junk=$3 IFS="$IFS_sv" [[ $attributePair != *=* || -n $junk ]] && \ syntaxError "invalidAttrValuePair" $usageMsg $attributePair [[ -z $value || $value = DELETE ]] && value=DEFAULT # Processing depends on the attribute type being changed. ignoreNodeList="" attr_lc=$attr # Convert attr to lower case only. case $attr_lc in #----------- "pagepool" ) # Documented attribute #----------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Verify the value is an integer. # Range checking is left for the daemon. intValue=$(checkIntRange pagepool $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tschpool command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tschpoolParms="$tschpoolParms -s 64M " else tschpoolParms="$tschpoolParms -s $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="pagepool" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "maxbufferdescs" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxBufferDescs $value 512 1000000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxBufferDescs" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "maxfilestocache" ) # Documented attribute #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxFilesToCache $value 1 100000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxFilesToCache" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "maxstatcache" ) # Documented attribute #--------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxStatCache $value 0 10000000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxStatCache" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "statcachedirpct" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange statCacheDirPct $value 0 90) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="statCacheDirPct" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------- "maxdiskaddrbuffs" ) #------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxDiskAddrBuffs $value 0 1000000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxDiskAddrBuffs" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "datastructuredump" ) # Documented attribute #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Acceptable values are 'yes', 'no' or an absolute path name. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no && $value = ${value#/} ]] then printErrorMsg 149 $mmcmd dataStructureDump $value cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr yes " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dataStructureDump" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------------- "datastructuredumponsgpanic" ) #----------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Acceptable values are 'yes', 'no' or an absolute path name. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no && $value = ${value#/} ]] then printErrorMsg 149 $mmcmd dataStructureDumpOnSGPanic $value cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr no " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dataStructureDumpOnSGPanic" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------- "envvar" ) # Documented attribute #--------- if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="envVar" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "uiddomain" ) # Documented attribute #------------ if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="uidDomain" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "automountdir" ) # Documented attribute #--------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # The value must be an absolute path name. if [[ $value = ${value#/} ]] then printErrorMsg 149 $mmcmd automountDir $value cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="automountDir" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "allowremoteconnections" ) #------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="allowRemoteConnections" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "allowdummyconnections" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="allowDummyConnections" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "openssllibname" ) #----------------- # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="openssllibname" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "cipherlist" ) # Documented attribute #------------- [[ $value = EMPTY ]] && value=DEFAULT if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Ensure OpenSSL is installed. if [[ ! -x $openssl ]] then print -u2 "$mmcmd: $openssl not found." print -u2 " Ensure the OpenSSL code is properly installed." cleanupAndExit fi # Replace any colons in the cipher list string with commas. cipherList=$(print -- "$value" | $sed 's/:/,/g') # Ensure the version of openssl installed on this node # understands cipherList before setting it. if [[ $cipherList = "AUTHONLY" ]] then ciphers=$($openssl ciphers "NULL-SHA") elif [[ $cipherList = *"AUTHONLY"* ]] then print -u2 "$mmcmd: AUTHONLY cannot be specified in conjunction with other ciphers." else ciphers=$($openssl ciphers rsa "$cipherList") fi if [[ $cipherList != "AUTHONLY" && $sdrfsFormatLevel -eq 0 ]] then print -u2 "$mmcmd: Support for cipher lists other than AUTHONLY has not been enabled yet." print -u2 " Run \"mmchconfig release=LATEST\" to activate the new function." cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -z "$ciphers" ]] then # The specified cipher list is not supported. printErrorMsg 483 $mmcmd "$value" cleanupAndExit else : # The new cipher list is acceptable. fi # end of if [[ -z "$ciphers" ]] secLevel=1 else cipherList="" secLevel=0 fi # end of if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] # Make the change in the working copy of the mmsdrfs file. # Return the genkey generation number. keyGenNumber=$($awk -F: ' \ /^'$GLOBAL_ID:$VERSION_LINE:'/ { \ # If this is the version line, update the SECLEVEL field. \ { $'$SECLEVEL_Field' = "'$secLevel'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ # Return the current value of the genkey generation number. \ { print $'$NEW_KEY_Field' } \ { next } \ } \ /^'$HOME_CLUSTER:$NODESET_HDR:'/ { \ # If this is the header line, update the cipher list field. \ { $'$CIPHER_LIST_Field' = "'$cipherList'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ ' $newsdrfs) checkForErrors awk $? # Ensure that an authentication key file exists. if [[ $keyGenNumber -eq 0 && $secLevel -gt 0 ]] then # Run "mmauth genkey" first. printErrorMsg 307 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi # The file was updated successfully. $mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs" $? mmsdrfsModified=yes # The daemon must be down on all nodes if the multiple keys support # has not been activated yet or if we are about to switch from # a non-secure to a secure environment or vice-versa. if [[ $sdrfsFormatLevel -eq 0 || $currentCipherList != $value && ( $currentCipherList = DEFAULT || $value = DEFAULT ) ]] then if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="cipherList" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "maxreceiverthreads" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxReceiverThreads $value 1 128) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxReceiverThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "dmapieventtimeout" ) # Documented attribute #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange dmapiEventTimeout $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 86400000 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiEventTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------------- "dmapisessionfailuretimeout" ) # Documented attribute #----------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange dmapiSessionFailureTimeout $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 0 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiSessionFailureTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "dmapimounttimeout" ) # Documented attribute #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange dmapiMountTimeout $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 60 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiMountTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "tiebreakerdisks" ) # Documented attribute #------------------ if [[ "$value" = *+([-:${BLANKchar}${TABchar}])* ]] then # Use semi-colon (;) to separate the disk names. printErrorMsg 62 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Daemon must be down when changing quorum semantics. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # If going back to regular node quorum, nothing special to do. # If switching to disk-based quorum, or if changing the set # of quorum disks, call the setDiskQuorum routine to # prepare the disks. if [[ $value != no && $value != DEFAULT ]] then setDiskQuorum "$value" $newsdrfs rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # Command failed. printErrorMsg 389 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit $rc fi fi # end of if [[ $value != no && $value != DEFAULT ]] # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="tiebreakerDisks" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------------ "minquorumnodes" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange minQuorumNodes $value 1 5) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="minQuorumNodes" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "designation" ) # Documented attribute #-------------- # The detailed syntax check is done in function changeNodeDesignation. if [[ "$value" = *+([;:${BLANKchar}${TABchar}])* ]] then # Use the dash character to separate multiple node designations. printErrorMsg 61 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=quorum-client # Ensure there will be at least one quorum node in the cluster. if [[ $value = *nonquorum* && -z "$arglist" ]] then printErrorMsg 53 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change in the MEMBER_NODE lines. if [[ -z "$arglist" ]] then changeNodeDesignation "$value" $newsdrfs rc=$? else changeNodeDesignation "$value" $newsdrfs $nodefile rc=$? fi [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit mmsdrfsModified=yes [[ $propagateOptions != *rereadNodeList* ]] && \ propagateOptions=rereadNodeList,${propagateOptions} ;; #----------- "autoload" ) # Documented attribute #----------- # Check the new attribute value. [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=no if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="autoload" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "maxblocksize" ) # Documented attribute #--------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxblocksize $value 16K 16M) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxblocksize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "updatedisktype" ) # Documented attribute #----------------- [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=all if [[ $value != "all" && $value != "yes" && $value != /* ]] then # Incorrect value for this option. printErrorMsg 153 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Reevaluate the disk type for all disks in the cluster. updateDiskType $value $newsdrfs rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------- "pindaemon" ) #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="pindaemon" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "tcpport" | "tsctcpport" ) #------------------------- # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=$defaultTcpPort intValue=$(checkIntRange tscTcpPort $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Find and parse the NODESET_HDR line. sdrfsLine=$($grep -e "^$nodesetId:$NODESET_HDR::" $newsdrfs) IFS=":" set -f ; set -A v -- - $sdrfsLine ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" # Set the new value and put the line back v[$TCP_PORT_Field]=$value newLine=$(print_newLine) newGenNumber=$(updateSdrfsFile $newsdrfs "$nodesetId:$NODESET_HDR::" $newLine) checkForErrors "updateSdrfsFile $newsdrfs" $? # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="tscTcpPort" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------------------------- "gpfseventsport" | "eventsexportertcpport" ) #------------------------------------------- if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then # The default is the value of tscTcpPort, whatever it happens to be. # This is reflected by storing null in the mmsdrfs file. value="" else # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange eventsExporterTcpPort $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change in the working copy of the mmsdrfs file. $awk -F: ' \ # If this is the NODESET_HDR line, update the EVENTS_PORT_Field. \ /^'$HOME_CLUSTER:$NODESET_HDR:'/ { \ { $'$EVENTS_PORT_Field' = "'$value'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ ' $newsdrfs checkForErrors awk $? # The file was updated successfully. $mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs" $? mmsdrfsModified=yes # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. [[ -z $value ]] && value=DEFAULT attr="eventsExporterTcpPort" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------------------- "gpfsobjectport" | "mmgetobjdport" | \ "mmsdrservport" | "mmsdrservtcpport" ) #------------------------------------- if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then # The default is the value of tscTcpPort, whatever it happens to be. # This is reflected by storing null in the mmsdrfs file. Note that # zero is an acceptable value - it means that mmsdrserv should not # be used at all. value="" else # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange mmsdrservTcpPort $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change in the working copy of the mmsdrfs file. # The script will also determine if it is necessary to ensure # that GPFS is not running on the config server nodes. daemonMustBeDown=$($awk -F: ' \ /^'$HOME_CLUSTER:$NODESET_HDR:'/ { \ { daemonPort = $'$TCP_PORT_Field' } \ { oldSdrPort = $'$GETOBJECT_PORT_Field' } \ { newSdrPort = "'$value'" } \ # Decide if the daemon must be down. \ if ( oldSdrPort == "" || oldSdrPort == daemonPort || \ newSdrPort == "" || newSdrPort == daemonPort ) { \ { print "yes" } \ } \ # Update the GETOBJECT_PORT_Field with its new value. \ { $'$GETOBJECT_PORT_Field' = "'$value'" } \ { print $1":" $2":" $3":" $4":" $5":" $6":" $7":" $8":" $9":"$10":" \ $11":"$12":"$13":"$14":"$15":"$16":"$17":"$18":"$19":"$20":" \ $21":"$22":"$23":"$24":"$25":"$26":"$27":" >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ { next } \ } \ # All other lines are echoed without change. \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpsdrfs'" } \ ' $newsdrfs) checkForErrors awk $? # The file was updated successfully. $mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs checkForErrors "mv $tmpsdrfs $newsdrfs" $? mmsdrfsModified=yes # Since we are changing the TCP port number, the currently running # mmsdrserv daemons must be killed before the new instances can be # started. This is done as part of the commit process. commitOption=KILLSDRSERV # Depending on the old and new values of the sdrserv port, # it may be necessary to shutdown GPFS on the primary and # backup server for the change to be accomplished. If this # is not done, the config servers may be left over returning # stale information or mmsdrserv requests may fail because # an already running daemon cannot take over sdrserv duties. if [[ -n $daemonMustBeDown && -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then print -- "${primaryServer}\n${backupServer}" > $tmpNodes checkForErrors "writing to file $tmpNodes" $? # Verify the daemon is down; do not lock the Gpfs object. printInfoMsg 453 verifyDaemonInactive $tmpNodes [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # end of if [[ -n $daemonMustBeDown ]] ;; #------------------- "mmsdrservtimeout" ) #------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange mmsdrservTimeout $value 1 3600) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="mmsdrservTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "mmsdrservworkerpool" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange mmsdrservWorkerPool $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="mmsdrservWorkerPool" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------- "priority" ) #----------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange priority $value 1 99) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 40 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="priority" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "maxdatashippoolsize" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxDataShipPoolSize $value 32K 1M) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxDataShipPoolSize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "dmapienable" ) #-------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiEnable" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "dmapiworkerthreads" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange dmapiWorkerThreads $value 1 24) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiWorkerThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "dmapieventbuffers" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange dmapiEventBuffers $value 1 128) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dmapiEventBuffers" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "tscprimary" ) #------------- if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="tscPrimary" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "clustertype" ) #-------------- if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="clusterType" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "clustername" ) #-------------- # Note: This value should be changed via mmchcluster -C only. if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="clusterName" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "clusterid" ) #------------ # Note: This value should not be changed. if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="clusterID" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "autosgloadbalance" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr no " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="autoSgLoadBalance" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "tscworkerpool" ) #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange tscWorkerPool $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="tscWorkerPool" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "socketrcvbuffersize" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange socketRcvBufferSize $value 0) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="socketRcvBufferSize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "socketsndbuffersize" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange socketSndBufferSize $value 0) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="socketSndBufferSize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "writealldescreplicas" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="writeAllDescReplicas" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------------- "waitforvsd" | "wait4rvsd" ) #--------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="wait4RVSD" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "usedisklease" ) #--------------- # Check the new attribute value. [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=yes if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate && $value = no ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # When turning off useDiskLease, the daemon must be down on all nodes. if [[ $value = no && -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. [[ -n $immediate ]] && \ tsctlParms_onactive="$tsctlParms_onactive $attr $value " # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="useDiskLease" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "leaseduration" ) #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange leaseDuration $value 5 1800) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="leaseDuration" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "leaserecoverywait" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange leaseRecoveryWait $value 1 1800) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="leaseRecoveryWait" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "leasedmstimeout" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange leaseDMSTimeout $value 0 1800) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="leaseDMSTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "pingperiod" ) #------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange pingPeriod $value 1 10) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="pingPeriod" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------- "totalpingtimeout" ) #------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange totalPingTimeout $value 1 1800) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="totalPingTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "minmissedpingtimeout" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange minMissedPingTimeout $value 1 300) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="minMissedPingTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "maxmissedpingtimeout" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxMissedPingTimeout $value 1 300) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxMissedPingTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "sendtimeout" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange sendTimeout $value 1 300) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="sendTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "prefetchtimeout" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange prefetchTimeout $value 2 30) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 5 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="prefetchTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "prefetchthreads" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange prefetchThreads $value 2 550) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="prefetchThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "prefetchpct" ) #-------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange prefetchPct $value 0 60) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="prefetchPct" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "hotlistpct" ) #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange hotlistPct $value 0 60) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="hotlistPct" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "worker1threads" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange worker1Threads $value 1 550) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="worker1Threads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "worker3threads" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange worker3Threads $value 1 64) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="worker3Threads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------- "maxmbps" ) #---------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxMBpS $value 1 100000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 150 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxMBpS" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "takeovertimeout" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange takeovertimeout $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 600 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="takeovertimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "pcttokenmgrstorageuse" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange pctTokenMgrStorageUse $value 1 90) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 25 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="pctTokenMgrStorageUse" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------------------------- "unmountondiskfail" | "panicondiskfail" ) # Documented attribute #---------------------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no && $value != meta ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr no " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="unmountOnDiskFail" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "crashdump" ) #------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange crashdump $value 0 1) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 0 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="crashdump" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "assertonstructureerror" ) #------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr no " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="assertOnStructureError" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------- "trace" ) #-------- # If requested, change the trace levels on the running daemon. if [[ -n $immediate && -s $nodefile ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then $mmcommon onall $nodefile $unreachedNodes \ adminCmd mmfsadm trace "all 0" else $mmcommon onall $nodefile $unreachedNodes \ adminCmd mmfsadm trace "$value" fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="trace" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------ "res" ) # Resource tracking options #------ if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="res" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "asyncsocketnotify" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="asyncSocketNotify" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "pinmaster" ) #------------ # value must have the following format: "stack:256K data:4096K" # The range for stack is 64K to 4M # The range for data is 64K to 128M if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="pinmaster" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "maxinodedeallochistory" ) #------------------------- # The range for maxInodeDeallocPrefetch is 0 to maxFilesToCache # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then intValue=$(checkIntRange maxInodeDeallocHistory $value 1 100000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxInodeDeallocHistory" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------------- "maxinodedeallocprefetch" ) #-------------------------- # The range for maxInodeDeallocPrefetch is # 0 to min(maxInodeDeallocHistory, 16) # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then intValue=$(checkIntRange maxInodeDeallocPrefetch $value 1 16) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 8 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxInodeDeallocPrefetch" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "mmapkprocs" ) #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange mmapKprocs $value 0 10000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 3 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="mmapKprocs" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "maxfcntlrangesperfile" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxFcntlRangesPerFile $value 10 200000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 200 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxFcntlRangesPerFile" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------------- "allowsynchronousfcntlretries" ) #------------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr yes " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="allowSynchronousFcntlRetries" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------------- "retryfcntltokenthreshold" ) #--------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange retryFcntlTokenThreshold $value 0 1000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 200 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="retryFcntlTokenThreshold" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "eewatchdoginterval" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange eeWatchDogInterval $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 90 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="eeWatchDogInterval" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------------- "eewatchdoghungthreadcutoff" ) #----------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange eeWatchDogHungThreadCutoff $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 60 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="eeWatchDogHungThreadCutoff" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "watchdogtimeout" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange watchdogtimeout $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 20 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="watchdogtimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "nsdbufspace" ) #-------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdbufspace $value 10 70) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 30 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdbufspace" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "nsdthreadsperdisk" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdThreadsPerDisk $value 1 128) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdThreadsPerDisk" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "nsdminworkerthreads" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdMinWorkerThreads $value 1 128) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdMinWorkerThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "nsdmaxworkerthreads" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdMaxWorkerThreads $value 1 128) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdMaxWorkerThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------------------ "nsdservercheckingintervalformount" ) #------------------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdServerCheckingIntervalForMount $value 1 60) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 10 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdServerCheckingIntervalForMount" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------------- "nsdserverwaitconfig" ) #---------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdServerWaitConfig $value 0 2) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 2 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdServerWaitConfig" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------------- "nsdserverwaittimeformount" ) #---------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdServerWaitTimeForMount $value 0 1200) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 300 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdServerWaitTimeForMount" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------------------- "nsdserverwaittimewindowonmount" ) #--------------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount $value 1 1200) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 600 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "readreplicapolicy" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then if [[ $value != "local" && $value != "fastest" && $value != "default" ]] then # Incorrect value for this option. printErrorMsg 153 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="readReplicaPolicy" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "addnodestate" ) #--------------- if [[ $value != "new" && $value != "old" ]] then # Invalid node designation specified printErrorMsg 293 $mmcmd $value cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change in the MEMBER_NODE lines. if [[ -z "$arglist" ]] then changeAddNodeState $value $newsdrfs rc=$? else changeAddNodeState $value $newsdrfs $nodefile $allnodes rc=$? fi [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit mmsdrfsModified=yes synchronousNotify=yes [[ $propagateOptions != *rereadNodeList* ]] && \ propagateOptions=rereadNodeList,${propagateOptions} # No other attributes can be processed after addNodeState break ;; #---------- "release" ) # Documented attribute #---------- [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=LATEST if [[ $value != "LATEST" && $value != "latest" ]] then # An invalid value was specified. printErrorMsg 13 "$mmcmd" "$attributePair" cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the appropriate preliminary changes. convertMmsdrfsFile $newsdrfs rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------------- "release_disabled" ) # Disable the code that handles release level determination. #------------------- [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] && value=LATEST if [[ $value != "LATEST" && $value != "latest" && $value != +([0-9]).+([0-9]).+([0-9]).+([0-9]) ]] then n=$(checkIntRange DaemonVersion $value) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then # Invalid value specified printErrorMsg 13 "$mmcmd" "$attributePair" cleanupAndExit fi fi # -I (immediate only) option not allowed if [[ $immediate = "-I" ]] then printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ $value = "LATEST" || $value = "latest" ]] then # Make the appropriate preliminary changes. convertMmsdrfsFile $newsdrfs rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit mmsdrfsModified=yes else # The request is to set the version to a specific level. # This requires the daemon to be stopped everywhere. if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi fi # end if [[ $value = "LATEST" || $value = "latest" ]] # Verify that the NODESET_HDR version fields are up-to-date. result=$(setNodesetVersionFields $value $nodefile $newsdrfs) IFS=':' set -f ; set -- $result ; set +f IFS="$IFS_sv" rc=$2 status=$3 maxFeatureLevelAllowed=$4 # If the daemon version has changed, make the appropriate # changes to mmfs.cfg. if [[ $status = changed ]] then # If upgrading the version level, the immediate option is implied. [[ $value = "LATEST" || $value = "latest" ]] && \ immediate="-i"; # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. [[ -n $immediate ]] && \ tsctlParms_onactive="$tsctlParms_onactive $attr $value " # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. value=$maxFeatureLevelAllowed attr="maxFeatureLevelAllowed" mmfscfgChange=yes ignoreNodeList=yes fi ;; #------------------------- "maxfeaturelevelallowed" ) #------------------------- n=$(checkIntRange maxFeatureLevelAllowed $value 0 100000) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. [[ -n $immediate ]] && \ tsctlParms_onactive="$tsctlParms_onactive $attr $value " # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxFeatureLevelAllowed" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "writebehindthreshhold" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange writebehindThreshhold $value 0 ) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 512K " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="writebehindThreshhold" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "seqdiscardthreshhold" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange seqDiscardThreshhold $value 0 ) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 1M " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="seqDiscardThreshhold" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------- "syncinterval" ) #--------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange syncInterval $value 0 3600) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then if [[ $osName = Linux ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 30 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 70 " fi else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi # end if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] fi # end if [[ -n $immediate ]] # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="syncInterval" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "iohistorysize" ) #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange ioHistorySize $value 32 32768) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 512 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="ioHistorySize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "maxfilecleaners" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxfilecleaners $value 0 32) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 8 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxFileCleaners" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "flusheddatatarget" ) #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange flushedDataTarget $value 0 256) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 32 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="flushedDataTarget" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "flushedinodetarget" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange flushedInodeTarget $value 0 256) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 32 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="flushedInodeTarget" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "sharedmemlimit" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange sharedMemLimit $value 0 2047M) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="sharedMemLimit" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "tokenmemlimit" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange tokenMemLimit $value 0 2047M) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="tokenMemLimit" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------------- "maxbackgrounddeletionthreads" ) #------------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxBackgroundDeletionThreads $value 0 8) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 4 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxBackgroundDeletionThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------------- "maxnfsdelegationtimeout" ) #-------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxNFSDelegationTimeout $value 3 3600) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 60 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxNFSDelegationTimeout" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "nfsprefetchstrategy" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange nfsPrefetchStrategy $value 0 10) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 0 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nfsPrefetchStrategy" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "enablenfscluster" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="enableNFSCluster" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "enableuidremap" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="enableUIDremap" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "enablestatuidremap" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="enableStatUIDremap" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "uidexpiration" ) #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange uidExpiration $value) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="uidExpiration" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "maxallocpcttocache" ) #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxAllocPctToCache $value 0 100) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 0 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxAllocPctToCache" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------------- "ignorereplicaspaceonstat" ) #--------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr no " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="IgnoreReplicaSpaceOnStat" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "enabletreebasedquotas" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # The daemon must be down on all nodes in the cluster. if [[ -z $daemonInactiveVerified ]] then printInfoMsg 339 verifyDaemonInactive $allnodes $mmcmd [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit daemonInactiveVerified=yes fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="enableTreeBasedQuotas" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------- "license" ) #---------- if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="LICENSE" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "listenonallinterfaces" ) #------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="listenOnAllInterfaces" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------- "subnets" ) #---------- if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="subnets" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "maxsgdesciobufsize" ) # Undocumented attribute #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Convert attribute value into a simple integer. intValue=$(checkIntRange maxSGDescIOBufSize $value 262144 2097152) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxSGDescIOBufSize" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------- "distributedtokenserver" ) #------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr yes " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="distributedTokenServer" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------------ "multitmmountthreshold" ) #------------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange multiTMMountThreshold $value 1 4096) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 2 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="multiTMMountThreshold" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------ "maxtokenservers" ) #------------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange maxTokenServers $value 1 256) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 128 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxTokenServers" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "healthcheckinterval" ) #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then n=$(checkIntRange healthCheckInterval $value 10 7200) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n $immediate ]] then # -i cannot be used. printErrorMsg 375 $mmcmd $immediate $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="healthCheckInterval" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------------- "setctimeonattrchange" ) #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr yes " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="setCtimeOnAttrChange" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------------- "qrevokewatchthreshold" ) #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. n=$(checkIntRange qRevokeWatchThreshold $value 0 600) [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr 2 " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="qRevokeWatchThreshold" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------------- "allowdeleteaclonchmod" ) #---------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Check the new attribute value. if [[ $value != yes && $value != no ]] then printErrorMsg 37 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi fi # If needed, set parameters for the tsctl command. if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ $value = DEFAULT ]] then tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr yes " else tsctlParms="$tsctlParms $attr $value " fi fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="allowDeleteAclOnChmod" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #################################################################### # The following parameters are obsolete. They can only be deleted. #################################################################### #------------------------------------------- "singlenodequorum" | "usesinglenodequorum" ) # Obsolete attribute #------------------------------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="useSingleNodeQuorum" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "corequorum" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="coreQuorum" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------- "diskquorum" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="diskQuorum" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "comm_protocol" ) # Obsolete attribute #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="comm_protocol" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------- "dynmemsize" ) # Obsolete attribute #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="dynMemSize" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #-------------- "maxpagepool" ) # Obsolete attribute #-------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="maxpagepool" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------- "mallocsize" ) # Obsolete attribute #------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="mallocsize" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #----------------------- "memrebalanceinterval" ) # Obsolete attribute #----------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="memrebalanceinterval" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #------------------- "importancefactor" ) # Obsolete attribute #------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="importancefactor" mmfscfgChange=yes mmsdrfsModified=yes ;; #----------------- "worker2threads" ) # Obsolete parameter #----------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="worker2Threads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #---------------- "usespsecurity" ) # Obsolete parameter #---------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="useSPSecurity" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------------- "useauthentication" ) # Obsolete attribute #-------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="useAuthentication" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------------------- "spsecworkerthreads" ) # Obsolete parameter #--------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="spsecWorkerThreads" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------- "group" ) # Obsolete parameter #--------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="group" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "recgroup" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="recgroup" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #----------- "nodelist" ) # Obsolete parameter #----------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nodelist" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "multinode" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="multinode" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------ "nodeprefs" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------ if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="nodeprefs" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #------------------- "locktableversion" ) # Obsolete parameter #------------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="lockTableVersion" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #--------- "logdir" ) # Obsolete parameter #--------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="logDir" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; #-------------- "minpagepool" ) # Obsolete parameter #-------------- if [[ $value != DEFAULT ]] then # Obsolete attribute. printErrorMsg 19 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi if [[ -n "$arglist" ]] then # cannot be used. printErrorMsg 192 $mmcmd $attr cleanupAndExit fi # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. attr="minpagepool" mmfscfgChange=yes ;; # End of obsolete attribute section. # Add new attributes above the obsolete section. #---- * ) # unknown attribute #---- # Warning: unknown attribute. The user is asked to press the enter key # to bypass this argument. If the user enters 999, we assume the guy # knows what he is doing and we'll put the attribute in the mmfs.cfg file. printErrorMsg 277 $mmcmd $attr read response [[ $response = "999" ]] && mmfscfgChange=yes ;; esac ################################################################### # If -I (Immediate ONLY) was specified, then do not # make any change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. ################################################################### if [[ -n $immediateOnly ]] then mmfscfgChange=no mmsdrfsModified=no mmfscfgModified=no synchronousNotify=no fi ################################################################### # Make the change to the work copy of the mmfs.cfg file. ################################################################### if [[ $mmfscfgChange = yes ]] then if [[ -n $ignoreNodeList ]] then $mmfixcfg "$attr" "$value" <$tmpcfgFile >$newcfg else $mmfixcfg "$attr" "$value" $argcust <$tmpcfgFile >$newcfg fi checkForMmfixcfgErrors "$attr" $? mmfscfgModified=yes # Get ready for the next attribute. $cp $newcfg $tmpcfgFile checkForErrors "cp $newcfg $tmpcfgFile" $? mmfscfgChange=no fi # end of if [[ $mmfscfgChange = yes ]] done # end of main loop # Remove any back-to-back or unnecessary occurrences of [common] # and/or [node] headers that were created by mmfixcfg. $rm -f $tmpfile awk ' \ BEGIN { # Initialize state variables. \ { headerFound = 0 } \ { oldHeader = null } \ } \ # Process any [common] or [node] header lines. \ # If a header line is encountered, we save it until we \ # encounter an attribute line, since we may encounter \ # multiple headers before encountering an attribute. \ # If a header is immediately followed by a header, \ # the 1st header is dropped and the 2nd header is saved. \ # If a new header is encountered and it matches the \ # last header that was output, it is not printed. \ # When an attribute line is encountered immediately after \ # a header, the header and the attribute are printed, \ # provided the header is different than the header in effect. \ # \ /^\[/ { # A header line was encountered. Remember it. \ { headerFound = 1 } \ { newHeader = $0 } \ { next } \ } \ { # A non-header line was encountered. Do the right thing. \ if ( headerFound == 1 ) { \ if ( newHeader != oldHeader ) { \ { print newHeader >> "'$tmpfile'" } \ { oldHeader = newHeader } \ } \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpfile'" } \ { headerFound = 0 } \ } else { \ { print $0 >> "'$tmpfile'" } \ } \ } \ END { } \ ' $newcfg checkForErrors awk $? # Use the modified version of the file as the new config file. $mv $tmpfile $newcfg # See if the config file changed as a result of the awk script above. # Note that it is not necessary to do this if we know that the file # has changed as a result of changing a mmfs.cfg attribute. if [[ $mmfscfgModified = no ]] then $diff $oldcfgFile $newcfg >/dev/null 2>/dev/null [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && mmfscfgModified=yes fi ########################################################## # Put the new mmfs.cfg information in the mmsdrfs file. ########################################################## if [[ $mmfscfgModified = yes || $mmsdrfsModified = yes ]] then # Add the new version of the mmfs.cfg file. If there were no changes to # parameters that reside in mmfs.cfg, newcfg is the same as oldcfgFile. appendCfgFile $nodesetId $newcfg $newsdrfs checkForErrors "appendCfgFile" $? # Sort the new version of the mmsdrfs file. LC_ALL=C $SORT_MMSDRFS $newsdrfs -o $newsdrfs checkForErrors sort $? mmsdrfsModified=yes mmfscfgModified=no fi ########################################################## # Put the new mmsdrfs file into the sdr. # This function also updates all local system files. ########################################################## trap "" HUP INT QUIT KILL if [[ $mmfscfgModified = yes || $mmsdrfsModified = yes ]] then gpfsObjectInfo=$(commitChanges \ $nodesetId $nsId $gpfsObjectInfo $newGenNumber $newsdrfs $primaryServer $commitOption) rc=$? else # Nothing changed. The user entered an unknown attribute # and bailed out, or maybe it was an immediateOnly command. rc=0 fi if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # The commit step failed. printErrorMsg 381 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit else # Command was successful. if [[ $mmfscfgModified = yes || $mmsdrfsModified = yes ]] then # Generic success message printErrorMsg 272 $mmcmd elif [[ -n $immediateOnly ]] then : # Nothing done yet, left for immediate execution else # Nothing was changed. printErrorMsg 323 $mmcmd cleanupAndExit 0 fi fi # If necessary, update the rest of the nodes while still holding # the sdr lock. This is needed for the changeNodeState request. if [[ $synchronousNotify = yes ]] then $mmTRACE "synchronous notify starts" if [[ -s $allnodes ]] then propagateSdrfsFile sync $allnodes $newsdrfs $newGenNumber $propagateOptions rc=$? elif [[ -s $nodefile ]] then propagateSdrfsFile sync $nodefile $newsdrfs $newGenNumber $propagateOptions rc=$? else : # nothing to update fi $mmTRACE "synchronous notify ends rc=$rc" checkForErrors "mmcommon propagateSdrfsFile" $rc fi ################################################################### # Unlock the sdr ################################################################### freeLockOnServer $primaryServer $ourNodeNumber >/dev/null sdrLocked=no trap posttrap HUP INT QUIT KILL ########################################################################### # If immediate changes requested, make them. Screen out success messages. ########################################################################### if [[ -n $immediate ]] then if [[ -n $tschpoolParms ]] then $mmcommon onall $nodefile $unreachedNodes \ tschpool "$tschpoolParms" > $tmpfile 2>&1 rc=$? $cat $tmpfile 1>&2 | \ $grep -v -e "6027-749" -e "Pool size changed to" fi if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $tsctlParms ]] then $mmcommon onall $nodefile $unreachedNodes \ tsctl "setCfgValue $tsctlParms" rc=$? fi if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $tsctlParms_onactive ]] then $mmcommon onactive $preferredNode $nodefile \ $NO_FILE_COPY $NO_MOUNT_CHECK NULL $NO_LINK \ tsctl "setCfgValue $tsctlParms_onactive" rc=$? fi if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then # The -i step failed. printErrorMsg 309 $mmcmd fi fi # end of if [[ -n $immediate ]] #################################################################### # If not already done, propagate the changes to all affected nodes. #################################################################### [[ $synchronousNotify = yes || -n $immediateOnly ]] && \ cleanupAndExit 0 if [[ -s $allnodes ]] then propagateSdrfsFile async $allnodes $newsdrfs $newGenNumber $propagateOptions elif [[ -s $nodefile ]] then propagateSdrfsFile async $nodefile $newsdrfs $newGenNumber $propagateOptions else : # nothing to update fi cleanupAndExit 0