import wx, sys, os, gettext, string, time import wx.wizard as wiz from config import generate_ip_list, drbl_ocs, all_clonezilla_save_opt, clonezilla_disk_part, server_client_input, client_action_after_save, compress_mode cat = gettext.GNUTranslations(open('../langs/' % os.getenv('LANG'))) _ = cat.gettext global selected_clients, selected_disk_parts_save_opt, selected_clonezilla_save_opt, selected_server_client_opt globla selected_img_dev_name, selected_client_action, selected_compress_mode selected_clients = ['-nl',''] selected_disk_parts_save_opt = ['','save'] selected_clonezilla_save_opt = [] selected_server_client_opt = [''] # not count selected_img_dev_name = ['',''] selected_client_action = [''] selected_compress_mode = [''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def makePageTitle(wizPg, title): sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) wizPg.SetSizer(sizer) title = wx.StaticText(wizPg, -1, title) title.SetFont(wx.Font(12, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) sizer.Add(title, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(wizPg, -1), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) return sizer #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class checklistCtrl(wx.ListCtrl, CheckListCtrlMixin): def __init__(self, parent, log): wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT) CheckListCtrlMixin.__init__(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnItemActivated) def OnItemActivated(self, evt): self.ToggleItem(evt.m_itemIndex) def OnCheckItem(self, index, flag): data = self.GetItemData(index) arg = all_clonezilla_save_opt[data][0] if flag: selected_clonezilla_save_opt.append(arg) else: selected_clonezilla_save_opt.remove(arg) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class setAllClientsPage(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = 0 wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('msg_select_all_clients_or_select_part_them'), pos=(10,60), size=(500,100), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('msg_set_all_clients_des'), pos=(10,80), size=(500,100), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) ox = ['Yes', 'No'] self.rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_set_all_clients'), (10,150), (250,75), ox, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS|wx.NO_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, self.rb) def EvtRadioBox(self, event): if event.GetSelection() == 0: selected_clients[0] = '-nl' if event.GetSelection() == 1: selected_clients[0] = '-h' def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): next = self.fuse_next = self.fuse_next + 1 if self.fuse_next == 2: if self.rb.GetSelection() == 0: next = next.GetNext() return next def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_next = 0 prev = self.prev return prev #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class selectClientsPage(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.SelectedClientsArray = [] self.SelectedClientsStr = '' self.fuse_next = self.fuse_prev = 0 AllClientsArray = os.popen(generate_ip_list).read().split('\n') AllClientsArray.remove('') = wx.CheckListBox(self, -1, (10,50), (470,250), AllClientsArray) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX, self.EvtCheckListBox, def EvtCheckListBox(self, event): index = event.GetSelection() label = if self.SelectedClientsArray.append(label) if not ( self.SelectedClientsArray.remove(label) #so that (un)checking also selects (moves the highlight) def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): next = self.fuse_prev = 0 self.fuse_next = self.fuse_next + 1 if self.fuse_next == 2: if selected_clients[0] == '-h': if len(self.SelectedClientsArray)==0): war = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE!!', 'WARNNING!!', wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) war.ShowModal() war.Destroy() return self else: for x in self.SelectedClientsArray: self.SelectedClientsStr = x + ' ' + self.SelectedClientsStr self.SelectedClientsStr = '\"' + self.SelectedClientsStr + '\"' selected_clients[1] = self.SelectedClientsStr return next def GetPrev(self): prev = self.prev self.fuse_next = 0 return prev #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage1(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_prev = 0 list = [] for i in range(0, len(clonezilla_disk_part)): list.append(clonezilla_disk_part[i][0] + ' ' + clonezilla_disk_part[i][1]) rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_choose_mode'), (35, 50), (260,90), ModeList, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, rb) def EvtRadioBox(self, event): selected_disk_parts_save_opt[0] = clonezilla_disk_part[event.GetSelection()][0] def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): self.fuse_prev = 0 return def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_prev = self.fuse_prev + 1 if self.fuse_prev == 1: prev = self.prev if selected_clients[0] == '-nl': prev = prev.GetPrev() return prev #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage2(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = 0 list = [] for i in range(0, len(server_client)): list.append(server_client[i][0]) rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_choose_mode'), (35, 50), (260,90), list, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, rb) def EvtRadioBox(self, event): selected_server_client_opt[0] = server_client[event.GetSelection()][0] def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): next = self.fuse_next = self.fuse_next + 1 if self.fuse_next == 2: if selected_server_client_opt[0] == server_client[1][0]: next = next.GetNext() return next def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_next = 0 return self.prev #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage3(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = self.fuse_prev = 0 wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('msg_input_image_name'), (10, 160)) self.text_img = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', (10, 180), size=(200, -1)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('msg_input_device_name'), (10, 210)) self.text_dev = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', (10, 230), size=(190, -1)) def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): self.fuse_prev = 0 if self.fuse_next == 2: if selected_server_client_opt[0] == server_client[1][0]: selected_img_dev_name[0] = selected_img_dev_name[1] = '' #print ('selected_img_dev_name[0] is %s, selected_img_dev_name[1] is %s' % (selected_img_dev_name[0], selected_img_dev_name[1])) elif self.text_img.GetValue() == '' or self.text_dev.GetValue() == '': warnning = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'YOU MUST ENTER SOMETHING!!', 'WARNNING', wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) warnning.ShowModal() warnning.Destroy() return self else: selected_img_dev_name[0] = self.text_img.GetValue() selected_img_dev_name[1] = self.text_dev.GetValue() print ('selected_img_dev_name[0] is %s, selected_img_dev_name[1] is %s' % (selected_img_dev_name[0], selected_img_dev_name[1])) return def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_next = 0 return self.prev #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage4(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = self.fuse_prev = 0 ox = [_('msg_yes'), _('msg_no')] wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('msg_skip_set_advanced_extra_param'), (10,60), (470,100), wx.TE_MULTILINE) rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_choose_action'), (10,100), (100,50), ox, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS|wx.NO_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, rb) rb.SetSelection(1) self.SkipExtraParam = 'no' def EvtRadioBox(self, event): if event.GetSelection() == 0: self.SkipExtraParam = 'yes' else: self.SkipExtraParam = 'no' def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): next = command = command_log = '' self.fuse_prev = 0 self.fuse_next = self.fuse_next + 1 if self.fuse_next == 2: if self.SkipExtraParam == 'yes': if selected_server_client_opt[0] == server_client[1][0]: command = ('%s %s %s' % (drbl_ocs, selected_clients[0], selected_clients[1])) else: command = ('%s %s %s %s %s' % (drbl_ocs, selected_clients[0], selected_clients[1], selected_img_dev_name[0], selected_img_dev_name[1])) file = open('tmp.log','w') os.system('sudo %s > tmp.log' % command) time.sleep(6) file.close() file = open('tmp.log') while True: line = file.readline() if len(line) == 0: # Zero length indicates EOF break command_log = command_log + line file.close() os.remove('tmp.log') FinalCommand.SetLabel('%s' % command) CommandLog.WriteText('%s' % command_log) for i in range(0,3): next = next.GetNext() return next def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_next = 0 self.fuse_prev = self.fuse_prev + 1 prev = self.prev if self.fuse_prev == 1: if selected_img_dev_name[0] == '' and selected_img_dev_name[1] == '': prev = prev.GetPrev() return prev #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage5(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = self.fuse_prev = 0 self.list = checkListCtrl(self, title) sizer = wx.BoxSizer() sizer.Add(self.list, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.list.InsertColumn(0, _('argument')) #not translated self.list.InsertColumn(1, _('meannings'), wx.LIST_FORMAT_LEFT) #not translated for key, data in selected_clonezilla_save_opt.iteritems(): index = self.list.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, data[0]) self.list.SetStringItem(index, 1, data[1]) self.list.SetItemData(index, key) self.list.SetColumnWidth(0, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) self.list.SetColumnWidth(1, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) self.list.CheckItem(0) self.list.CheckItem(1) def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): self.fuse_prev = 0 return def GetPrev(self): return self.prev #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage6(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) list = [] for i in range(0, len(client_action_after_save)): list.append(client_action_after_save[i][0] + ' ' + client_action_after_save[i][1]) rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_choose_post_mode_after_clone'), (10,100), (250,100), list, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS|wx.NO_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, rb) rb.SetSelection(0) selected_client_action[0] = '-p choose' def EvtRadioBox(self, event): selected_client_action[0] = client_action_after_save[event.GetSelection()][0] def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): return def GetPrev(self): return self.prev #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class clonezillaSavePage7(wiz.PyWizardPage): def __init__(self, parent, title): wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) = self.prev = None self.sizer = makePageTitle(self, title) self.fuse_next = 0 list = [] for i in range(0, len(compress_mode)): list.append(compress_mode[i][0] + ' ' + compress_mode[i][1]) rb = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _('msg_choose_post_mode_after_clone'), (10,100), (300,100), list, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS|wx.NO_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.EvtRadioBox, rb) rb.SetSelection(3) selected_compress_mode = '-z3' def EvtRadioBox(self, event): selected_compress_mode[0] = compress_mode[event.GetSelection()][0] def SetNext(self, next): = next def SetPrev(self, prev): self.prev = prev def GetNext(self): command = command_log = '' self.fuse_next = self.fuse_next + 1 if self.fuse_next == 2: if selected_clients[0] == '-nl': selected_clients[0] = '' command = drbl_ocs + selected_clonezilla_save_opt + selected_client_action[0] + selected_compress_mode[0] + selected_clients[0] + selected_clients[1] + selected_disk_parts_save_opt #if FinalArgs[i] != '': #command = command + FinalArgs[i] + ' ' file = open('tmp.log','w') os.system('%s > tmp.log' % command) time.sleep(6) file.close() file = open('tmp.log') while True: line = file.readline() if len(line) == 0: # Zero length indicates EOF break command_log = command_log + line file.close() os.remove('tmp.log') FinalCommand.SetLabel('%s' % command) CommandLog.WriteText('%s' % command_log) return def GetPrev(self): self.fuse_next = 0 return self.prev