#!/bin/bash # Program: # Deploy PXE PV VM to DRBL client # Author: # Jazz, Rock {jazz, rock}@nchc.org.tw # Version: # 1.0 # History: # 2010/08/27 Rock First release (1.0) # [Source] source /opt/drbl-virt/conf/drbl-virt.conf source $Work_Path/functions_drbl_virt #source ./functions_drbl_PXE_PV-VM_create # [Declation] # = 1. Varibales declation = #vm_dir="/home/domains" # = 2. Functions declation = Usage(){ echo "Usage: drbl_xen_cmd options" echo "Options:" echo "-c|--client client name" echo "-x|--execute execute command" echo "Example:" echo "drbl_xen_cmd -c drbl101 -x 'shutdown'" } # [Main] check_root # = 1. Parse parameters = if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then Usage && exit fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -c|--client) shift if [ -z "$(echo $1 |grep ^-.)" ]; then if [ -n "$(echo $1)" ]; then client_name=$1 else echo "-h client value is null" Usage && exit 2 fi shift fi ;; -x|--command) shift if [ -z "$(echo $1 |grep ^-.)" ]; then if [ -n "$(echo $1)" ]; then command="$1" else echo "-x command is null" Usage && exit 2 fi shift fi ;; -*) echo "$0 $1 invalid option" >&2 echo "" Usage >&2 exit 2 ;; *) Usage >&2 exit 2 ;; esac done # = 2. Check null value = [ -z $client_name ] && echo "[Error] no host" && Usage && exit 2 [ -z "$command" ] && echo "[Error] no command" && Usage && exit 2 # = 3. ssh client to execute command = echo "[$client_name]" # check network IP_status="online" ping -c1 -w1 $client_name > /dev/null 2>&1 || IP_status="offline" if [ $IP_status == "offline" ]; then echo "[Error] $client_name's network is offline !!!" else ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $client_name "$command" fi